Back Tattoo Rose

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  • 4JNA
    Mar 31, 12:41 PM
    when 'Vista' was out, they were awesome, funny, and relevant.

    vista went away (thank you (deity of choice)), and now they would not work. can's wait to see what they come up with next.

    Apple is one of a handful of companies that i actually look forward to advertising from.

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  • MrCheeto
    May 5, 01:55 PM
    This is ridiculous. How these bugs have persisted ever since 4.1 is beyond me and not consistent with Apple's standards.


    Modifying any iTunes song (anything in the info pane. Album name, artist, etc) causes Album Artwork not to display on the Lock screen until the phone is restarted. Also, new songs added will have no artwork on the lock screen during playback until you restart your phone...yeah.


    You can paste in the search field in maps...once or twice, then you have to restart the app because it will no longer display the "Paste" button!

    I seem to remember when the original iPhone came out something about being able to tap an address in Messages or Safari and an option "View in Maps" would appear. I have nothing like this. Does it simply not exist??? Why???


    When you are setting your wallpaper, I like to use wallpapers that don't go behind the time or unlock slider, it stays perfectly framed in the center and not behind the semi-transparent blocks at the top and bottom. But no matter how well you adjust it in Wallpaper setting, when you're done, your image will be a millimeter from where you wanted it. Sometimes less, sometimes more, sometimes too high, sometimes too low. WTF! Fix this! It worked perfectly on my 3Gs with iPhone 3...


    There was minimal keyboard lag in iPhone 3 but in iOS 4... oh lawdy. I can tap out three whole words and the keyboard is still highlighting the first letter I tapped... NO, switching the phone to silent mode doesn't help. This is stupid, Apple can't make something as simple as a ******* keyboard work??? What???

    Vibrating alerts:

    This has always been an issue, as far as I can remember even the iPhone 3Gs. The vibration function is simply busted. Sometimes it buzzes twice as long, sometimes it's very very short, sometimes it buzzes twice, sometimes once, sometimes it does stupid "long, short" buzzes! It's STUPID! How hard is it to make this work? Cell phones have been doing it since...forever! It's not really that hard! It's been made even worse with the new text alerts. Sometimes texts have NO vibration, sometimes they have stupid patterns that make no sense what-so-ever.

    Home Button:

    The home button worked once in the iPhone's lifetime. Since the very day I got the iPhone 4, oh hell. Click once, it reacts to two clicks, click twice, it reacts to one click, click three times, ah what the hell, it's all a crap shoot. I just pray when I click it actually does something I can work with. I'm done with this friggin thing.

    I am displeased.

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  • Lacero
    Mar 5, 01:56 PM
    I use the WRT54G here as well. Great web setup interface. Works with my PB airport extreme card. Cheap too.

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  • Bacong
    Oct 22, 03:18 AM
    Is the SwitchEasy screen protector high quality and does it resist fingerprints or attract MORE fingerprint? :confused:

    seems fine. really does nothing about fingerprints.

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  • programmerzach
    Apr 24, 12:53 PM
    I'm a beginner programmer and to practice programming I'm working on a program that performs sequence formulas.
    When I run the program, the first text field is already selected and you can't see the placeholder. I selected Refuse first responder for all the text fields but then Tab doesn't go to the next field. Is there a better way to not have any text fields selected at the start of the program?



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  • frankieboy
    May 7, 12:43 AM
    I'd guess, wrong part or incorrect installation, or both.

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  • mulo
    Apr 29, 09:41 AM

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  • arn
    Jun 5, 05:03 PM

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  • Designer Dale
    Apr 20, 02:32 PM
    There are reviews of both cameras on DPReview. The link is listed below this post. The XSi is the 400D and the T1i is the 500D. both use E-3 Type wired remote. The 40D, which the remote was designed for, uses an N3 Type wired remote (I don't know what that means). Vivitar makes a version of the remote in your link specifically for the Rebel cameras. The firmware on the 500D is user upgradable. You might want to look into that. I do know that the pin-outs on the jacks are different. Maybe the newer camera doesn't read the input the same. In which case you need a new remote.

    Canon 500D on DPReview (

    More Than You Want to Know About Camera Jacks (


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  • AndrewR23
    May 5, 09:19 PM
    I got a refurb for my then 20 month old 3Gs about 3 weeks ago. It's a 5K.

    It looks and feels new (nice to havea FRESH oleophobic screen!), but is slower than molasses with 4.3.2 (mine had 4.3.1 or 4.3) and the bluetooth is very hard to connect to my horseless carriage whereas the old one connected fine. If I like and get the iPhone 5 this fall, no biggie, but if I do not like it and hand another year with the 3Gs I may be an unhappy camper.


    You can always go to Apple and ask for a new "Replacement." Its a replacement phone that isn't a refurb.

