Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard

Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • longofest
    Feb 2, 11:53 AM
    Okay... if no one objects by the end of the day, I'm going to create the category. (i.e. HexMonkey, this is your chance to voice your concerns!!!)

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • rdowns
    Apr 16, 07:19 AM
    I have two as I had one before Apple gave me one. I am not a woman and these are not shoes. :D

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 27, 04:39 PM
    "The Return of Christ"? Didn't they make that movie years ago?

    Followed by "The Revenge of Christ", "The Curse of Christ", "Taste the Blood of Christ", "Frankenstein Meets Christ", "Dr. Christ and the Bikini Machine", "Galilee Christ and the Temple of Doom" and of course the prequel, "Jesus the Christ and the Blustery Day".

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • colocolo
    Oct 13, 08:48 PM
    Contrary to popular (American) belief, US $10,000 isn't that much over here.
    It's not even enough for a regular car, and it accounts for around 7 months of some of these miners' salaries, probably around a year for the worst paid ones.

    By the way, they are all out now, and the rescuers are coming back to the surface as well.

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Stike
    Jan 16, 05:49 PM
    Awesome! :rolleyes:

    And now, pls make the link working again :p

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • SilentLoner
    Apr 21, 07:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    perfect browser for almost all of my browsing, and on the rare occasion safari.

    I hate safari for what it's worth. though I wish Apple would allow other browsers to use the autofill feature.

    Perfect browser?

    Why you hate safari so much?

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • iBlue
    Dec 18, 07:00 PM
    "the apple of my eye" ;)

    (background made to match avatar area)

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • macktheknife
    Sep 3, 09:32 AM
    I'm a recent switcher who traded his PIII 850 MHz Dell laptop for a 550 MHz TiBook back in January. In my honest opinion, you will probably notice a significant speed decrease if you are running IE or Word on OS X. Jaguar has improved OS X's performance, but it still lags behind a P III. Webpages load much faster on a PC, although as other reviewers have pointed out, it may have more to do with the browsers. If you run it on OS 9, however, web surfing and processing is pretty fast.

    Nevertheless, I have few regrets in switching. My TiBook has handled many tasks for me without greeting me with a blue screen of death. You can plug in any hardware with full confidence that it will work on a Mac (I was reminded of this when I had spent a frustrating hour trying to get my PC at work to read the external zip drive). PC users have come to expect crashes as much as humans expect the rain--a natural occurrence. Rather than "Think Different," I think the new Apple slogan should be something like "Mac: It just works." :D

    Here are some of the programs I run: Office X, AOL IM, Mozilla, IE, REALbasic, iTunes, iPhoto, and FileMaker Pro. I have Photoshop 7 but I can't compare the speed between P7 on a Mac and PC since I had never used it on a PC. It runs fast enough for my purposes.

    In my direct experience, I have found PCs to be faster than Macs, but far less stable and compatible with 3rd party hardware.

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • MisterMe
    Mar 29, 08:55 AM
    That's exactly the problem. ...This is a long-standing problem in the era of computers. Your vita will be read by a machine. You need enough confidence in yourself to believe that it is not necessary to impress a machine with your typography skills. Computer-based CV systems have traditionally used OCR to read CVs. You would do well to read, process, and follow covisio's advice. Your posted sample is not the worst CV that I have seen. It doesn't have multiple colors and embedded graphics, thank God. However, you use multiple typefaces and type sizes. Bad.

    The only recommended concession to art is boldface. Otherwise, you should use a single typeface--something totally non-creative like Times or Times New--in a single typesize--say 10 point or 12 point. All to make the job of the OCR easier.

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Resist
    Mar 28, 12:36 AM
    You'd have to be fairly close to them for more than a brief encounter and the radiation dissipates after awhile. Not only that, they'd have to get fairly large doses in the first place to emit much radiation.I'm talking about the animals getting large dose exposures, like around the Japanese reactors. Birds get exposed then fly away and settle in populated areas. It was my understanding the this much radiation takes hundreds of years to dissipate. So if we assume the birds in my example don't get eaten by other animals (or be eaten by humans), if any exposed animals died they would still be radioactive and a health hazard to people coming across their bodies.

