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  • benhollberg
    Apr 21, 12:39 AM
    Earlier today there were reports of the iTunes and App Store servers having problems. That was about 7 hours ago though. I don't think that is your problem but just to let you know.

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  • 2GMario
    Nov 15, 12:32 PM

    is a example of on focus, with css controlled text boxes working in firefox

    please keep in mind, this is a mockup - not functional yet / final layout.

    the current production version is at

    oh yeah, i own this company :)


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  • Jerry Spoon
    Sep 9, 07:02 AM
    Arn continues to make this site better. No wonder it's the first site I hit every morning.

    Thanks arn.

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  • EugenexYew
    May 2, 01:53 AM
    I have this feeling that for me it would be an iOS 5 feature limited to the iPhone 5 only. Other than that, the other upgrades are pretty slick but I think the iPhone 4 is substantial enough. :D

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  • Micnation
    Mar 11, 01:25 PM
    I'll let you know in a few--heading out now.

    Oh - i'm actually here already and that's about the number I'm getting including some potential late cutters.
    Employee says limit is currently 2/customer but may (unlikely) go down to one

    Line's growing by about 10-15 /25 minutes

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  • edtv
    May 3, 02:11 PM
    Thanks guys. I figured out I could restart using the OS from the other drive and then threw away the new OS and started over. Yes time consuming, but at least I'll get all my settings back!

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  • rdowns
    Mar 12, 05:16 PM
    The local ABC affiliate is reporting that witnesses saw the bus traveling at very high speed 10 minutes before accident.

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  • arn
    Nov 2, 09:27 PM
    Originally posted by jbembe
    I can't figure out how to place a song in the category of "simply like" and not recommended.

    Anybody know?

    Sorry it's not clear.

    Simply rank songs you "simply like" with a 1 or 2 in your user control panel.


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  • RKilbane20
    Mar 16, 11:26 AM
    If I use time machine to back all my Snow Leopard files up can I then restore them all into Lion or will this not work? Anybody try it yet?

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  • spencers
    Feb 12, 05:30 PM
    Hang some stuff up on the walls!

    Looks like university dorm room. Try rasterbate.

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  • skoker
    Dec 7, 09:13 PM
    I'm thinking about going all-Sidekick with T-Mobile, so I'm looking into selling my Samsung e105 color flip phone. About a year old, and is in good condition. Can be used with T-Mobile regular service, and also with To Go pay-as-you-go. Included with the phone are euro-adaptor, charger, leather case (cost $25) and a brand new belt clip I bought spur of the moment last week (darn Black Friday!)

    Anybody interested? Gets great reception, and (shockingly) I have gone 4 and change days without plugging it in (to calibrate) and it lasted.

    AIM Instant Messaging
    Organizer Features
    T-Zones enabled
    Clear Speaker
    Excellent display
    Good physical condition.
    IrDA Infrared transmitter

    Not sure if I'm going to sell quite yet, just checking cash or trade interest. Shipping should be only a few bucks to the US, and I do have the original box and manuals. I have dealt with many people on MR forums and have eBay feedback under skokerz101.


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  • iphone-cases
    Apr 7, 07:54 PM
    Design your own iPad cases and iPhone cases at: - Free online graphic design and photo editing application (, developed by a danish brazilian guy.

    It is possible to paint, draw make pages and see your pictures on products and buy them, such as: iPhone case, iPad cases, t-shirts, sneakers and much more. Checkout the tutorial videos, it is quite interesting ...

    Fatpaint's facebook page:

    What you guys think of it? I have spent 5 years developing this app. I would appreciate any feedback.


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  • AndrewR23
    May 6, 12:19 AM
    Got that part, but what does it mean? Does the genius take a sharpie and write 5k across the screen or something

    It's the serial number. Go into your settings, click about, scroll down to serial number and see what your first 2 numbers are.

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  • aicul
    May 1, 03:52 PM
    Lots of speculation for this summer. But its only speculation.

    Either you purchase now and possibly fork out the cost for lion, or just wait.

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  • edesignuk
    Aug 13, 02:57 PM
    Reminds me of the "Show me the G5!" over the Lightwave avatar you a long, long, long time ago :cool:

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  • bertomactic
    May 6, 02:02 PM
    i keep getting the "Kernal Panic" Error on one of G5 1.8 ghz ( all in one version) and on my G4 Quick Silver. What is the Kernal Panic error, what casues it and how do i fix it ????????

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  • iFoggy
    Apr 27, 12:07 AM

    I am wanting to buy an iPad 2 in Lisbon @ the end of May when on a trip there.

    According to their local Apple online Store it is only 1/2 weeks wait for shipping but since I don't have anyone to deliver to, risk of it not being delivered whilst I am there I would rather buy from a reseller there or anyone who sells them.

    I know Interlog is the authorized dealer but I cannot seem to find on the web where I can buy one there, just lack of info on the web.

    Anyone know if they have physical stores (Apple or other) where I can go and buy an iPad assuming they had stock of course.


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  • Bern
    Sep 1, 02:19 AM
    I'm an illustrator and the only site I am designing is my own at the moment. It's been a long and arduous road to learn, but every day I am more happy with the result.

    I hope to have my site up soon and maybe I'll design for friends in the future, but web design isn't a new found career for me it's a means to an end.

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  • Night Spring
    Apr 4, 11:46 AM
    The multi-gestures I'm referring to in the beta were the four finger gestures Apple did not release in the 4.3 GM. Gestures such as pinching in and out, four finger up/down swipes, etc. Activator in JB isn't as seamless as the beta gestures.

    I know those gestures, I have them enabled in my non-jailbroken iPad 2 on 4.3 GM. You enable them with Xcode, just as you did with the beta.

    Apr 22, 01:10 PM
    Data Rescue worked for me several times, it even had to scan one HDD for over a week and it worked.

    Oct 26, 07:17 AM
    I think it should stay,
    first if there was no title communicating his banned/time out status. Then some folks will wonder what happened to him.
    Secondly, those who complained about his/her behavior will not get any direct feedback, causing frustration and further divisiveness
    Thirdly, it can be used as a lesson to others as they'll witness the consequences of negative behavior

    Apr 28, 11:23 PM
    So I've brought this up in various places other than mac rumors, and as you can probably tell I'm a new member so I'm not sure if this has been brought up before. I am a huge fan of the iPhone and maybe part of it has to do with a fanboy mentality. I have the iPhone 4 and love it. A lot of people I know at school have blackberries and one of the only and most important reasons they have one is because of BBM. Everyone seems to be a huge fan of bbm-ing and getting people's pins and I have to say the idea of it is pretty enticing. I realize many of you will probably say "it is the same as texting" but it does have its differences. Also, people might say "they have tons of apps that already do this". The problem with that is that you have to convince people to get that same app. Currently I use whatsapp, which works well but only a select few people have it, those who I had to convince to get it. What I was thinking is why doesn't apple have a native app for iPhone to iPhone messenger similar to BBM? Seems like a good idea to me, just a thought though.

    Dec 16, 04:26 AM
    Hmmm there isn't any meet up for iPad fans up here In Canada so I thought I will just be the first to start one :) so name a place and time and we all can gather up.:apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple:

    Apr 11, 04:24 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    You're not rusty. You're just discovering how poorly designed Windows is.

    Yes, my Windows knowledge has slipped as well, mostly because I've become accustomed to a well-designed interface.

    I'm sorry you're having to go through all this as a requirement.

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