Wishes For Christmas

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  • DeaconGraves
    May 6, 02:04 PM
    Kernel Panic is (essentially) the equivalent of the Windows "Blue Screen of Death." It can be caused for a variety of different reasons.

    What were you doing when you had the Kernel Panics? Has it happened more than once?

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  • mrzeve
    Dec 19, 05:58 PM
    I don't think he was trying to sound like a jerk, its just that you didn't answer the question...

    People really do this these days, he was just trying to clarify... Nothing to take offense about.

    Yeah just trying to make it clear to myself and to others.

    And I think I helped your auction get up pretty quick with my 200 max bid haha.

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  • rdowns
    Jun 6, 04:33 PM
    Real nice. Definitely at or near the top of my list so far.

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  • lamonsas
    May 6, 05:12 PM
    well for me theres nothing more to read about the imac and im going to buy mine tomorrow and not wait 3 more weeks, again ,its not like its super easy and super free, u have to pay for it and then wait for a rebate.

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  • kettle
    Nov 11, 05:15 AM
    3) Most MacOS X programs do not fully exit when you close them, which allows them to "re-open" much faster.

    the old argument where pc users say that it's stupid for the application to stay open is weird.

    I find on a PC when there are half a dozen IE windows open (no tabs) you close windows with the X or ctrl - w, the app stays open until the last window, so straight away there is inconsistency. You have to keep track of how many or at least leave one open if you don't want to quit. (perhaps a poor example if you think how embedded ie is. eek)

    If you want to quit, you have to choose quit or close all windows. Why not just use quit for quit and close window for closing app windows.

    So I think the switch is not learning, so much as unlearning. :)

    more info on mac interface inconsistency - (Daring Fireball (http://daringfireball.net/)) - Brushed Metal and the HIG (http://daringfireball.net/2004/10/brushedmetal) and The Problem with Click-Through (http://daringfireball.net/2003/05/the_problems_with_clickthrough)

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  • LastLine
    Apr 26, 04:33 PM
    Sounds to me like you're downloading windows files. .exes open as code files for me in os x.

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  • Embed
    Jan 11, 08:55 AM
    im not seeding them, i just found the torrent and posted it :(

    when i last looked there were 79 peers and 3 or 4 seeds.

    so it may take some time :(

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  • twoodcc
    Dec 2, 06:53 PM
    SMP2 will also bring a bonus to crunch units faster, same as bigadv scheme.

    yeah i know. should be interesting

    So I know what SMP is but what is MIP? Similar thing?

    i have no idea

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  • bella92108
    Apr 30, 08:53 PM
    Gridlock by chpwn. (http://chpwn.com/apps/)

    You rock. I had a blond moment and you solved it! Thanks :-)

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  • beez7777
    Oct 8, 07:35 PM
    Originally posted by mac15
    it will be good with no g3 it will still keep it fairly affordable

    u mean it will be good with no g4?

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  • Grott
    Apr 17, 10:14 AM
    Hi. My old VHS is slowly giving up the ghost and so we have decided to move with the times and get one of those DVD/HDD recorder things. The problem is that we have a stack of store bought videos that my kids still want to watch. I'm not looking to start a pirate movie business but I think it fair for me to copy those movies over to DVD for personal use. Does anyone have any suggestions or links that can help? Cheers in advance. :)

    You will need a DVD Recorder, and, Grex to transfer your VHS media to DVD.The copy protection I speak of is the macrovision that is causing you not to be able to get good copies of the VCR tapes.I bought a GREX (macrovision remover) for the same purpose. http://xdimax.com/grex/grex.html.
    It works great.

    Wishes For Christmas. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • LPsoldier76
    Mar 12, 06:43 PM
    So this weekend my Zune reached the point of 3.75 MB of free space remaining. With my iPod 5.5G sidelined for a few years because of harddrive lag, and my Zune now out of space, I realized that I need to upgrade. However I don't want to do a regular 'New iPod purchase' but something more fun.

    Upgrade iPod Video 30 80GB to 120GB HDD mk1224gah - eBay (item 250691849228 end time Apr-01-11 09:20:55 PDT) (http://cgi.ebay.com/Upgrade-iPod-Video-30-80GB-120GB-HDD-mk1224gah-/250691849228?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a5e660c0c)

    My first plan was to just buy that, switch out the harddrive and have a fresh new 120gb on my old iPod and stop there. But then I started thinking. If I'm gonna upgrade the harddrive, couldn't I just upgrade everything else?

    Basically what I'm trying to do here is turn my iPod into a 6G iPod with a 5G body. Having hacked and modded my iPod numerous times before, I know this isn't simply just a firmware overwrite - the innards of the current 5.5G are not compatible with the firmware of the 6G iPods. So I'm thinking of buying the hardware from 6G iPods to replace on my 5.5G iPod so it will be 6G firmware compatible.

    Am I crazy or could this just might work?
    Can anyone help me out?
    What hardware I need to swap out, how to get my Computer and iTunes to read it as a 6G iPod, etc?

    Did some research, looks like I may or may not have to switch out for more RAM for this to work, but definitely need a new processor? Before I make purchases I would like to know is this even possible?

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  • Zazoh
    Apr 30, 11:48 PM
    I did the same thing once. Apple told me, wait till charge posts, then request refund. I also didn't use the app, and removed it right away. Once I requested refund a few days later, it was honored.

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  • m13
    Apr 25, 11:59 AM
    I have perfect browser but safari is good enough for iPhone.

    Are there any good updated comprehensive reviews out there, especially on the iPad?

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  • Yojiirill
    Feb 10, 09:16 PM
    You definitely have potential. If you were to get this single on Itunes, I would pay for it in a heartbeat.

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  • wiggy4ever
    Dec 10, 06:16 PM
    Just wanted to add....I use that same one with my ibook g3 and it works like a charm. That price is a definite steal.

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  • dan-o-mac
    Dec 20, 12:02 PM
    Anyone else find it EXTREMELY hysterical that the receipt says "$440" however people are willing to pay FAR more than that? I mean wow seriously. Strikes me as a "You ********* moron" moment.

    Good luck selling this! Auction is about to end!

    I actually thought it would go for much more. It strikes me more as supply vs. demand.

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  • barrettd
    Nov 23, 01:41 PM
    anyone at all interested in this xbox 360
    I could do $500 shipped, but I'm sure you're looking for (and will get) a much better offer than that.

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  • liketom
    Mar 28, 07:32 AM
    i would wipe it clean with a fresh install of XP

    May 25, 12:43 PM
    Thanks. Can you suggest where I can get one? Or, what search criteria do I submit? Thanks again.

    Oct 19, 02:27 PM
    Pre-ordered online yesterday. Hope you guys all get shirts.

    Nov 11, 12:12 AM
    I like it. Looks very nice.

    My first impression is that the Velvet Howler is a band. But closer inspection, I realize it's an online magazine devoted to alternative? indie music...?

    Jun 21, 07:43 AM
    Anyone planning to head to the AT&T in Stow? I'm torn between there, Chapel Hill AT&T and Legacy Village Apple Store.

    Apr 6, 07:25 AM
    Pre-flame comment: Here's (http://www.google.com/cse?cx=011016119145480959114%3Akuv1aq0hily&ie=UTF-8&q=best+jailbreak+apps+site%3Aforums.macrumors.com&hl=en&as_qdr=all&meta=) countless links on this topic.

    Angry comment: For the love of all things Jesus, please search (http://mroogle.edesignuk.com/) before you post.

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