Wallpapers Of Geet Hui Sabse Parayi

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  • maflynn
    May 6, 07:05 AM
    So far, the only "ipad" part of lion is the "launchpad" which has an alias to all your apps

    Gestures is another iPad feature on Lion, as well as the shaky icons to uninstall them instead of trashing the app.

    Apple is making OSX more iPad-ish, as for DP sucking, as you put it. I think you're in the minority. It appears the consensus here is that Lion is eagerly anticipated.

    I'm personally underwhelmed but that's just me, a lot of folks here are loving the features and are excited.

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  • David Schmidt
    Apr 4, 05:48 PM
    Holding down Control while pressing and releasing reset then releasing Control (called "doing a Ctrl-Reset") will send you into Applesoft without having to boot a disk.

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  • Bampei
    Apr 28, 03:18 AM
    Apple Store is currently down. Wondering what surprise awaits when it comes back up!!

    Maybe updated iMac???

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  • asencif
    Jun 25, 01:21 AM
    Pm Sent about the Keyboard

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  • CWallace
    Jan 14, 09:35 AM
    Not tomorrow, it won't.

    Years from now? *shrug*

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  • bedifferent
    May 6, 04:54 PM
    I like Lion on the whole too, but to say that there's nothing in 10.6 that you can't do in Lion is patently untrue. Just look at Spaces. In 10.6, you could move between spaces in a grid quickly and easily. In Lion, you can't do that and you can't change it back.

    The fact is, there are some features that they did just remove. Most of which were done for the sake of making things "simpler" for new users, which is where I think a lot of people get the term "dumbing down".

    Exactly. I hate when people take apart comments sentence by sentence with the same arguments then complain about your supposed complaining. Oh the irony :rolleyes:

    Most of these are new to Mac's, brought in by the iDevice craze and have no sense of what Apple and OS X used to provide.

    Launchpad is a feature that equates to the iPad iOS, something that Apple has CLEARLY stated (simply another way to access applications based on iOS but not a convenient method for desktops as you have to select an icon one at a time into subcategories that don't make access easier but only adds extra steps). This is a feature that has been implemented for the average Joe-sumer. Apple has dropped major OS X developed into improving HFS+, little 64-bit architecture support for Proapps, lack of Blu-Ray support makes my job with OS X more difficult, no R.I. development, no mid-tower between the top iMac and entry level Mac Pro, spaces went from a useful 3D grid to the iOS 2D format which makes utilizing a system for projector based presentations more difficult (the grid made placing and accessing customized app placement easier for corp presentations), etc.

    Professionals such as myself who have been around since the 90's and well before the iOS crowd have had these discussions with newbies for the past three years, and it doesn't resolve into anything other than hard headed new comers getting defensive and obstinate about what they know not. I take no issue with iDevices, I love my iPhone and iPad, however do not mux them with OS X. They should work well together but not be one and the same. In the past few years Apple has dropped focus on prosumers and as such a lot of us have and are leaving to use Avid and Premiere Pro and Lightroom on Windows or other platforms as we cannot afford to invest thousands of dollars in systems when there is evidence that Apple will drop us altogether,

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  • thegman1234
    Feb 13, 12:40 AM
    I agree with Hellhammer. I think they should have 2 iPod Nanos. One with the small screen, a touch screen. And then the one with the larger screen with a scroll wheel. Why doesn't Apple ever sell the last generation iPod along with the new one? They do it with the iPhone. The 3Gs is still being sold, and it's pretty dated. The old Nano actually had MORE features than the new one.

    That has to do with the carrier. If you notice, the first iPhone cost you Apple's msrp from Apple and AT&T, regardless of contract. When the 3G started being sold, the original was discontinued. AT&T began taking a cut of $200 per phone with new 2-year contracts for the 3G and when the 3GS was released, the 3G was offered at a discounted price.

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  • nmrrjw66
    Oct 8, 11:27 AM
    How are you measuring this?

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  • allamb
    Mar 30, 08:24 AM
    I used to be able to click on my idisk and sync manually.

    Has there been a software update? I can't find a way to sync my idisk. I am waiting for the next imac before updating.

    I know there have been updates which render my powerpc mac more and more useless is this another.

    Can anyone help?

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  • ap3604
    Apr 21, 08:43 PM
    Fullscreen for safari
    Perfect :)

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  • 037291
    Apr 30, 04:50 AM
    The URL for the Development applications details


    If it doesn't take you directly to it the application number is A003063677

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  • mBox
    Aug 19, 04:05 PM
    He hinted there is "something" but didn't know? I could have told you that.sorry forgot to put quotes ;) again, she wont say so Im no help :P

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  • Mudbug
    Aug 18, 10:10 PM
    because it's hard to make one that doesn't look like you're impersonating arn.

    I give you: The Granny Smith version of our logo.

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  • Peace
    Aug 19, 03:41 PM
    Probably the new Apple TV.

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  • Dave Braine
    May 5, 03:13 AM
    Is the old website still on your Mac? Does it appear in the sidebar of iWeb when you open it? If so, create your new site and just drag and drop the old pages into the new site.

    Your link doesn't work.

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  • Consultant
    Mar 28, 11:15 AM
    What computer do you have? Do you have an express card slot?

    If you do you can get an eSATA adapter.

    SATA is not bus powered though.

    Thanks for the kindhearted correction.

    No problem. Trying my best to be an arse sometimes. ;)

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  • MrAtheist
    Apr 27, 01:21 AM
    anyone with half a brain knows that WEI is garbage...

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  • arn
    May 25, 08:48 AM
    odd. I think I fixed both problems.

    let me know


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  • Rhino420
    May 1, 09:33 AM
    I got it last year around October so let's say 6 months

    Aug 17, 11:52 AM
    While it didn't turn out like I wanted it to, I really like this one!


    EDIT: changed minor details, now that I have seen in the the browser....
    EDIT 3: and again...

    May 6, 01:01 AM
    Since the first Lion upgrade, I haven't used Launchpad at all really just because the upgrade reset my app arrangement. Having removed it from the dock and not using it at all (no accidental four-finger pinches yet), it was almost forgotten about and certainly hasn't gotten in the way of anything.
    I do think that it's cute though, and I'm sure I'll organize my apps in it again at some point.

    May 5, 12:37 PM
    Great Vid. I'd love to see some gaming benchmarks. We all seem to be rather lacking in that area.

    Dec 19, 12:19 AM
    Gee thanks, now this (http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playlistId=82084253&s=143441&i=82084205) is stuck in my head :D

    now I've got Ren & Stimpy on the brain.

    Better than the Team America theme song I've had stuck in my head all day ;)

    Oct 5, 06:50 PM
    Last I heard on the SETI boards they need some folks that know how to program on Macs. The PC guys said they could give out raw code for windows but are not sure what needs to be done for a port. They said to ask NVIDIA, ATI, Apple to volunteer some programing help. They said ATI has not been helpful for doing a GPU port for windows so they are even less likely to help with a OSX port. I don't have a clue where to ask for help at Apple or NVIDIA.
    The SETI GPU guys said they don't know about Open CL they are using the older NVIDIA programing language and until the Open CL kit comes out for windows they can't/don't know how to help. Open CL for Windows/Linux is set for sometime in the spring I heard.

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