Cards For Fathers Birthday

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  • UTclassof89
    Sep 21, 03:03 PM
    Brilliant! Works like a charm

    (but why on earth wasn't that a built-in feature of Mail!?!?!)

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  • B737
    May 4, 01:33 PM
    when i set the phone up, no matter what order i establish my two mail accounts in the phone, the mail app always lists the Google Exchange account as the bottom one, while my yahoo account is on the top. Even though the exchange account is default, the mail app always want to open the top one first (most times)

    has anyone here figured out a way to make the Exchange account appear as the first one on the list?

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  • Chrispy
    Nov 23, 09:55 AM
    Chrispy is an EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT buyer and seller. I wouldn't ever hesitate to make another deal with him! Good luck with the sale Chrispy, and congrats on the new position!!! :)

    Thanks for the kind words :) I am very excited about the position. I start distance training (from school) for the next 5 months and then I'm off and running :D

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  • AWallen90
    May 5, 02:37 PM
    My late 2006 does this if it has been asleep for a long time. I attribute the problem to a slow HDD. I didn't have the problem when I installed a 7200rpm drive.

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  • Roderick Usher
    Oct 15, 12:23 PM
    Being known as a tech who started on Apple IIs, my workshop was visited by a chap clutching a dead IIc.

    He explained that it had been running a scientific research program that was custom written and that the research was a 20 year program with only one year to go. The purchase order came from the CSIRO (

    I'm curious - what turned out to be wrong with the IIc? Did everything come out all right?

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  • macten
    Dec 2, 04:25 PM
    What is the shipping cost for UT2K3 to 07008?

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  • obeygiant
    Jul 4, 10:43 PM
    :( unfortunatelly it doesnt seem to be working... anything else?

    lol sorry. it looks like you'll have to sign up for a free whopper if you want to see it.

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  • mad jew
    Sep 18, 07:59 AM
    I subscribe to one magazine:


    Me too. Well, sort of. I don't actually subscribe because the mark up over here is absurd, but I buy it each month all the same.

    Nevertheless, I subscribe to Motor too (the Australian equivalent). Both are awesome magazines for fast car fans. :)

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  • antmarobel
    Mar 13, 11:43 AM
    ...Folks, look at these temperatures...nothing opened but Safari and Mail (iMac 27, i5, 2,8Ghz)...Give me your opinions and advices, please.

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  • Neebee
    Mar 10, 11:54 PM
    i wanna go back to 4.2.1. I dont like 4.3. It's kinda sluggish (not as snappy as before) and there are display issues as well.

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  • Kobushi
    Sep 17, 03:45 PM
    :eek: It's up to $4050 now! :eek:

    I wish I could profit off of my crazy family members :p

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  • PsstGreek
    May 1, 11:00 AM
    i recently jailbreak my iphone 4 version 4.3.2 with redsn0w my modem firmware is 4.10.01 when i put in my tmobile micro sim it show one bar

    There is no software unlock for the iPhone 4 on anything higher than 2.10.xx

    The only way to unlock is to invest in a Gevey Turbo Sim or Rebel Micro Sim.

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  • SilvorX
    Sep 9, 09:41 AM
    they should release a slot loading superdrive conciderng they go from $4000+ CDN n thats a little TOO much for a laptop that doesnt have a dvd-r drive

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  • adpretto
    Apr 28, 09:54 AM
    I plan to take Friday off from Work , But Im gonna do my Homework and stop by the Apple Store Thursday Night and see how they plan to Launch this product.

    My Plan of Attack is to wake up Early and Head over to the Apple Store and Check it out. If there's a line then I will join them.

    Since the WiFi has already been released and plus you can order you iPad and have it delievered to your Front Door Step I Believe that the turn out will be smaller than Usually.

    And Since I didn't Pre-Order it I wanna make sure I get so I will be ready early.

    I was in line for the Original iPhone #10 in Line and about #150 for iPhone 3G on Launch Day.

    My Only Question is How many people were in line for WiFi Launch and had Pre-Ordered it? Before they allowed the Purchase Line in?

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  • sb58
    Mar 31, 02:36 PM
    sounds like his dad had to have replaced the Wii's drive with one from a DVD Player, but i thought that that would make it so you couldn't play games...

    500th post!

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  • dmcwally
    Mar 2, 03:23 PM
    to quote Bixby Snyder from robocop !! I'd Buy that for a dollar !

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  • Mac-Addict
    Nov 21, 03:30 PM
    iPhone here we come! Can't wait :D

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  • EricBrian
    Nov 1, 07:47 PM
    I use SubEthaEdit only. Just my pref. There are some CSS editors out that that provide a live preview of the style you are creating. You might want to have a look at those.

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  • vincenz
    Dec 11, 11:01 AM
    I can't wait for this to come out-- big fan of the Mass Effect series.

    What's Earth have to do with the story though?

    Apr 29, 07:31 PM
    Not like David to not answer. Has it been days or are you just being impatient? Twitter is a good suggestion.

    Guess I maybe being impatient...since yesterday when I got the phone.

    May 6, 01:16 PM
    so i just got the new 2.7Ghz 27" imac and am looking to upgrade its memory.

    Penn Jennings
    Apr 28, 12:34 PM
    I have a Snow Leopard DVD here and Installed it on my MAC

    My mom has an old Leopard Mac, so I was wondering can I install it with my DVD??? or has it a number of time I can install it with


    Hmm, I've installed Snow Leopard a few times..... I don't think there IS a key.... Have at it! INstall to your hearts content.

    Unlike cursed Windows :/

    Mar 16, 07:54 PM
    So what is exactly in the private forums?

    Stuff ;)

    Mar 7, 02:53 PM

    I never knew you could aggregate the soundcards thanks!

    I just setup traktor.

    I have the following setup

    Cheap usb soundcard which is connected to my speakers.

    Headphones coming out of my imac's built in output. ( (

    The follwing setup enables me to cue tracks through the headphones(built in output) and have the main output from my speakers(usb soundcard)

    Thanks for your reply, glad I could help you, but I just tried your method and it didnt work for me, I put the speakers through usb sound card and headphones through built in but this time the speakers got louder when i seleceted which deck to listen to with "headphones"

    Some screenshots of my set appear to have one more input than me on ur usb soundcard :S Which card do you have? Any ideas on my problemo?

    Dont know why it is calling my USB soundcard headphone :/ thought he headphones do need a usb to power them

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