Updo Hairstyles For Medium Hair

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  • ozreth
    Mar 25, 02:14 PM
    Trying to split my extermal 50/50 for OSX and Windows use. It works for OSX right now but can't figure out how to do the split. Help! It's a WD mybook.

    Also, while I'm here, is there a way to up my bootcamp partition's HDD space without reformatting?

    Thanks : )

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  • vhp3
    May 4, 07:43 AM
    Is it safe to leave the mac pro on without a monitor attached for remote logins? I am selling my monitor and won't have a replacement for a while but I do need access. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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  • patp
    Apr 16, 06:40 AM
    Have aprox. 10 cases. :D

    Don't know the actual number as I have to hide some from the wife!

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  • dmw007
    Sep 6, 09:58 PM
    Are you able to listen to the iPod while you work? Is all well on the utilities front now at your hospital?

    Wow, I would love to be able to listen to my iPod Mini at work. :)

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  • blackwind
    May 4, 06:45 AM
    Thank to Paul again for all his work around it... Now it all come together nicely...

    Here is the fix please download it from here


    Tested with my 2 iphone 4 and tested with iphone 4 to iphone 3gs....
    Now only need to wait for jb my ipad2...

    Anything else please feel free to pm me

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  • rugby
    Oct 18, 06:57 AM
    Just hang in there, Apple will eventually update their PB's. Maybe keep checking the refurb section of the apple store for cheaper models? I've heard good things about Apple's refurbs.

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  • Bernd
    Aug 24, 06:12 PM
    Boinc on Osx 10.57 doesn't crunch with the Nvidia 9400m?

    While I was trying out Win 7 I installed Boinc and Seti@home was crunching with the cpu and gpu.

    As far as I know Nvidia and ATI have bugs in the drivers that will not be fixed for GPU crunching until snow leopard is out and new science apps are written to take advantage of it. I think Open CL is the programing API that fixes this with new drivers and OSX side stuff. I am told the science apps will need to be recompiled and maybe rewritten. I have questions posted on the BOINC and SETI message boards asking about this.

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  • BASRification
    Dec 12, 10:21 PM
    You will want to look into something like a Switcheasy Thumbtack or Blue Mic Mikey for iPod.

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  • Horrortaxi
    Jul 16, 01:51 AM
    Boot from your OS X install disk, open Disk Utility, erase the HD, partition if you so desire (don't personally see the need), install the OS, wonder why you need so many language packs. That's about it.

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  • ZballZ
    Mar 16, 04:27 AM
    I think we're making progress. What are the PC specs? How are the files being delivered? Can you try compressing a little more aggressively (the HD file info shows its 5 times the bitrate of the SD movies)? Do they have to be HD when delivered?

    I also suggested this when they first reported the issue. They said they had also tried the files on a "brand new computer" (whatever specs that is). Mind you, my macbook pro is 4,5 years old and plays these files just fine !!

    But, thanks for the suggestions, I have now re-compressed more aggresively and at smaller resolution; I haven't heard from them yet, but hopefully it will work...

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  • donlphi
    Jan 15, 12:51 AM
    The only way the keynote is going to be "worth it" ($300) is if I own Apple stock. :D Unfortunately I don't :(

    Don't get me wrong, I am very happy to be here, but I am a little frustrated with the people working the conference. I attend and work at many conferences, and it just seems like everybody passes the buck at MacWorld. I also feel they need to be more clear on their online registration about what needs to be done if you want to see the different sessions.

    The keynote is the main reason I wanted to go, but I figured I would be able go and sit in on a few things.

    Just venting I suppose.

    how much money did you save with that pass?

    I really didn't save anything... it was a 2 day pass (which was all I would be able to stay for) and it cost $300.

    My brother's pass is the one on the right and it cost $340. He can essentially get into anything except for the educator sessions all week long. I just assumed it was an educator discount, not an educator session.

