Red Hair Blonde Highlights Pictures

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  • Dreadnought
    May 23, 03:04 PM
    There still working out the bugs. I think the gamingmachines are going first before they get back and work on the Intel Mac version. Or they are waiting for leopard and that will magically erase all the bugs! :D

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  • JML42691
    Jan 14, 05:59 PM
    There wouldn't be anything to gain from changing it, only a few hundred thousand confused people who did not have knowledge of the change and then are left clueless after they upgrade it.

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  • Thanks Chester
    Apr 19, 06:34 AM
    haha Mr ezekielrage_99, real funny, you are a TWIT, i wasnt asking for free design, ive done my 10 years plus pal, i was just simply asking for maybe a direction with technique as its something i would like to master, basically i tried a few tutorials, but nothing was cutting, i needed something special, thats why i asked the forum, because i would expect to find descent helpful designers trying help out a fellow designer, thats what design is all about, sharing your knowledge, not being a tight arse like yourself.

    to citizenzen, i agree with your comments and this is why i having trouble with my design, the logo is for a music festival and the client wanted a specific concept where the logo was floating in the sky as clouds, but because of the shape of the logo it had to look perfect.

    please have a look at my latest result, which is looking better, but maybe it could be perfected!

    thank you everyone for your responses, even ezekielrage_99!
    Thanks Chester

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  • AriX
    Feb 17, 03:39 PM
    I don't see the fact that the company is publicly endorsing jailbreaking & unlocking as an indication that a deal with Apple is coming soon, but whatever...

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  • MacNut
    Apr 15, 12:15 PM
    Right, but what if i use a youtube to mp3 site to convert it into an mp3 and store it in my itunes library?How good is You Tube quality. Not sure I want that in my library.

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  • amazingdm
    Mar 16, 01:10 PM
    As in a REAL ipod not a square little touchscreen.

    Something with real menus... some kind of separate control pad (touchwheel or whatever)... crossfade etc

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    Apr 19, 10:55 AM
    Your list is a great start. If you master those things, you'll have some very valuable skills.

    Keep it up!!

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  • tkjazzer
    Apr 19, 08:51 PM
    FileVault places the contents of your home folder in an encrypted disk image. It cannot have any affect on the ability to erase your drive. Do realize, however, that your data will be gone if you format the drive. I assume you recognize that, but just want to be certain.


    I backed up most everything I could.

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  • kdarling
    Mar 26, 08:56 PM
    One really huge difference between Apple suing someone over a patent, versus Microsoft, Nokia, Kodak or others doing so, is that at least the latter seem willing to license their patents.

    Has Apple ever licensed their technology to others? (Excepting the clones way back when.)

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  • andythursby
    Apr 29, 01:30 PM
    Anyone who thinks a desktop IM service (AIM, Google Talk, etc.) is comparable to a mobile IM service (bbm, whatsapp etc.) simply doesn't get it.

    i can do anything with beejive that i can do when i've used whatsapp, but have the advantage that i can also talk to people that don't have smart phones.....

    BBM is a gimmick that is dying, look at the fact that RIM are now working on making BBM work on android and iOS... desperation there....

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  • AP_piano295
    Sep 25, 12:29 PM
    Does anybody think that somebody will develope a method for putting slideshows on TV with the nano a special chord or sumthing.

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  • satcomer
    Apr 22, 10:26 PM
    It should. Just try everything in the thread.

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  • Severum
    Mar 19, 12:33 PM
    I'm not sure the hellos are done here, however, I'm now fully converted and have just recently purchased a 2010 Mac Mini Server which fits into my home cinema system excellently. My main use will be to store and watch my films/music (Plex already installed), but I also intend to extend my network with an iPad later this year. well a picture paints a thousand words...

    Sony Bravia 52" HDTV
    Sky HD
    Denon AVR 1911 AV Amp
    Sony Blu Ray S350 (wired through the amp via HDMI)
    2010 Mac Mini Server (wired through the amp via HDMI to give 5.1 surround)
    Eltax Speakers (Danish company)
    Apple wireless keyboard + Logitech M570 Trackball mouse for pure couch potatoness

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  • bmb012
    Apr 4, 08:59 PM
    Did your friend's dad also write the software that tells the Wii how to play video dvds...?

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  • bvpham88
    Jan 30, 04:56 AM
    i wanted to let anybody that stumbles on this forum that i found a way to restore it!

    all you gotta do is hold menu and the middle button until the apple logo comes on, now let go and press and hold the middle and play/pause button it will then go into restore mode, once you connect it to a computer it will probably ask you to format the drive, just format and open itunes, now it will let you restore with itunes.

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  • dave1234
    Dec 13, 06:58 PM
    right here
    notice the white line around the flesh color.

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  • eric55lv
    Jan 14, 05:47 PM
    iTunes is to well known, they won't change the name.

    I hope they dont!!!

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  • bennetsaysargh
    Mar 20, 02:45 PM
    How many colours do you have the gif set to? If it's very low, that might cause it.

    it worked.
    thanks :)

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  • iEdd
    Dec 10, 03:56 PM
    nevermind, I just had to plug the power cord, silly me:o
    Just don't kiss the power outlet in grace.

    Apr 4, 03:16 PM
    My early 2008 Macbook Pro just died after two and a half years. When I brought it into the Apple Store, they said my logic board had failed and wasn't my nVidia 8600GT. $1,100 to replace. I said no thanks.

    I'll be needing a laptop this Sept for school and the new Macbook Pros look awesome. Is there anything about them I should be afraid of?? I don't want it to break down.

    I guess I'll continue to buy AppleCare even though I've only had to use it a handful of times. I'd rather pay 10 to 15 percent up front than get hit with a shocking bill later.

    If you prefer to "take your chances", your luck has actually been pretty good. You made it past the expiration of normal AppleCare before hitting a huge repair issue.

    Do you have your data backed up? If not, make sure you pull the hard drive and pop it in a usb hdd enclosure so you can get your stuff off since the logic board died your stuff is probably still there. The nice part is you get to keep using it as an external drive after you get your new system up and running.

    Apr 29, 11:48 AM
    for some reason i think the ipad2 speaker is louder than the MBA 11.6"

    Sep 1, 11:22 AM
    Congratulations on being the third MacRumors folder to hit 1 million points! You made it a few days ago, but I just saw it now on EOC.

    Thanks for all the points and for the scripts!


    Nov 30, 05:58 PM
    Would you be willing to sell the RAM and graphics card seperately? I would buy them. Or we could do a trade for my 64MB VRAM card + cash.

    Mar 1, 12:16 PM
    Because Apple has the final word and will never allow such stickers, as they are distracting and destroying the overall beauty of their products.
    They send two Apple stickers with their products though.

    Btw, during the switch to Intel, many thought we would get "Intel Inside" stickers, but we didn't get those, not even a small imprint on the back/bottom. The G3 and G4 was more branding than we currently have.

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