Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art

Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • greatdevourer
    Sep 23, 12:09 PM
    The Sun's page 3 gals have been declared a British institution.
    In a poll to find our [your] top ten national treasures (carried out by Yahoo!), the bare-breasted beauties came 6th. #1 was the Sunday roast and #2 was regional dialects, with brown sauce at 7 and beer bellies at 8.


    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Macxor
    Feb 16, 05:33 PM

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  • Isaiah5417
    May 3, 09:08 AM
    I have an iPad 1 and I am really wishing that there was more Ram in it so programs would run smoother and faster. So saw a hack that was suppose work with firmware before 4.2 but I was curious if there was a hack that would allow you to use your flash memory are virtual ram on 4.3.

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  • Lord Appleseed
    May 6, 03:37 PM
    Nice video!

    Are you planning on doing some gaming tests too?

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  • jackieonasses
    Feb 24, 10:33 PM
    did they have an 18 battery life before? It is still a new rev. the 4gig has the new battery.


    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • spaghetti head
    May 6, 11:43 AM
    The simple answer is as many as you want: There are no limits apart from with MobileMe: you can only have a single MobileMe account.
    You can add as many POP, IMAP or exchange accounts as you want
    Thanks, I figured out how MobileMe works and I've added more accounts.

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • SyncToGreen
    Nov 6, 10:45 AM
    I'll take a look for Quadras.

    A cable on the Mac serial or printer port connects to an old Opcode miidi interface designed for the Macs of those days. Two midi cables then connect to the Tascam M-3700 recording console for bi-directional communication with the Mac.

    The software itself was known as JL Cooper Pro3700 automation and always worked great with the Performa and Plus. Those tiny b&w displays were what I never liked.

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • The-Pro
    Apr 12, 03:53 PM
    yep yep had the exact same thing. I managed to sort of fix it by downloading and installing Windows vista service pack 1, and then Windows vista service pack 2. Now in order for me to only use headphones i need to disable speakers in the sound prefs, otherwise some sounds go through headphones (when connected) and others through speakers. SO i have sound now its just annoying to have to disable speaker and enable all the time!
    hope i could help, also once you have done the above two things, download and install the latest driver, the one u in the link u posted!

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Abscissa
    Aug 27, 11:36 PM
    I'm actually using a Samsung phone charger. A lot of newer phones have chargers that adapt to any USB chord. No problems as of yet. I also use it to charge my PS3 headset and whatnot.

    Not really a suggestion, just a little notice. Maybe go see if you can buy a replacement phone charger for mad cheap?

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Consultant
    Apr 18, 05:07 PM
    Quick google search results in this. You might need to hunt down the artist to license it.

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  • benherron
    Apr 27, 02:03 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Oh plus power requirements?!? Can i even power these cards.

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Kyffin
    Jan 6, 04:25 PM
    Yeah, there are some around, and I've heard of people modding movie camera lenses which can be even faster and using them (although mad expensive and unwieldy), by the by I've read on the net that this .95 is a security camera lens as well.�095-lens-for-micro-four-thirds-cameras/

    It must be nice to have fast/quality glass but for where I am in photography am having a bunch of fun learning/experimenting with some pretty lo-fi gear at the moment (don't want to be one of these 'technical photographers' who just take pictures of brick walls, lol- rather learn the basics from scratch). Had a brief peek at your flickr and like your shots, happy shooting!

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • alukado
    Feb 24, 03:14 AM
    Hopefully , this would get fixed soon .

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  • John Purple
    Jan 11, 02:36 PM
    Good job! :)

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  • scu
    Nov 21, 07:42 PM
    I am ready to buy an iPhone the second Apple releases them

    I would as well, but the big question is; Will it work with all celluar carriers?

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • teabgs
    Dec 14, 06:00 PM
    Originally posted by Rower_CPU
    Nice music, too. "Nightmare Before Christmas", right?


    Gotta stick with Nightmare outta principle, till I get my own music written..

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • ajaygrover
    Jan 17, 01:39 PM
    Apple has posted a complete podcast of their Macworld 2007 keynote address. Check it out on iTunes. :D

    "Watch Apple CEO Steve Jobs kick off the Macworld Conference & Expo 2007 with a keynote address that covers new developments, including the iPhone and Apple TV.

    Watch Apple CEO Steve Jobs kick off the Macworld Conference & Expo 2007 with a keynote address from San Francisco's Moscone West. He introduced exciting developments at Apple, including the iPhone, Apple TV, and the addition of Paramount movies to iTunes."

    PS: It is a 1.21GB download in "m4v" format ;)

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Imola Ghost
    Oct 23, 03:14 PM
    Thanks guys, I'm gonna go and rename some of my music trying to stick to just the basics.

    Classic Rock

    Morrigan Dragon Age Concept Art. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • guccigucci88
    Apr 21, 04:34 PM
    size doesnt matter.. when it comes to iphone cases lol my girl used a pink otterbox knockoff for a while and loved it but now shes using pink magpul which looks tight u shud check it out.

    i agree with rapalee man colour is number one concern haha on that note does anybody know any good cases thats similar to 'tiffany blue" colour? my girls obsessed with that colur but i havent come across a good case that has it. thanks

    Apr 30, 05:26 PM
    i don't think baseband matters
    It doesn't... I just wanted to rule out a software unlock.

    Nov 15, 12:26 PM
    you may wanna brush up on your CSS a little edesignuk, you would be surprised what CSS can control

    mind you, IE doesnt support some tags, but CSS can do everything from onfocus to simple IF statements (firefox supports on focus of textbox while IE doesnt, inwhich case you would check the browser version and implement javascript for onfocus where IE doesnt support it from CSS)

    i have had a hard time controlling form elements in safari, but i havent spent much time with safari as my primary concern. we dev primarily for firefox, then for IE and check to make sure stuff works in safari. thats just the way we have prioritized the browsers

    il stop here as to not turn this into a flame war, but theres quite a few books on CSS if your a bit behind times. you should also know theres different CSS versions.


    Nov 8, 11:12 AM
    Has anyone seen an increase in pop-up ads appearing while using safari with the bop-up blocker on.

    This is driving me crazy.

    Does anyone know of a reliable pop-up blocker plugin?

    Mar 16, 11:46 AM
    have you tried refreshing the list? or changing the critera around again and back to what you want

    might work

    Mar 12, 09:57 PM
    I say iPad1375 is your best bet.

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