Animal Cell Diagram With Labels For Kids

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  • paperinacup
    Sep 18, 11:29 PM
    Woah dude no multiple posts.

    But some places do have RCA to 3.5mm adapter. Try RadioShack.

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  • mojOH
    Apr 3, 07:32 PM
    Great to hear! I got mine on launch, but now the wife wants one so I'll be in the hunt. Are they getting a wide variety of models daily? I'll be searching for a white AT&T 16 or 32. Still handing out tickets in the morning?

    I don't know about during the week (I'm assuming yes) but this weekend they did tickets. I'm honestly surprised how many people were still getting in line sat mornings. I know at least one day last week they had "an assortment" of 3G iPads when I called at noontime. When I asked the rep early last week what the spread of models they were getting was, she said it was a relatively even spread. If you could settle for VZW, the target in Norwood had a 64gig and a 16gig white.

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  • mclark
    Dec 16, 10:31 AM
    I work for a non-profit social service organization. Two imac G4s were donated for our participants to use. I need to get speakers for them, but we are on a limited budget. Can anyone suggest for me some fairly inexpensive, but decent quality, speakers that I might be able to use? Thank you for your help.

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  • pipo2k
    May 3, 07:14 PM
    hey guys i have a MBP 13 inch 2010 with snow leopard i am having difficulties connecting to my shared folder on my PC however i can access the mac from my pc ... very weird it worked for sometime and then it stopped am posting some screenshots from my network config and router config i have put my pc on the network as a static ip 192.***.***.*.10 and my

    pls help
    thank you

    best regards


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  • Bear
    Jan 23, 01:11 PM
    my setup...
    5mbs cable connection
    7mbs cable connection

    its so choppy, 2fps at most. im not expecting 30, but a little more than 2. am i doing something wrong? are there other AIM clients with better video support?

    -rozwellRemember the download speed on your cable is not guaranteed. And more importantly remember that your upload speed is usally capped at a much lower value - somewhere between 256Kb and 512Kb. And upload speed is a cap, not a guarantee.

    Also, other network activity you have going on could affect it as well.

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  • iLucas
    Mar 15, 03:08 PM
    nice! ;)

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  • bcollins
    Mar 11, 12:43 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Line is growing a lot. Now is about to time to come if you want your first pick at colors/choices.

    Whats your guess on the amount of people?

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  • iShater
    Jul 11, 03:00 PM
    Holy crap. The line out here is nuts! :eek:

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  • jiminaus
    May 5, 07:09 PM
    NSBundle *resourcesBundle = [[NSBundle mainBundle]init];

    Hopefully it's harmless to re-init the object returned by [NSBundle mainBundle]. But just in case it isn't (and because it's wrong), this line should be simply:

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  • Thanks Chester
    Apr 21, 01:57 AM
    Hi All,

    i really appreciate all aspects of everyones comments, i do apologise also, i was in a hurry and should have conveyed my request a little clearer as well as posted an image of exactly what i meant!

    to ezekielrage_99, i respect your opinion and everyone else's for that matter!

    i look forward to to the next thread when we can all meet up again.

    now lets all just HUG it out!

    Thanks Chester.

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  • neut
    Mar 24, 09:12 PM
    It's where they put all of the naughty eyelikeart photos. Very disturbing. 20/20 sent in an undercover investigator, it was like seeing 10mm.


    hey, that's worth 20 bucks.. at least. ;) <searches wallet... damn, i need a raise.>


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  • WB2Colorado
    Jun 27, 01:11 PM
    Ha, I don't think you appreciate how loud these things get.

    When I am configuring a server I set it up in a corner of my office. While the thing is running, I can't even listen to any internet radio out of my iMac that sits 4 inches from my face. The poster that was saying they could hear it through floors wasn't kidding.

    It really is a "If this thing is within 10 feet of me in the same room, OSHA probably requires me to wear earplugs" sort of deal.

    Like I said before, I probably won't have it on a whole lot, it will probably just sit there on display, if anything. I could probably buy a quieter fan for it, since I don't really plan on using it as a server I don't think I would have to worry about it overheating. But I could be wrong about that.

