I Love You Kitten

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  • Finlandboy
    May 3, 11:16 PM
    So my powerbook (specs in sig) has been struggling to connect to the internet wirelessly. At my home and at school the computer is about 20-25ish feet from the wireless hub and its worked fine since I've had it. But now it won't connect to the wireless network and if it does it will have maybe one bar and it will work for a minute or two and then disconnect.

    So, because it is way more convent to be connected wirelessly at home, I was wondering if anyone had a solution to this problem? I didn't know if maybe my airport extreme card was dying or something like that.

    I was planning on ordering a new airport card and seeing if that was the problem, but then I thought maybe just a usb wireless card or something would work better.

    ANY thoughts or suggestions would be great. Thanks!

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  • LastLine
    Apr 26, 04:33 PM
    Sounds to me like you're downloading windows files. .exes open as code files for me in os x.

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  • iphone joe
    Apr 7, 06:42 PM
    Just picked up an Otterbox Defender and I love it.

    My question to the people who own this case is how does it hold up over time? Is it best to leave the phone in the Otterbox 24/7 or should it be taken out on occasion to prevent damage?

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  • applekid
    Aug 14, 02:05 PM
    So, as a worried stock-holder, is now a good time to sell? :confused:

    I got a few shares I could cash in now, or I could ride this out.

    By the looks of things, it seems like Apple hasn't taken a hit on this news except the first time it was announced which I remember dropping the price only a couple of dollars at most.

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  • macfan
    Jun 30, 01:43 PM
    So that you can chat with people from your couch on a big screen instead of having to sit around a small computer monitor. A head shot is not the only use of ichat AV that would be popular. Grandparents, for instance, would be thrilled to watch kids crawl, walk, play, etc. in live color on their TV set.

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  • pyrotoaster
    Aug 16, 07:11 PM
    Very nice.
    I like the subtlety of it.

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  • mauly
    Feb 12, 10:00 AM
    Thank you to the both of you. :)

    simple when you know how...

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  • anim8or
    May 2, 02:22 AM
    Can i just correct those who have used "1020p" in their posts...

    ITS 1080p!!!!!!

    1020p is not a resolution used in video in any shape or form.... :rolleyes:

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  • AAli1991
    Apr 12, 02:58 PM
    I have an iPhone and just got it. Old one got stolen and I got the free bumper with it, but I was wondering if there was any way to get a free bumper now?

    I still have the problem when I hold the band on the left and if I go into an Apple Store and show them this will they pull a bumper off the shelves for me?

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  • PlaceofDis
    Mar 20, 07:58 PM
    ?? :confused: ??

    am i the only one confused? and why wasnt this posted in the music disscuttion forum if it is about a song?

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  • jgbr
    Apr 13, 03:37 PM
    I'm just trying to get the right combo for a server thats all,

    backup for users but also speed.

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  • lbhskier37
    Apr 13, 06:47 AM
    I am looking for a bumper case with a bigger headphone jack. I have a pair of AKG K-55 headphones and would like a case that works with them. The jack is 9mm in diameter, so it won't fit in the Apple bumpers 6mm hole. My car dock also has a bit larger of a dock connector, so that is a concern too. I really like the style and feel of the Apple bumper, but with those tiny holes it is just impractical.

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  • Consultant
    May 3, 09:14 AM
    Remove jailbreak and test.

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  • Kwyjibo
    Jul 9, 01:44 AM
    nobody reads the front page nemore i guess


    arn was on top of that

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  • Night Spring
    Apr 4, 11:37 AM
    Enabling multi-touch gestures isn't related to jailbreak. You can do one without doing the other.

    Mac or Windows?

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  • Mousse
    Feb 17, 10:25 AM
    I can't wait for it to get smaller and recognize speech. It would stop a lot of arguments over whats true in my family.

    Sign me up for one once one comes out. Who knows, I might be right in a argument with the missus for once.:rolleyes:

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  • R94N
    Jan 7, 03:37 PM
    Nice, it reminds me of the iTunes logo. Very minimalist, which I like.

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  • quigleybc
    Sep 15, 01:38 PM
    Check this out

    This guy wants to take you on a "trip"

    Funniest thing I've seen all week


    I hope that link works

    Too funny :D :D :)

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  • archer75
    May 4, 12:51 PM
    The z68 chipset has a feature that will utilize the graphics capablility of the CPU for various offloading tasks such as video encoding(on software that supports it)

    Can't remember what it's called. Don't know if it's enabled on the imacs.

    Mar 6, 09:10 PM
    I recently got MY3G From Cydia on my ipod touch 4generation. Everything went smoothly until i tried it. I turned off my wifi and (they were all checked and green) then tried it and none of them worked! How do i set it up? Or is it just my ipod? HELPP!!! I really hope i didn't waste 4 bucks :(:confused::confused::(

    Nov 9, 12:08 AM
    If there's a duet with Tupac on that album, I'll buy it.

    Nov 17, 11:02 AM
    There is no direct impact on their bottom line because, unlike Sam's Club, Costco doesn't make a dime on any of the products they sell, only the membership fees. Of course there is indirect negative impact if the sole reason you would become a member was to buy an iPad, but I'm willing to bet the number of people who would do that is negligible.
    That is not true. Costco has very thin profit margins on what it sells but the margins on there.

    Right because people will not just go to one of the 100 other places sell Apple hardware. It will not effect them, only Costco...
    A couple of years ago Costco stopped selling Coke products for about a month as contract negotiations between the two hit an impasse. Being a massive retailer in the US means you have leverage (I think Costco is #3). I doubt that will sway Apple though as their popularity currently has them pretty much printing money.


    Jan 19, 10:55 AM
    Haven't had an update yet, although I've never had a sleep issue on my 13inch air.

    May 2, 07:05 PM
    According to Apple: 720p (http://www.apple.com/mac/facetime/).

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