Ideas For Gift Wrapping

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  • onthecouchagain
    Apr 26, 09:53 PM

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  • rdowns
    Mar 25, 07:40 AM
    ^You obviously read the tabloids more than me.

    Oooh, burn. :rolleyes:

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  • Chone
    Mar 17, 09:38 AM
    It was fun but like someonce once described it, it was meant to be an "introductory RPG" with colorful known characters, easy, linear gameplay mechanics mechanics, player intervention during turn based attacks (timed hits) and an easy to pick up story.

    It is a fun RPG but hardly the best, I liked it better than the N64 Paper Mario though (haven't played GC Paper Mario).

    I will say something though, Super Mario RPG is much more an RPG than TES IV Oblivion will ever hope to be... :)

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  • 2ndname
    Apr 10, 10:21 PM
    Minor video editing, get the macbook pro.

    Pros on going with the Pro:
    It was just refreshed
    The 13" offers good enough work area to do minor video editing (I was running on a 12" Powerbook G4 for years before I had to sell it).
    It's priced competitively if you're comparing the entry level 13" Pro to the Macbook and MBA.
    It's still lightweight, even compared to your Dell notebook.

    I know people are telling you to consider the Air but when I was comparing the two I still think the MBP is still the way to go if you're going to perform some editing (Photo or Video). At times I feel some jitter/lag when editing photos on the MBA 11" and 13" base models. People might tell you to go towards the Ultimate for it to perform better but at that point you can upgrade your MBP to outperform the MBA for less.

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  • exbox
    Aug 29, 08:38 PM
    Originally posted by voyagerd
    any other sites still have it?

    No other site has this, but if one does, they will not have it for long. I will email it to any one who requests it.

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  • Sykte
    Apr 8, 06:44 AM

    @implementation RootViewController

    @synthesize addSecondListController;
    @synthesize mainList;

    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    self.navigationItem.title = @"Main";

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  • intoxicated662
    Jun 22, 01:35 PM
    what's the price for the psp alone and whats another price of the psp+extras?

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  • Revomonster
    Feb 20, 03:39 PM
    I have a first gen ipod nano that it having some problems. It has worked for a while now, and then yesterday, I plugged it into my computer to charge it, and it worked fine for the rest of the day, but today, I tried to turn it on, and there is no sign of it working or anything. I tried plugging it into my mac, and it does not notice it. Does this mean that the battery is dead? Or does it mean that the screen is mad or something? Thanks for the help.

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  • Consultant
    Mar 25, 02:28 PM
    Windows cannot be booted from external disks easily.

    Normally you just backup content, erase the drive, and format as GUID journaled volume.

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  • iliketyla
    Apr 13, 03:30 PM
    Haha that's what I was referring to!

    It was a disappointment.

    But 60% sounds good to me!

    You should snag it and review it for me.


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  • Donz0r
    Nov 21, 03:32 PM
    I had a dream last night that I got one, it was great! ... yet disturbing that I'm dreaming about an iPhone.

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  • 037291
    Apr 30, 04:50 AM
    The URL for the Development applications details

    If it doesn't take you directly to it the application number is A003063677

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  • 7on
    Feb 25, 04:21 PM
    I feel this has always been the case. As soon as some new hotness comes along, last year's multiplayer of choice seems to be left with nothing but hackers and 12 year olds.

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  • mrapplegate
    Mar 27, 11:12 AM
    i tried on different hardware

    i was thinking maybe i could give a log of something and then someone could see where it sticking

    Attach it, but you might get more specialized attention if you also posted in the Apple Dev Forum, not that someone here might be able to help.

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  • mac15
    Oct 8, 07:15 PM
    it will be good with no g3 it will still keep it fairly affordable

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  • macOSX-tastic
    Sep 16, 10:10 AM
    i think that you should be fine getting an emac, its a good machine and will be comparable in performance to your ibook due to similar (albeit not identical) specs. up the ram if you want to.

    i understand your problem with the moving of the ibook, but to put your mind to rest, it is designed to be put up with certain stresses (whithin reason):D so it can survive a short trip in a backpack everyday, you will probably see mostly physical wear and tear, and no hardware damage (unless you drop it).
    many would be inclined to say: what use is a portable if you dont use its portability?

    in a matter of weeks i shall be carrying my powerbook around my new campus, but i did buy a special bag for it so im not that worried about it getting damaged. UNDUE CARE IS NEEDED!

    if you are still paranoid, buy yourself a good protective case/bag (not a skintight sleeve).

    or if you are still worried, go with the imac.

    hope i have been a help


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  • skikid419
    Jun 13, 05:37 PM
    The apple doesn't quite register as a zero. It ended up looking to me like 1 million forum posts. Maybe if the 1 and the apple were in the same frame....

    agreed but its prob to late now ;)

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  • ftw
    May 4, 10:23 AM
    Yup, if I had to guess, I'd say most Americans don't live near an Apple Store.

    My local B&M Apple Store is in a different city. So paying sales tax there helps my State and County but doesn't help "my" City.

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  • 5th
    Apr 3, 10:26 AM
    The Quadro is the best card available for the Dual Core/Quad G5s.
    No. The X1900 is 25% stronger. The Quadro's only good point is the extra ram. Its not worth the extra money.

    Jan 9, 07:35 PM is back up and working, and there are alternate sited posted around this forum that are much higher quality than Apples Quick Time version in case you were wondering.

    Sep 3, 03:11 AM
    damn, oh-well thanks e for telling me :)

    Ill just stick to inputting it every morning or untill i tire of the sig.

    Jan 3, 11:46 PM
    How much would they HAVE to spend? Steve Jobs mentions it, and it is the ONLY media story on ALL media networks (not just tech ones!) for WEEKS!

    Apr 19, 07:34 AM
    If anyone's wondering, yes the drivers installed fine, no there were no problems.

    Sep 23, 12:09 PM
    The Sun's page 3 gals have been declared a British institution.
    In a poll to find our [your] top ten national treasures (carried out by Yahoo!), the bare-breasted beauties came 6th. #1 was the Sunday roast and #2 was regional dialects, with brown sauce at 7 and beer bellies at 8.


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