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  • KeriJane
    Mar 22, 05:49 AM

    Going after the little guys 'cause Google's too big. :(

    Well, MS IS the expert on Patent Infringement.... they should know!

    Have Fun,

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  • Mal
    May 4, 09:15 PM
    There's a little sliding switch on the side of your memory card. I'll bet it's in the locked position. Flip it and try again, and you'll probably find it works perfectly.


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  • Fliesen
    Mar 31, 01:35 AM
    I use Friendly for Facebook, and cannot find a way within that app to upload a video from my iPad2. I tried going to Facebook using Safari, but that won't let me upload either.

    I just want to post a video of my daughters' Birthday, for family back home, so I'm pleading for help.


    i think you can export videos to Facebook from iMovie.
    Though the app costs you a little, it's most definitely worth the price ;)

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  • shadddi
    Apr 10, 03:46 AM
    So you can use any alternative Browser which allows to change the Browser's User Agent.


    -> in the Settings you can change the User Agent to Desktop Safari and everything works fine

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  • Doctor Q
    Oct 23, 01:31 AM
    Unless you say otherwise, we'll assume that this entry supersedes your previous similar entry.

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  • crude analogy
    Jan 3, 06:28 PM

    Thank you for the post.

    To clarify:

    As the Director of Promotion and Marketing, I oversee the promotional materials produced by all subdivisions within my organization -- HR's included.

    The major difference between "public relations" and "promotion" is that HR's relationship with the outside world exists to serve potential STAFF, whereas Promotion -- my division -- exists to serve potential CLIENTS.

    Human Resources is natively concerned with getting people on board, while general materials promo is designed to interest potential clients in our products and services.

    And, being among the largest consulting groups on the planet, it is hardly appropriate to deem Pacific "usual".



    P.S.: "Sarcasm is the recourse of a weak mind." --Freud

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  • thonarsignals
    Oct 18, 02:26 AM
    I got the idea from the time 11 or so years ago when my kid brother and I just finished making something on my performa 5200 together. As we did a high 5, my brother said "Now We're Mac'n!". The idea of a person being the fin of a dolphin is from a lucid dream I had 10 years ago where I ran around the dream looking for good paintings to memorize. I made the ad by buying stock photography. You can see my hundreds of other lucid dream paintings at

    Apr 30, 06:54 AM
    My time capsule has worked great for me for the last 3 years. The first year and a half of it's life it lived in my pickup truck working as a wireless access point. Even with all that banging around it is still going strong.

    The HD on my MacBook Pro died about 4 months ago and my time capsule backup saved my ass. I was using filevault at the time and simply copied the file to my computer opened it up and extracted what I needed. Worked great.

    Time capsule is a decent back up solution for most people. The chance of losing the data on your computer and on your time capsule at the same time is relatively small. I would verify every so often that everything is working correctly and being backed up.

    For people who have data that is a little more important and that they absolutely can not risk losing you need a better solution then simply using time capsule.

    Apr 13, 03:39 PM
    This might work.

    Apr 16, 08:39 AM
    I just come back from our anniversary trip with my wife. However, I discover that I lost my small bag, which contained a SD card and a usb external flash drive of the recorded video. I think I've left the bag in the bus.

    In the hotel, I directly "CUT and PASTE" our video files from the SD Card to the USB exteral flash drive without saving the files into my portable computer (Window XP) (because of not enough space over internal harddisc).

    Now, I have the following question.

    1. Was it possible that during the process of "Cut and Paste" from SD card to USB exteranl flash drive, there were some video files left behind in my portable computer, so I can recover them now?

    2. By means of the USB exteral flash drive, we watched the video through Quicktime in the hotel. Was it possible that Quicktime has cached the video files somewhere in the computer so I can recover them now?

    Grateful for your help

    Apr 24, 12:13 PM
    Mostly safari, tried a bunch of others but came back to safari. :)

    Mar 18, 05:04 PM
    The only thing weird about your poll is that choice 1 & 2 are pretty much the same so why 3 choices when 2 would have sufficed.

    Ya, I'd wait for 10.5, then buy the new Mac. And after that save up for you console(which I'd say not the PS3, but I'm sure you've looked at the other system, or have the both)

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