Justin Bieber Singing On Stage

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  • gkarris
    Mar 26, 09:47 PM
    Original iPhone sealed

    I hope he still has the receipt from launch day (I guess he paid the $499?)...

    I got mine when the priced dropped to $299 and went home and opened it (should've bought two and kept one unopened)... :mad:

    (starts banging head against the wall...) :eek:

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  • jessica.
    Mar 30, 04:10 PM
    They stopped being funny.

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  • SwiftLives
    Jan 21, 11:17 AM
    Another option would be to get a really nice printout of some of your illustration work and photograph various closeup details of it..

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  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 9, 02:37 PM
    No problems here with Greenpois0n.

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  • rtdgoldfish
    Jan 24, 07:26 PM
    I was just like you, I need a scroll wheel and two buttons. The MacMice are great. I have one of them and love it.

    As far as keyboards go, I have an iBook so I don't have a keyboard but I've used the Apple keyboard many times on friend's Macs and it seems fine to me.

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  • robPOD
    Apr 1, 11:54 PM
    Sell it.

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  • anim8or
    May 5, 09:18 AM
    I think both ways seem to have too many flaws, and like i said earlier many people will not use their alternative votes wisely and I am sure that most people are unaware that they do NOT need to give an alternative.

    Well, i guess we will see how it all goes.... I am working the election tonight so i wont hear the end of it til about 7/8am tomorrow!!!

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  • arkitect
    Apr 27, 12:24 PM
    Oh well, Jel Sert must be pleased�
    Sales projections for early to mid May are looking good.


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  • billy3785
    Apr 3, 06:30 PM

    Running preview 1 on MacHD now, why wouldnt it let me install to the same drive?

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  • jamied95
    Mar 18, 04:21 PM
    Does anybody know what font the BBC are using for their Comic Relief coverage this evening?

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  • iPimpin
    Mar 18, 07:07 PM
    can't you just get a fresh microsim from at&t?
    Shouldn't they be happy to provide you with a sim if you subscribe to an ipad data plan?

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 18, 03:47 PM

    no problem. let us know what type of systems you are building!

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  • Sijmen
    Apr 27, 05:33 PM
    That's how British people spell it. Insult fail!

    You'd think people would've learnt by now.

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  • laurim
    Feb 26, 01:24 PM
    You're referring to the WordPress.com service I think, if you go to WordPress.org you can download the files that power a WordPress blog, host them on your own server, and customize it extensively. In fact, I'd bet you'd be surprised how many sites use it.

    I use WordPress for my website and it looks nothing like a blog. Lots of WordPress blogs look the same because those people have no desire to attempt coding. People who know how to code html, php and css can use the CMS aspects of WP to their advantage and those sites no longer look like a blog. It does get a little complicated explaining plug-ins and widgets to a non-coder when you hand it off to a client. Frankly, every website I've ever done for someone has barely been updated after I hand it off so I don't know what you need to do to make people keep it fresh after you're done. So sad to watch something I worked so hard on just shrivel and die on the vine :(

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  • bartelby
    Nov 5, 04:08 PM
    do you have Friends or contacts set up?

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  • sorepheet
    Feb 15, 10:48 AM
    I deactivated my FB about 6 months ago. You would be amazed at how liberating the process was. I still use foursquare, twitter, beerby so I can still be social. I just found that the constant NEED to adjust my privacy setting cumbersome. Couple that with people I know, KNOW how to get a hold of me. Before I deactivated I put up a wall post letting people know how to get a hold of me. Try it for week, just sayin' :cool:

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  • dmw007
    Dec 11, 10:44 PM
    Intel came up with the BTX form factor a little while ago. I have not heard from it since. Do a lot of PCs use this motherboard style? How about Dell?

    Is it a possibility that future Macs will use it?

    Gateway has been using the BTX for almost a year I believe.

    Could any future Macs use a BTX MB? I suppose that anything is possible- who would have imagined Mac OS running on intel processors?!

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  • ri0ku
    Apr 26, 09:11 AM
    Who cares what people wear? it doesnt tell you who the person really is so even if his clothes arnt "designer" and "expensive" why does it matter?

    The CEO of the products you love so much has worn the same damn thing for 10+ years...

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  • Detrius
    May 1, 12:22 AM
    Go to the machine and verify that you can login with the user name and password that you have. Then, verify that whatever service it is that you're trying to connect to is actually running. You didn't tell us, so we have absolutely no way of answering your question, but whatever service it is (HTTP, SSH, AFP, SMB, Telnet, FTP, WebDAV, OpenLDAP, Kerberos, Minecraft), it's probably going to require you talking to the person running the server itself, since clearly you don't have a clue what you're really doing.

    Dec 3, 05:09 PM
    I've had to disable them. Getting a message every time someone mentions me on Twitter is beyond annoying.

    Mr. Anderson
    Aug 13, 01:45 PM
    just for the record - you need to put your user name in the title and the submission number as per the rules. Otherwise this tar will not be allowed :D


    Oct 3, 11:20 AM
    What would you consider a good price offer for a 4gb iPhone in great condition, new SIM and with accessories?

    Actually, I apologize, but I ended up ordering a 8G today. There's a 90% chance it comes with the old firmware so I could unlock it.

    Thanks for the reply - eV

    Apr 26, 06:00 PM
    Sad thing is either way people have made up their mind about it. If they think Apple is the bad guy here, they won't be dissuaded, if they think Google is saints despite tracking Google searches you do with some 100 cookies they'll believe it. It's sadly like the birthers, as much evidence, bi-partisan at that, comes to light, people will be ignorant because when you try to beat an idiot with logic and reason they'll drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

    Mar 18, 05:32 PM
    yep you need to clear your in and out if you want the entire timeline exported, right click on the timecode part of the time line ( where the number are ) and select "clear in & out"

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