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  • insomnie
    May 3, 12:49 PM
    Hey guys my new app Warlock is now available on the app store for free.


    Welcome to Warlock, a Guide for Winners. This face-melting app is filled with the kind of wisdom you can�t find anywhere else on this particular terrestrial realm. Strap on your diapers, as Mr. Sheen spits his brilliance all over you.


Don�t miss the extra nuggets of warlock-genius scattered throughout, if that�s how you roll.


    This is a limited time free preview with full version coming in the next week.

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  • scott.n
    Apr 15, 10:19 PM
    Connect iMac #1 to your DSL modem and share its Internet connection with iMac #2 using FireWire.

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  • ndDesign
    Apr 26, 10:29 PM
    I just had my hard drive replaced on my MacBook Pro. Before it crapped out on me I had everything backed up on my external hard drive. Now, all I really want from the external hard drive is all of the websites I had saved in Google Chrome. I tried but it seems like the options aren't specific enough to restore Chrome and not all the rest of the apps.

    Any thoughts?


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  • cb911
    Sep 9, 06:52 AM
    sweet! this is an awesome idea, should be very useful. :D

    it's kind of funny looking at the page, i mean there's so many rumors there, even going back to March 8th!

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  • Lateraleye
    Apr 28, 03:08 PM
    They should last much longer since they have no moving parts that can break down like a traditional spinning hard drive.

    SSDs will slow down quite a bit if there is no TRIM or other garbage collection happening, which you definitely won't have to worry about after Lion comes out. Right now only SSDs that come with Apple computers have garbage collection support out of the box now.

    Back Tattoo Rose. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Chrispy
    Nov 23, 01:27 AM
    Just updated listing to reflect that I will possibly accept trades for a nice G4 Dual 1.2GHz or higher plus cash.

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  • mkjj
    Apr 8, 04:28 AM
    Nice find. Looks MIB from your pix. Care to share how much it was?

    It is! very clean, no cracks. Boxes are in great condition also, I collected them from the seller to save any further damage from the couriers!

    Cost was �200 GBP, so about $316, may seem expensive in the US but I think it was a good deal considering its overall condition.

    Back Tattoo Rose. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • dgf
    Jan 6, 03:36 PM
    1. No-one has been able to suggest to me a way to eliminate the break which iTunes playback inserts between tracks on a DJ mix CD. Like an uninvited guest, it just happens. Crossfading is a silly gimmick with no real use and certainly doesn't address the problem. Choosing a time between tracks of 'zero' doesn't fix the problem either. If you can't burn the mixed CD as ONE track then you are out of luck.

    2. My iMac pauses occasionally, during playback - sound stops, as if taking a breath, the harddrive does something or other (?), then playback resumes. Asking the harddrive to NEVER shut down (in performance settings) does not correct the problem. Extremely annoying!

    3. Loss of function in iTunes vs the older Apple CD player: you can't 'rewind' thru a track and continue rewinding into the previous track. You can only rewind within the track you are playing and then must click on the previous track to rewind thru it. Annoying if what you are doing is studying how, on a mix CD, the artist skilfully blended track A into track B.

    Please fix these problems, guys!

    Back Tattoo Rose. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Bacong
    Oct 17, 07:01 PM
    I assume he means silicone.

    Dec 9, 02:58 PM
    A tip for everyone wanting to watch video on a Sony PSP:

    Having trouble putting video on your PSP? Do the following:

    Download 2 applications from the internet: Handbrake and PSPware. Both are free/shareware.
    Put the DVD into your Mac and use Handbrake to transfer to MPeg4.
    IMPORTANT: make sure you choose the right language and/or subtitles here!

    Next: transfer the MPeg4 file to the PSPware window. PSPware will automatically transfer your MPeg4 file to your PSP (make sure it is connected to your computer.)

    This procedure is time consuming but al least it works properly.
    Should you have discovered an easier way, please let me know.

    Sep 8, 01:33 PM
    belkin has some, but the order pages just say "coming soon", I don't even think you can pre-order.

    Scosche has some pretty nice looking ones, you can pre-order now, they ship "mid September" (scroll down to see the iPod touch cases)

    Mar 20, 02:14 PM
    You mean AT&T to buy T-Mobile USA :rolleyes:

    Apr 9, 06:14 PM
    i have a ipad 1 with version 3.2.2 and i want to update it to version 4.2.1 and still be able to jailbreak it. is that possible?? if so can somebody tell me the right way to do it.. thank you

    Apr 30, 04:19 PM
    I'm using the account root on Mac OSX Leopard.. When I sign in, I have to type "root" as the username. Ichat and Adium display my name as "System Administrator".
    BUT, I went to Accounts and changed both the Computer name and Account name.. to Joey. So why can't I sign in as "Joey", and why doesn't Ichat and Adium show my username as "Joey"?

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