White Wedding Table Settings

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  • ALpianoman
    Apr 5, 03:05 PM
    Hey, just wondering if anyone knows how to get Connect360 to update with the latest stuff in my Movies folder. I converted something and it wouldnt show up on the 360, ever after rebooting the console.

    I had to stop sharing with Connect360 and resume again to get it on the console.


    Once you add a movie to the movies folder, it will automatically update Connect360. The movie file has to be converted to a WMV and WMV Audio file. If it uses any other of Audio compression, Connect360 won't find or be able to use it.


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  • BakedBeans
    Oct 25, 07:48 AM
    this thread was a temporary brain fart. and as sods law dictates i figured it out about 5 minutes after posting :)

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  • peapody
    Feb 9, 03:14 PM
    I am feeling very American Psycho today and thus want to see everyone's business card. Post photos of your business card!

    You first :cool:

    The perfect way to expose the world to private information that can lead to identity theft among other things. :eek:

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  • CrzyCanuck72
    Apr 24, 07:26 AM
    holy crap you have no idea how long I've been trying to figure out how to do this for. Amazing!

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  • macOSX-tastic
    Sep 15, 09:25 AM
    hey guys,

    doing some random web browsing as its such a horrible rainy day on the isle of wight, and came accross this rather funny "cillit bang remix". its a kind of remixy type thing taking the mickey out of that popular house cleaning product....i may try the penny thing later:D
    im not sure if it has already been posted, if it has, forgive me. left me feeling rather bemused and confuddled!:D



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  • bnerd
    Feb 19, 02:39 PM
    This is stupid .... allowing this kinda of crap, but still too stingy to open up private API's like cover flow and full access to the page curl animation for ebook type applications.


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  • sectime
    Feb 18, 09:20 PM
    I wonder how they got to that screen on the Verizon iPhone? I can't find it anywhere on mine. Not that it is a huge deal, just wondered how they got to that screen?
    Settings/Phone/Verizon Services

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  • stubeeef
    Aug 7, 09:32 PM
    Find out what your employer's policy is on external websites -- often, a company will want to enforce standards of graphic design, security, product information and claims, copyright and legal information. Having an outside website representing their products could create a risk or liability situation for the company. They may already have a means to allow their sales reps to maintain contact pages on the corporate site.

    Thanks for the nix on .biz!

    And I plan on involving my employer before making any final move. I would like to have a site ready to switch on, and for them to see prior to switching it on.

    I have read some threads where some like asmallorange.com is that a fairly good place? should I register my names through or with their help? I can find a good web person or two to do the work for me, incase they are end up being friends willing to do it cheap, how much would the work normally cost (avg type work) so I can pay them what they deserve?

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  • RonCarr
    Oct 19, 09:06 AM
    I will be there! With a friend! Picking up a family pack! Can't wait to get my hands on that DVD! See you all there! :apple:

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  • ham_man
    Aug 8, 02:05 PM
    For ASO, they don't mess with the domain, and after (I think) 60 days you can have it transferred to a different registrar if you want to change web hosts, or you simply don't want ASO to have it. I'm unsure about the policy for other hosting companies.

    ASO might make the most sense because they're one of the easiest hosts to work with. No joke: I've had problems that I've labeled as urgent and sent to them through the support system and they've responded within ten minutes. Talk about service.

    Anyway, there's plenty of other great hosts out there, and you'll want to look for one with PHP and MySQL, CPanel, and a good ratio between storage and bandwidth.

    There's threads about payments, and it really depends on the amount of work they do: graphics, code, backend content system, etc. Hope things start falling into place for you. :)
    I had 7 minutes of time from my email to their answer when I asked for help. And it was not urgent.

    As for you stu, I might suggest registering your domain thru Domain Site (http://www.domainsite.com/) (very cheap domains), and buying the tiny or small package thru ASO. To get the domain to work with ASO, just make sure that you point the name servers for the domain that you bought to ns1.asmallorange.com and ns2.asmallorange. The name servers part will be the biggest issue if you intend on purchasing your domain and your hosting package from different people.

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  • enklined
    Jul 23, 12:35 PM
    I think you meant 4.0.1 was released on July 15...

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  • bobber205
    Apr 2, 12:01 AM
    Mods ftw!

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  • vhp3
    May 4, 07:43 AM
    Is it safe to leave the mac pro on without a monitor attached for remote logins? I am selling my monitor and won't have a replacement for a while but I do need access. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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  • emw
    Jan 4, 12:02 PM
    One of our more illustrious members put together this thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=89736). Check it out.

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  • sikkinixx
    Apr 15, 04:49 PM
    I;m not huge on the Lair graphics. They look good close up, textures etc. but I dunno....something about them doesn't knock my socks off.

    Still can't wait to pick'r up July 24th/31st :D

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  • mcmillan
    Aug 3, 01:37 AM
    Hi, I'm looking for a free, good application for doing webpages, in a template-like way. Similar to RapidWeaver.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Java
    Jan 22, 01:31 AM
    I voted and just put it into TiVo to record.

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  • ReCreateEnt
    Apr 22, 07:35 AM
    Hi all!
    Here is a comic about George's feelings:

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  • kjanice2009
    Jan 4, 03:26 AM
    Well , these are my favourite album for Christmas

    1.Sting - 'If on a Winter's Night...'
    2.David Archuleta - 'Christmas From the Heart'

    Apr 25, 06:39 PM
    There really is no upgrade price with Apple, Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard each cost 129 USD, regardless of what previous OS you have. Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard was just 29 USD as it was more of a "Service Pack", as most of the changes have been under the hood and not the fancy schmancy one expects from a new OS.
    Therefore it is safe to assume that Mac OS X 10.7 Lion will cost more than 29 USD, it even might cost less than 129 USD and be around 70 to 80 USD.

    Feb 3, 09:58 AM
    They can't produce complete and useful sentences in the iPhone forums either yet those still exist.

    This is an Apple site, not a science site. There is a justification for having iPhone forums on an Apple site. There isn't a good justification for having a Science forum on an Apple site. At least, nobody's put forth a good one yet.

    The majority of people here are geeks, and geeks like science.

    Just because someone is interested in gadgets does not mean they're interested in any of the science behind it.

    Any science discussion will probably just get hijacked and sent off to the Wastela...err, PRSI in the first place. I'll start; let's talk about the science behind global warming.

    Apr 25, 07:09 AM
    That is funny. But, just like those funniest home videos, you have to wonder if they are real or staged.

    Mar 5, 02:38 AM
    I have an Airport Basestation (Graphite) and love it, some minor signal problems. Currently I'm using a Netgear Wi-Fi Router, I like it, can set up with Safari, no special software needed, similar problems to the AP. Used a linksys, too hard to change the settings.


    Apr 2, 10:17 AM
    i've got a G5 2.0 with a 6600 LE graphics card. I've been looking for a better card if you want to sell your 7800GT or trade plus some cash on my part. don't want to stray too far off topic so i'll dm you

    Hmm.. let me think about it.. sure you want to live with a real noisy card?

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