    I missed the first session because they were having computer issues this morning and the line wasn't moving. I went to go up to another session and they said I couldn't get in because I had to register for the session. I had no idea - didn't say it anywhere on my registration receipt anywhere. As a matter of fact they didn't send me the names of the sessions until last Friday.

    As a high school band director, I don't know how much it would have helped to attend that particular session, but it beats sitting in the lounge all day browsing the internet.

    I think I'm going to file a formal complaint with them.

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  • rdowns
    Mar 1, 12:26 PM
    You know when you see a PC, there are a lot of ugly, distracting sticks on them. How come Macs don't have the stickers?

    Because they're ugly and distracting.

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  • Soundhound
    Feb 3, 12:35 PM
    Can you use virtual instruments with Garageband like various Native Instruments products, Garritan, First Call Horns etc etc? Thanks.

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  • barrettd
    Nov 25, 01:01 AM

    I have it back up on ebay with a better price.
    Looks like my $500 shipped is your best offer so far...:)

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  • ref26
    Apr 12, 11:05 AM
    These are a great value if you can snag them with a 50% coupon. I own them and have no complaints for the price.

    Yep, that's how I got mine! Wouldn't pay full price but I have been quite happy with them.

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  • Heilage
    Apr 8, 05:53 AM
    Am I a hopeful person in general? No. I generally don't care about anything, least of all hope for anything.

    Is it important? It might be. Hope can drive people to great lengths.

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  • jsm4182
    Mar 18, 03:56 PM
    On the topic of Apple Store from 1997, does anyone have archives of old on-line www.apple.com from the years 1999-2004? I am interested in seeing those PowerPC ads from the last 10 years.. I know there is an archive of older www.apple.com websites showing the PowerMacs, PowerBooks, etc..

    Check out wayback machine (http://waybackmachine.org/*/http://apple.com).

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  • Darth.Titan
    Oct 19, 09:28 AM
    I agree with the general premise.... wash your hands before and after handling anything that is in the public.
    So quit fretting, and wash your hands often with ordinary soap and water (that anti-bacterial stuff is actually worse for you). And relax.

    Thank you. You've summarized my beliefs very well. One should observe basic hygienic practices, but there are way too many people out there who have gotten overly "sterilizer happy". It's silly to think that germs can be avoided 100%. They can't. That's why we have an immune system.

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  • bcaslis
    Apr 27, 11:52 AM
    I don't think bootcamp offers the option to download. It offers the option to burn a disc. If you don't have a SuperDrive attached then it can't burn a disc.

    Apr 16, 12:52 AM
    Just the 1, a 17" MBP. We used to have a PC but it kept crashing so we wipe everything off of it and gave it to my sister so she could have something to write her papers on.
    I'm hoping to get a MBA this summer.

    Aug 11, 12:12 AM
    If this is the case, its stories like these which prove that the media distorts actual truth and make it worse for the actual victim. Even the police who do have more info than the media, BELIEVE the media. Such stupidity. It was completely reasonable to leave the plane if he had a serious injury.
    It wasn't that serious of an injury if he was able to drive home and start ****ing. Deploying the slides is to be reserved for dangers to passengers and the aircraft, not as a way for the cabin crew to slam the door on the way out.

    Idiots on planes these days will exaggerate anything even remotely related to "security." Assault is likely not accurate in this case seeing as the guy was able to perform quite the dramatic exit.

    Dec 19, 12:19 AM
    Gee thanks, now this (http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playlistId=82084253&s=143441&i=82084205) is stuck in my head :D

    now I've got Ren & Stimpy on the brain.

    Better than the Team America theme song I've had stuck in my head all day ;)

    May 5, 07:12 AM
    YESS!!! It was such a hassle to get to Chermside. So is this going to be where Dymocks in Macarthur Central used to be? If that's the place, it's going to be lush!

    Doctor Q
    Feb 22, 08:10 PM
    I've always liked Ian Smith's little Freeverse businsess. How can you not like a company that uses monkeys in their products at every opportunity? I hope the staff and products will stay as they are, even when under new management.

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