Map Of Poland And Germany

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  • zimv20
    May 1, 11:58 AM
    is that a supported configuration? head over to and check the compatibility charts.

    there are also troubleshooting guides on the DUC.

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  • Jetson
    Jun 23, 02:56 PM
    I haven't villified anyone here.

    Clearly you have read more into my post than what I actually said.

    Also, the moderators have done an excellent job "catering" to our "whims" in the past. That's what they do.

    All I ask is to be able to have my songs that have zero recommendations deleted. Physically deleted, not logically deleted or simply hidden from my handle.

    That seems like a very reasonable request to me.

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  • bbradley044
    Mar 18, 10:19 PM
    is anyone planning on going over to clarendon store tomorrow morning?

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  • Applejuiced
    May 1, 11:41 PM
    Even though those are some cool features/improvements I wouldnt be so upset sticking with the i4.
    The one at the top of my list would be either better battery or bigger screen.

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  • Entourage12
    May 5, 04:53 PM
    If I remember correctly (bought 3 years ago with the deal) you can buy any of the iPods but you get a rebate amount based on the 8GB iTouch (less of a rebate if you go with the classic, in which case you get a rebate for that retail price)

    Can anyone actually confirm this? I do believe we still actually pay taxes on the iPod which the rebate does not refund also.

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  • niuniu
    Aug 13, 09:30 AM
    Fresh and engaging! So many interesting elements crammed in there. Going to be less moody that the earlier games which many 'shockers might not like, but a change is always good to keep the boredom at bay.

    Can we fly with roses or what? :eek:

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  • liamkp
    Jul 6, 08:43 PM
    *pulls out drill*

    Problem solved.

    Matters what type of case.

    :pullls out scissors:

    Problem solved... sorta.

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  • ScottFitz
    Jan 15, 10:10 AM
    $300 to essentially just get to hear the keynote seems like wasted money, along with the airline ticket and hotel bill. I'm sitting in my desk chair about to watch the keynote over the net. Cost: Free.


    c'mon, a pissed band director? Apple ain't gonna give a rat's ass. The worst thing you'll do is never go back. They honestly just won't care. But, complain all you want if it makes you feel better. Seems like a screwy deal that they would only allow you into one session. But, maybe the brainiacs at Apple decided to specially tailor a program, albeit it limited, to educators assuming you'd not have much interest in other subjects? Sounds plausible if not highly idiotic.

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  • bella92108
    Apr 30, 08:49 PM
    I forgot what it's called... let's me drop icons on any grid space, but not auto close gaps... so if I want an empty row I can just drag icons lower so they leave an empty row and don't auto close the gap like apple wants, lol

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  • vniow
    Sep 15, 12:37 AM
    click please (

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  • Yanimac
    Oct 26, 08:36 PM
    I got there around 6 and there were about 100 people outside of the mall in line. I was in the store 30 mins later so it wasn't too bad. And yes, I did get a t-shirt :cool:

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  • Worf
    Aug 11, 12:06 AM
    Your blurb left out the part where the passenger assaulted said flight attendant and left him with a laceration on his forehead just above his eye.

    If this is the case, its stories like these which prove that the media distorts actual truth and make it worse for the actual victim. Even the police who do have more info than the media, BELIEVE the media. Such stupidity. It was completely reasonable to leave the plane if he had a serious injury.

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  • T-bag
    Apr 4, 05:14 PM
    There are issues in all product lines. I got a screen with a little uneven backlight, but apple handled it perfectly. They even sent me a new one before demanding the first one back (now I have two in my room). Don't worry about things before you have to, cause chances are you'll probably be fine. :) At least eventually!

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  • RevHelix
    Oct 24, 08:47 PM

    I have to head south to Windsor, I was going to hit up a store in Toronto.

    Ah well.. goodies is goodies.

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  • wPod
    Aug 27, 12:28 PM
    is the break up in on your iPod or does it do the same thing in iTunes? if it plays the same in iTunes you can edit the song down (clip off the last second of silence that was imported) and they should play consecutivly. or does it only happen on the iPod?

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  • andythursby
    Apr 29, 03:37 PM
    Really? You are always logged in and can't be logged out? Every single one of your contacts using those desktop services are always logged in as well and you can always communicate with them via that method!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOPE!

    The beauty of a mobile IM application is that you KNOW you can communicate with someone via that method no matter what. You don't have to check first if they're "logged in" (then if they're not logged in go back and send an SMS instead) b/c you and your contacts are always logged in.

    Throw in the fact you can see when the message leaves your phone, gets delivered, when a contact is typing, fast file sharing, group chats, location sharing, broadcast messages etc and it's not even close to the same thing. Sorry.

    actually they stayed loggedin for 7 days, and thats only if you're inactive for 7 days, applies to all people using it, most IM services, such as gtalk, msn, yahoo all do offline messaging, facebook does it as a message. with ebuddy i can see when people are typing, i can have group chats, do location sharing and i can file share with the apps too. so far the only thing i can't do is broadcast messages, which i've never heard of until you mentioned it, so therefore have no need. so really BBM only seems to do 1 thing that beejive and ebuddy don't do. the SMS thing is a bit silly, if someone ain't online and i want to message them i'll just SMS them, simple as, it's not like i cannot do that.

