Best Haircuts For Round Chubby Faces

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  • Jaffa Cake
    Oct 13, 05:43 PM
    ...a trip to England, where they will see Manchester United play.Those miners would be more use up in Liverpool � the chaps at Anfield desperately need advice on how to get themselves out of a hole before Christmas...

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  • Nermal
    May 1, 09:31 PM
    What information are you looking for?

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  • mrzeve
    Dec 16, 05:45 AM
    Is that $60 plus shipping costs? Also, what DVD's do you have to trade? I only have a GameCube now so that would be the only system I could consider game trades......other than Mac games of course.

    When I get home later on today I'll post telling you what movies I have to offer.

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  • Jetson
    Jun 23, 02:03 PM
    I made a couple of requests over the past couple of days to delete songs that I submitted to this data base. Those songs had zero recommendations and I no longer cared for the song. So far those delete requests seem to have been ignored.

    When DailyTunes first came online I asked whether we could get songs deleted and I was given a rather non-commital answer. I suppose that I now have my answer and it appears to be no.

    When it comes to data such as personal song recommendations, I feel that the user should have some say in how that data is used, especially when one's name/handle is associated with it. People change their tastes over time and I should be able to remove items that I no longer recommend. Instead, as with so many data bases in this day and age, that data seems to have become the "property" of someone else.

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  • DeeJay Dan
    Mar 28, 06:36 AM
    Kazza is garbage, I installed it once but didn't have any spy/adware problems, it could of been a bad download. I use Limewire, adware picks it up as spyware I've never had a problem with it.

    First thing I would do is download both Adware ( and SpyBot (,fid,22262,00.asp). Once you install them reboot into safe mode (F8 when windows starts loading) scan with adware once it's done doing it's thing, reboot into safe mode again scan with Spybot then reboot and scan with Spybot & Adware again just to make it grabbed all the garbage.

    If you need anymore help let me know.

    Best Haircuts For Round Chubby Faces. Hairstyles for round faces
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  • woodbine
    May 5, 12:09 PM
    just a thought, OWC do a stacking device that allows an SSD + Hard Drive in the 2nd optical bay. That would give you 6 drives in total.
    That's the direction I am currently looking at for my set up. The other day, when I cleaned out the dust I laid another SATA cable into the optical bay, ready for when I can buy the SSD.
    I have 2008 MP.

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  • livingfortoday
    Jun 22, 05:50 PM
    I'm interested. Not idea what it's worth. How much do you want shipped to 11590?

    How's $20?

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  • goMac
    Mar 20, 01:42 AM
    Yeah, it takes a special sort to pay $1200 for an iPad. Way overpriced. Not saying there aren't special sorts out there...

    Even the scalpers are only marking them up by a few hundred.

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  • evilgEEk
    Nov 9, 12:23 AM
    I like it.

    The sad part is knowing that we'll never be able to seen him perform it live. That was half of the excitement of new Michael albums.

    I don't think we'll ever see another performer like him.

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  • rw3
    Jun 24, 02:22 PM
    Have you sold it yet? If not, I'm highly interested. Any pics?

    Best Haircuts For Round Chubby Faces. Best Short Hairstyle for Round
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  • jake4ever
    Apr 1, 09:12 PM
    Came across this video someone took right outside the Apple Store in Tokyo. Not really much to see but thought I'd pass it along:

    Yes, as you said, not much to see. Did they evacuate the store?

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  • mkrishnan
    Jun 8, 02:38 PM
    Guitar Hero without the guitar. Makes perfect sense.

    Because the actual guitar hero is really anything like playing a guitar at all? (Disclaimer, I do play guitar and I rarely play Guitar Hero).

    I'm impressed, anyway, at the $2.99 pricetag for a major franchise. Doubtless they're interested in the massive opportunity for impulse buying song packs. Does it have over-the-air multi-player?

    After playing some Beatles Rock Band over the weekend, I guess it would help my rhythm some, but meh, turning on the dirty channel on my amp and shredding is mostly more fun. :)

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  • mcrain
    Oct 9, 11:44 AM
    Originally posted by edesignuk

    Say again...I didn't quite hear :p :D


    In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary, come again?

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  • londonweb
    Nov 20, 02:53 PM
    wow, very impressive. Ad agency sites should be the best really, but most of them are awful. I suppose the web isn't generally the first port of call for most people looking for an ad agency of that calibre.

    Incidentally, does anyone know how you do these kinds of Flash sites whereby you click on something and move or zoom into a particular thing, and then on exit you zoom out again as if in reverse. I mean you could do it with motion tweening but you'd have to do a different tween for each bit and the site would be a nightmare to maintain or update- it would seem it's done purely with actionscript, but then how do you get the nice easing motion? Whenever i've done motion in actionscript it turns out jerky and linear...maybe I'm just not clever enough. Wish I'd paid more attention in maths lessons now.

    Saw this the other day- very nice and very simple use of flash, I thought (although the music seems an uneccessary embellishent):

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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 4, 02:00 PM
    No. The vast majority of 2011 MBP users are having no issues. People come to a forum because they have an issue. It happens every time there is an update. For every one that has a problem there are hundreds others who have no problems.

    Go for it and enjoy your new MBP.

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  • RaMaz09
    Mar 24, 02:20 PM
    i play WOW, Call Of Duty 2, and Halo, They All Run Great On my MacBoook :) :apple:

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  • bmat
    Apr 29, 03:58 PM
    I have office on mine since launch, and no freezes. Not sure (probably don't) if I have office communicator.

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  • mojOH
    Apr 2, 11:05 PM
    I finally got mine today. Hooray for persistence!

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  • Joshuarocks
    Mar 29, 11:53 AM
    Hello.. I have Xcode 3.1.3, xcode for use with Leopard.. I want to take intel only apps and make them universal binary.. get them to run on PPC to help support the developers out there dedicated to keeping the PPC platform alive.. How do I, for instance.. convert a mac app from the app store, such as Hands off! for universal binary?

    Is it like a switch I need to switch on? Also, if I can disassemble the code for that program, can I then make it into a universal application?

    Jan 9, 10:24 AM
    I was watching the 'keynote' Bill Gates.. says.. "It's better than going back in Time".

    I thought the exact thing he said was "It's almost better than going back it Time."

    The word "almost" lets them off the hook when Time Machine blows their feature away.

    Apr 25, 02:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I want to buy a theme from cydia and it says to link my device to my gmail account. Judging by how they say this it doesn't sound very safe an I would really hate for something bad to happen to my itouch. Plz help!

    Aug 19, 12:09 AM
    Colorized. For her pleasure. :p

    mad jew
    Sep 10, 12:26 AM
    Interesting stuff. I've always wondered about this little theory. Thanks for the stats aquajet. :)

    Sep 18, 08:44 AM
    Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (new mag for new job)

    Sounds a real 'hoot' stu ;)

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    They keep me going :P

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