Black Hairstyles Gallery

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  • senortetas
    Jun 18, 05:21 PM
    where's everyone headed? i'm headed to the cherry creek store tomorrow morning, and from the sounds of my conversation with the employee i just talked to, chances are 'very good' there will be more than enough phones to go around

    who's bringing the krispy kremes?

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  • PhoneyDeveloper
    Apr 6, 12:21 AM
    The basic idea is simple.

    Create a view. Add to it whatever subviews you need, pickerview, done button etc. When you create the view have its frame be offscreen to the bottom. AddSubview the view to something that's onscreen and then use UIView animation to animate the frame of the view onscreen. Animate the view offscreen in response to the done button.

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  • Austin M.
    Apr 14, 06:07 PM
    Interesting, which one did you order?

    I'm getting both versions.

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  • jedisaga
    Feb 9, 08:24 AM

    Does anyone know if there are any quality leather cases available for the ipod touch 4g? I've seen a few faux leather cases but...


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  • Laird Knox
    Feb 28, 07:40 PM
    Take a look at jQuery. There's a lot of samples out there using that library. Specifically search for slideshow and/or hero.

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  • buzze
    May 3, 10:37 AM
    For anyone interested in a unique proximity based social networking app BuzzE launched today on iPhone.

    The way we describe BuzzE is it helps you find fun places to go and make new friends once you get there.

    The app includes extensive event listings, chat features, games, gift exchange and some other interesting things.

    You can download BuzzE from the App Store at

    There is also a demo video available here

    We very much appreciate comments and feedback. We are excited about the apps potential and have some very cool features being added in the next few weeks.

    More info is also available on our website at

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  • mad jew
    Dec 18, 11:16 PM
    Very cool. :)

    I'd love to see it slowed down a tad though.

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  • solvs
    Aug 28, 10:30 PM
    Originally posted by ftaok ... the dual-1.25ghz Macs will have G4s that are rated for 1.25ghz or higher.

    Right. That's what I meant.

    Any released chip (that isn't a new architecture, of course) is rated as high as it's rated. If the new chip is a G4 7455, or whatever the 1 GHz is now, it'll be rated at 1.25. That doesn't mean it's an OC'ed 1 GHz. It means it's a similar chip that is rated to run higher. Just like the 867 MHz vs. 1 GHz analogy made earlier.

    Of course, there have been execptions to the rule. Usually with not-so-good results. (I'm surprised I haven't been flamed more for this).

    Now whether or not it can truly take advantage of the DDR... that's another subject.

    Black Hairstyles Gallery. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • JD71
    Nov 13, 02:24 AM
    I dont know how I missed this thread, but I was there.

    Look at the 6th pic, I'm 7th in line, looking at my friend's MacBook. :p

    What a fun day it was.

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  • bdugan
    Mar 17, 11:50 PM
    I used to be a huge WarCraft junkie when WC3 came out. I was thinking about getting the new expansion to World of Warcraft. My only quesiton is do I have to buy the original WoW, or can i just jump straight into the expansion without the original one>


    Black Hairstyles Gallery. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 27, 03:24 PM
    well. I just downloaded and installed flip4mac.....but when I still go the the video site in question it still says I need a "plug in" and it suggests "flip4mac" I'm not sure what I am doing wrong????? :confused:

    Can you provide the link to said website?

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  • skunk
    Mar 28, 12:53 PM
    In fact, the no go zone around Chernobyl has ended up being somewhat of a refuge for endangered species.No-go zones in general seem to be very beneficial for flora and fauna: the area to each side of the old Warsaw Pact borders is a whole ecosystem unto itself.

    Black Hairstyles Gallery. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Sun Baked
    Oct 19, 09:16 AM
    Originally posted by redAPPLE
    i had a dream, that the next generation apple prosumer machine, whould still have the "el capitan" case, but the case would be shiny!!
    Wouldn't that be a step backward from the new case.

    i would have a mercury (quicksilver) "color" or finish.
    Why would you want to paint yourself?

    it would be semi-see-thru.
    Cannot do a clear case and keep the RFI rating it currently has, remove the metal box and the computer would get extremely noisy. And check on some of the clock rates to find out where to tune the your radio, tv, cell phone, etc. dial.

    if i were good in creating stuff in photoshop, i would try to recreate my "dream" machine.

    maybe someone out there would want to give it a shot. and recreate it.
    Why? It's a dream, wake up... smell the coffee.

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  • ThatGirl
    Apr 16, 08:28 PM
    Thank you very much, to both of you! :)

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  • trip1ex
    May 5, 01:13 PM
    NO Apple Care.

    Just get the base model.

    The nearly $500 you save is half the cost of the base model. Use it to upgrade on a rainy day whether that be a new iMac or external hard drive. (Also, speaking from experience, replacing your internal iMac hard drive is easy enough.)

    Wouldn't worry about whether programs will be good when your grade school kids are in high school.

    No need for one-to-one unless you're computer phobic. I think if you buy your iMac in the store they will transfer data for free. Very easy to transfer music from iTunes on windows to iTunes on Mac over your home network. It's a hands-off overnight project.

    For help on using a Mac just watch the ton of nice video tutorials they have online at

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  • rtheb
    Apr 29, 04:09 PM
    It is for sale on the US ebay as well:

    PS3 Xbox BluRay HDMI DisplayPort Apple iMac 27 Belfan (

    Perhaps the Item specifics might be a clue:

    Brand: Generic

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  • Prof.
    Oct 17, 03:46 PM
    Hopefully they'll have macbooks w/ Leopard installed already that day 'cause I'm planning to get one! :p:apple:

    You better get there early if you want a MB with Leopard pre-installed on it. :D

    Prof. :apple:

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  • oakie
    Apr 30, 09:57 PM
    have you considered trying this?

    it's not just for show.

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  • bingefeller
    Feb 22, 10:34 AM
    This list ( provides info on how long each provider has been around. Hopefully that will help weed out the less desirable "flash in the pan" companies.

    Thanks, Darth! Very useful information :)

    Sep 22, 04:12 PM
    I wouldn't wait for the Macintels, but I heard there are some dual-dual-Powermacs around the corner - I'd wait two more weeks for them.

    Oct 13, 06:46 PM
    Those miners would be more use up in Liverpool � the chaps at Anfield desperately need advice on how to get themselves out of a hole before Christmas...

    I was wondering, "Why the punishment??". :p

    Dec 15, 02:19 PM
    Hi everyone,

    I want to install panther on my iBook. It only has a CD drive though and pather is on DVD.

    Could it be possible to use my powerbook's panther install disk on my iBook?

    My plan is to target the iBook's drive onto my powerbook, put the SuperDrive, and tell OS X to install onto the iBook's Drive.

    Will this work?

    Dec 25, 03:51 PM
    I just recently purchased logic and am loving it, however I can't record with other people yet so I wanted to experiment with the features using other logic tracks (numbers game gets boring after a while) so I looked on the apple website and here it says it giving the opportunity to experiment with other artits logic tracks...but I dont see the download, does anyone know how to get them?

    May 1, 02:18 PM

    sorry what i meant was I uninstalled repo666. whatever it was and I dont see it on Cydia anymore. I still get at&t signal tho. is this a sign that my phone is factory unlocked. and I read up some reviews and they say that iphones in italy are all factory unlocked. really confused.. doesnt anyone know anything about Italy iphones?

    What about ultrasnow? Is it installed under packages? Removing the source is not the same.
    If ultrasnow was installed it is NOT factory unlocked.

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