Selena Gomez Demi Lovato

Selena Gomez Demi Lovato. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • tablo13
    Oct 20, 09:34 PM
    Is the SwitchEasy screen protector high quality and does it resist fingerprints or attract MORE fingerprint? :confused:

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  • gnasher729
    Dec 18, 01:17 PM
    Would Joe Jackson do this??

    You bet your frickin' life he would!!!

    A sleaze, in the skin of a Human Being.

    If we are discussing music here, start iTunes, go to the store, enter "Joe Jackson" and you will find some music that beats anything Michael Jackson has ever done.

    Selena Gomez Demi Lovato. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • pilotError
    Apr 15, 06:31 PM
    What is the exit condition?


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  • After G
    Sep 11, 01:28 AM
    I was always under the impression that A/C wasted more gas than leaving the windows open. I mean it takes a bunch of energy to convert refrigerant from a gas to a liquid state, and then to pump that refrigerant through your car to make the A/C work.

    I also thought that if the windows were down, the air in the car would flow out through the windows because it wasn't moving, while the air outside the car was, resulting in lower air pressure outside the car than in.

    Maybe someone can explain ... ?

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  • jianglai
    Apr 14, 12:56 PM
    Apple is really testing people's band width today!

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  • MacBytes
    Jan 30, 09:18 PM
    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: iPodderX 2.2.7 (
    Posted on (

    Approved by Mudbug

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  • backinblack875
    Mar 28, 11:36 PM
    What is the easiest way to make a 360 degree panorama of like a room and add into an iweb site so you can use your mouse to view the entire room in 360 degrees....thanks!

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  • kretzy
    Dec 19, 09:51 PM
    Is it a dragon fruit?

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  • ljg93
    Apr 3, 10:20 AM
    Did you make sure to copy them to your application bundle and not just link them?

    as in the bundle do you mean the folder on the desktop?

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  • bildio
    Apr 29, 09:42 AM
    Hold down the Command (⌘ ( key while dragging items off the Sidebar if you have Mac OS X 10.6.7.

    It's gone. Thanks very much.

    Selena Gomez Demi Lovato. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 20, 12:59 AM
    This could just be situation of meeting mandetory continuing education at the lowest price. If you are a doctor, you are required to take a certain number of hours of continuing medical education. Same goes for attorneys and many other professions.

    I'm not a teacher, but based on my experiences with continuing education, sometimes you take really weird classes to meet the mandated minimum requirements. I would not be surprised if the state paid for this program (especially if it was inexpensive) so its teachers could meet their requirements. That isn't necessarily a determination that the seminar is the state's policy on any particular issue.

    I don't really know, just a hypothesis.

    That is what I figure it is. Sounds like the district was getting a pretty good deal at that cost per head. Those things normally cost a lot more.

    It is required for teachers to have continuing education and most districts allow the teacher to submit the cost to the district for reimbursement. Teachers are giving a pretty board range of stuff they can do it on. As long as the reimbursement cost are reasonable they generally will cover it. They will not pay travel expensive for it.
    My mom has to have so many hour ever few years and she does most of them during the summer and does them locally. District pays for them.
    On top of that districts will often times have things brought in and then they will get subs for the teachers for that day. Depends what it is.

    I think this is an example of making a mountain out of a mole hill.

    Selena Gomez Demi Lovato. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Doctor Q
    Apr 2, 11:47 PM
    On April Fool's Day we challenged forum members to solve a puzzle: to explain the rules that caused a row of new icons to appear under user names. The ongoing detective work was in this thread. The winners, as announced in this post, were:
    Moi un Mouton
    TwinCities Dan
    wrc fan

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  • Dagless
    Mar 22, 10:06 PM

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  • skyfex
    Aug 13, 03:29 PM
    You should make one where you see every face from 100% to 0%.. Oh and one where the eyes turn to the Invincible-eyes every 30 seconds or so =P But I loved it. Doom is an amazing game =D

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  • TheGenerous
    Dec 1, 07:47 PM
    Dax Regular

    OFFTOPIC; How did you recognize it?

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  • chessterino
    Mar 12, 10:07 AM
    I just got a 17 inch CTO Macbook Pro replacement from Apple Care. I am looking to get a 15 inch instead so i am thinking of selling the 17 inch unit. I am thinking of listing in craigslist, how much should i ask for? The specs are

    17 Inch Sandy Bridge
    2.2 Ghz i7
    4 GB Ram
    128 SSD

    It is Brand New and Unopened.

    Selena Gomez Demi Lovato. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • blackburn
    Mar 23, 06:34 PM
    That should be covered by warranty (even by direct swap if it's in the return period)

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  • Young Spade
    Apr 19, 10:44 PM
    Take it to an Apple Genius Bar and see what they say. I would go with a failing harddrive though.

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  • vhp3
    May 4, 07:43 AM
    Is it safe to leave the mac pro on without a monitor attached for remote logins? I am selling my monitor and won't have a replacement for a while but I do need access. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Oct 31, 03:08 PM
    I don't think Mac Websites should be a category. and don't think individual sites should get their own wiki page.

    In the future we can do a Guide to the Mac Web sort of collective page - the problem with that is competing interests amongst sites.

    Also, individual sites can be linked from articles about their respective topics.

    The wiki isn't designed to be a site index.


    Jul 10, 12:30 PM
    I was planning on going to the Apple Store in Baton Rouge this evening, but since the line has already started forming, I'm just going to stay in Lake Charles and go to the Derek Drive store. I was the first person last year in line at this store. I'll be there around 12ish. Anyone else planning on going?

    Mar 18, 06:59 PM
    I am having trouble activating 3G in my iPad with used Sim. How do I get AT&T to reset this so I can activate 3G service in my name?

    can't you just get a fresh MicroSIM from AT&T?
    shouldn't they be happy to provide you with a Sim if you subscribe to an iPad data plan?

    Sep 6, 05:08 PM
    I'm just going to have Dr. Sullivan come do my laminectomy at my house.

    Apr 30, 04:34 PM
    I just like the idea of being Administrator. Is it bad? I don't have another username, as I wanted to use the root as my only account.
    Should I just make a new username?

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