Johnny Depp Riddler Poster

Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • iaddict
    May 2, 10:33 AM
    I think it is a pop account through my DSL provider. Server account settings show it as a pop account for incoming and smtp as outgoing. Is this what you are asking?

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • KSR
    Jan 22, 08:48 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (iPhone; Opera Mini/5.0.019802/22.453; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

    I hope someone can help. :)

    I have a Touch, but my friend recently gave me two older iPod models that he said are broken.

    One is an iPod Classic, the really big ones. xD Well i tried to charge it and it says "Charging" but after about 10 hours later, it turns on to the Apple logo boot up before shutting off maybe 20 seconds later as if the battery is dead. Any ideas?

    As for the second, it looks like it may be the first Nano but the model shouldn't matter with this issue. I charged it and turned it on. It all works perfectly, but when you listen to a song; it sounds as if the person singing is underwater. I think it may be the headphone jack, but I don't know. Ideas?

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • donlphi
    Jan 15, 09:12 AM
    Please feel assured that size doesn't matter and we fully respect you, despite your smaller-than-average badge... :D

    You sound like my fianc�. :(

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • balamw
    Mar 8, 11:51 PM
    From what I understand, you can make your own phone, so long as you don't sell it. I mean, if you have the means to make a mean phone (wow, haha), then I believe you can do it.

    Not without notifying the FCC. You can't transmit anything on a licensed frequency without .... a license. There are plenty of devices that work in unlicensed bands, i.e. where you don't need a license, like most cordless phones or WiFi, but these still need to be tested before sale to make sure they don't interfere with things outside the band even if it's not a radio. Look for the FCC Class B logo on the back of your iPod and LOTS of other devices...


    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Emporium
    Mar 23, 05:26 PM
    for some reason, whenever I tried logging into macrumors, it said my username or password was invalid. I tried this on multiple computers and browsers, but it always said the same thing. AND NO, I DID NOT FORGET MY PASSWORD. NO ONE IS THAT STUPID TO FORGET SOMETHING THAT IMPORTANT. Even so, I tried going through the "forgot password" form and it said my email connected to the account didnt exist. Now I had to make a new one. Did this happen to anyone else, or is it just my luck?

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • ClassicMac247
    Jan 14, 07:22 PM
    Wow, thanks for noticing something we have known for the past 7 hours!:p

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Corrosive vinyl
    Mar 24, 02:32 PM
    I transfered movies into itunes 10 (which plays them), but can't get them to sync up with my iPod Classic.

    Is there something i am missing or doing wrong?

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • Jony Mac
    Apr 8, 11:15 AM
    If they still offered the Black Model I would have probably still picked up the white model.

    Honestly, i wish they made the MacBook and MacBook Pro 13" the same again. When I bought mine I didnt think $200 was worth going to the 13" MBP just for the Ai design, and SD slot.

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • jessica.
    Jun 25, 12:10 PM
    Can you play World Championship Poker online against others? Do you have the boxes? Where are you located? Is $15.00 the price shipped or is shipping more?

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 27, 04:57 PM
    What happened to Dec 21, 2012? Now I'll have to change all the party hats. :mad:

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • wrldwzrd89
    Jan 26, 07:43 PM
    you MUST be missing a codec

    I download lots of movies, and I cannot remember a movie I couldn't play. WMV3 codec plays in WMP, and EVERYTHING else can be played in mplayer or vlc. WMP WMV3 movies play smoothly, unless trying to skip ahead.

    Although, sometimes windows media movies will not play from within Safari.
    I have NEVER gotten Windows Media movies of any sort to play within Safari. In fact, anything not handled by QuickTime has never played inside of Safari for me.

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • notjustjay
    Oct 14, 10:46 AM
    Canadians know mining.

    The government goes very deep into our pockets of ore.

    I knew I was feeling a little tapped out.

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • twoodcc
    Mar 7, 09:55 PM
    ok cheers. that seems very easy even for a command line n00bie like me ;)

    let me know if you have any problems. i'm not much beyond a "n00bie" myself, but i'll help if i can

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Merkava_4
    Apr 14, 12:57 PM
    Old news? They just broadcasted the story yesterday. :confused:

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • max��
    Feb 5, 01:42 PM
    Power it up. Sort out problems later. Thats my way :-)

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • MacBandit
    Oct 8, 12:16 AM
    Originally posted by gilligan

    Nope... they tried running doom III on a laptop with a mobile ATI 9000 and were actually very impressed. I just wish that the powerbook would switch to rdram or at least DDR... and better processors- motorola sucks. Then the powerbook would really be a fine gaming machine when it gets the mobility 9000 in the next couple-few months.

    What did you mean by nope? All I said is that when he's doing his demos that he's been using the ATI9700. Also what do you mean that they wish they would switch to RDRam or at least DDR? DDR400 due out by early next year shows a significant advantage over the fastest RDRam which is technically maxed at the moment. Not to mention the insane licensing fees that RDRam has.

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Lacero
    Mar 23, 07:37 PM
    Damn. Seems more trouble than it is worth. I think I'll just upgrade my boot up HD to the largest HD I can afford. Apple has to make this easier for the end user.

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Ecodisk
    Dec 15, 05:20 PM
    Did I read that auction incorrectly or did you score a G3 B&W for $15+shipping? WOW. I think I need to start looking on ebay for this stuff!

    Yah I sat there down to the last second not believing that I just won it for $15. So I started to think something was wrong with it, but so far no one on here has noticed anything other then the guy saying it had a PS/2 port

    Johnny Depp Riddler Poster. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • DustinT
    Apr 30, 09:15 PM
    My wife runs all the time with hers. She uses the Nike+ system along with some very pricey Sony bluetooth headphones with a remote builtin. I almost bought her a Nano because I know it most of the features she wants. However, the bluetooth headphones wouldn't work.

    Any tips or should I just wait for the Sonys to day and see about a Nano then?

    Mar 25, 02:47 PM
    Original iPhone sealed

    iPod collector

    Apr 30, 08:55 PM
    Such a terrible idea.

    The root home folder isn't even in the standard location. Stop what you are doing.

    Create an admin account and use it, not root.

    Mar 20, 01:34 AM
    And here was a reply that I received:

    "Is there anything wrong with it? Why are you selling it if you just bought it a week ago? only paid $630 for it. Nobody is stupid enough to pay you 1200 when they dont even sell for anywhere near that price in retail....nice try!"

    It gave me a nice chuckle.

    Feb 3, 05:59 PM
    It should be.

    Sep 28, 12:50 AM
    Nope.. i'll just stick to my walking exercise..

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