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  • MisterMe
    Mar 11, 09:17 AM
    Agree with everything that davedee65 said. Also understand that tracing does not produce the end product; its product is much closer to the beginning. Your trace produces a lot of control points. You must now go through and eliminate most of those control points until your zigzag lines become smooth curves.

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  • snberk103
    Oct 17, 10:22 AM
    I agree with the general premise.... wash your hands before and after handling anything that is in the public.

    But, really... people really have to chill out. A healthy human with a healthy immune system has very little to worry about. We have all those highly evolved antibodies for a reason. Germs on your hands are there all the time. You even have your own personal colonies growing, which are a good thing because they are territorial and help hinder those "foreign" germs from getting a toe-hold (finger-hold?). Besides, it's not the bad germs on your hands that's a problem, it's when you stick 'em in your eye or mouth (by poking your face with your fingers)

    And if you're going to fret the germs you can't easily deal with, then you shouldn't be in the mall at all. Many germs can be passed on when aerosolized (i.e. coughed or sneezed out). Or, can be growing in the buildings ventilation system (Legionnaire's disease).

    Do you ever take those mints from the desk at the restaurant? The last trip most of the fingers that have been there before you had taken was to the loo. And how many people there was their hands afterwards.

    No - I don't find this unsettling at all.

    You want unsettling?? Read up on how they process "processed" chicken. Not the stuff where you can identify chicken parts, but the chicken nuggets, patties, etc. I can guarantee that you will never ever eat another processed chicken thing again.... it is that disgusting.

    Update: These sensationalistic news stories always annoy me, big time. They take ordinary risks - life is a risk - and then spin the facts to deliberately scare people just to sell more copies, or more page hits. So now they have a bunch of people who think that a) An Apple store is cesspool of malignant malforming germs, and then by implication b) the rest of the world is safe.

    It would have been much more useful to encourage people to wash their hands often. But that is boring, and doesn't sell papers, and so they resort to scare tactics. OK - how many of you wash the outside of the milk container, or chicken package, when you get it home?

    Think about this .... Most people who buy milk have children at home, and children are little concentrated germ factories. Parents have these germs all over their hands. They pick up a carton (transferring their germs), and put it back 'cause it's close to the due date, or it's not chocolate enough, etc etc. You pick it up and take it home. No big problem yet. Just like all the other things you touch in public. Except that you often use milk while preparing food. Everytime you pickup the milk carton and then touch a kitchen utensil or food preparation surface.... you are transferring germs from the wee germ factory.

    How about the chicken package? The meat is packaged in a facility that is constantly fighting E Coli, Salmonella, etc etc. Usually they are successful, and if tiny bit gets into the food it's killed anyway while cooking. But what about the bad stuff that was on the outside of the package? (underneath all those cold and flu germs added by people pawing of the poultry display looking for the good deals) - You pick the chicken package up, with your fingers, and carefully place it on the plate that you will be careful to not let contaminate the rest of the dinner with it's bad "raw chicken" voodoo. But you've got some bad voodoo on your fingers by touching the outside the package.

    My two "scare scenarios" above are not really that scary, for healthy people, 'cause we have antibodies. Finely tuned, heavily evolved, hard working, anti-bodies. There is a good argument that a lot of the asthma and allergies popping up now in adults is because they grew up not playing in dirt. They were too clean as kids, so their antibodies never matured properly. Ever wonder why Polio struck the US harder than most other countries at the beginning of the 20th century? One compelling argument is that Americans at the time were too clean... If you look at where Polio struck, it's a very good argument. The more modern (and clean) a country was, the more likely you were to find Polio. It wasn't an absolute thing, just the probability.

    So quit fretting, and wash your hands often with ordinary soap and water (that anti-bacterial stuff is actually worse for you). And relax.

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  • Merzie
    Mar 13, 05:44 PM
    I was thinking maybe if I tear apart the old monitor and fix the top part of the display in the receiver enclosure just above the latch that it might work.. or just some plain magnets.

    Apr 8, 06:44 AM

    @implementation RootViewController

    @synthesize addSecondListController;
    @synthesize mainList;

    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    self.navigationItem.title = @"Main";

    Oct 11, 06:07 PM
    Heat wise the sticking with the G3 chip makes sense, I would love to see an iBook with a G3 900mhz and a 32meg ATI card. The t-books are to fragile, my Mac tech/sales guy has had to replace hinges, keyboards etc on those ;\

    Oh well, only time will tell ;]

    Mar 31, 03:36 PM
    I admit though, it is kinda cool, but not useful.

    Unless you want your Wii to play movies... :rolleyes:

    Jan 5, 05:09 PM
    No you do not have to restore,
    to get rid of cyida download "Cydelete"
    then delete all the things you have downloaded through cyida NOT CYDELETE
    go to settings find Cydelete open it, it will say something like this, "Do you want cyida protected?" change the slider thing to No
    then go to the home screen and do the same thing as you would to delete a app but to cyida

    hope this helps...

    Sep 13, 10:31 PM

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