    And what of the radiation the Japanese plants are pouring into the ocean, which can expose ocean life, that people might eat later in other countries?

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Astro7x
    Aug 10, 12:17 AM
    Been waiting in Chicago (not some small town, but Chicago for christ's sake) for way too long, we had the neighborhood wired for U-Verse for close to a year and still nothing. Seems for whatever corrupt reason AT&T doesn't want to compete and leave only Comcast (who I despise) as the only provider in my neighborhood. Hey Verizon, if want to make some more money just move into the Chicago area, then you can offer a package deal when you get the iPhone.:mad:

    In Evanston they've had the U-Verse boxes installed for quite some time now. I use to have one directly outside my old apartment, but no U-Verse service :(

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • vniow
    Sep 15, 12:37 AM
    click please (

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • FireStar
    Oct 16, 02:00 PM

    I don't.

    Maybe a TRIM...

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Rendergroup
    Jun 14, 08:13 PM
    bobnugget ===> Thanks for your reply, yes I new using OSX, but I have my Windowze machine besides my Mac BookPro; before turning off the power switch or button I did a search in Google and found that procedure (cmd-option-esc) but nothing... no response, freeze.. didn't have a feedback of the machine (remembered my Windows 95 or 98).

    I had to use the last resource as the research suggested me. Turn the power button down, wait a few seconds and restart the machine.

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • asencif
    Jun 25, 01:21 AM
    Pm Sent about the Keyboard

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • GMaister22
    Jan 29, 07:17 PM
    Hey guys!

    I just pulled of my earbuds from my macbook and now the sound doesn't work :(
    Although when i have some headphones plugged in the sounds works :)

    Thats what i get:

    any ideas how to fix it?

    EDIT: after pulling in and out the jack of the earbud sometimes i see a red light , sometimes not

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • ipoppy
    Dec 1, 02:13 PM
    Is this available for wifi only or will it be available via 3G as well?

    Wifi only but with "Unrestrictor" (jailbroken) works well as tested:D

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • zain24
    Apr 1, 01:49 PM

    I am excited about Lion being released! I am thinking about purchasing a MBP when it comes out.

    However, my concern is I also need to run mobile apps (ie for iPad) for my clients. Will I be able to run apps made for iphone/ipad through Lion somehow.. either through a third party program or on the mac OS.

    Thanks in advance.

    Lauren Conrad Kyle Howard. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • victorvu
    Apr 22, 01:32 PM
    atomic. those multi gestures and full screen browsing got me. never go back to safari since then.

    Mar 8, 02:40 PM
    I just switched from PC to Mac. I received a Base Station Snow Second Hand and the Password is unknown. Is there a way to reset it on the Base Station itself, or is there a way to reconfigure it using my Setup Assistant under Utilities?



    Check this out:

    I'm pretty sure the older airport base station has the same paperclip hole in the bottom.... I think that's the answer.

    May 5, 06:37 PM
    Yup, my replacement is 5k

    Gadget Chief
    Jun 23, 07:26 AM
    Has anyone had experience lining up before? where does the line form?

    Apr 21, 03:52 PM
    My girl used to use a Candyshell (the light blue and pink one). Now she has a pink and white Otterbox Defender and she couldn't be happier which actually shocked me.

    Generally, the ladies don't seem care about the actual style of the case or even it's functionality. The seem to only care about the color. Granted that is a blanket statement and doesn't apply to the entire gender but the past couple of girlfriends I've had have had this same attitude towards their phones.

    girls generally dont care for the size of the phone case because they usually carry the phone in their bags unlike guys who carry them in pockets...

    Mar 28, 06:50 PM
    I purchased a Moshi Mini DP to HDMI adapter from the online Apple store, and it arrived today. Upon opening and plugging in the HDMI, the adapter made a small crack and literally fell apart.

    Would I be able to take this in for an exchange at the store?

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