Heart Tattoo Images

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  • LimeiBook86
    Jul 14, 08:02 PM
    I can't remember sorry, maybe it is a just a bug, after all iChat AV is beta...

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  • velocityg4
    Apr 16, 07:12 AM
    I preferred it as on the original Apples it was always referred to as the Apple key. Also it makes things easier when giving someone instructions over the phone. Now instead of saying let's say Apple S I have to say Command S. Then they say "what is command?", no one ever knows what the command key is. To which I have to reply the key by the space bar with the little box and four circles.

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  • icefall5
    Apr 28, 10:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I have SBSettings set to show my free RAM, and lately my RAM has been very low. I can't pinpoint exactly when it started, but I typically have ~65 MB with nothing open. As soon as I open an app or two, it drops to 10-15 MB. In the past I had ~100 MB and no problems running things.

    I've tried disabling all Winterboard themes, uninstalling a bunch of Cydia packages, everything. It's really getting annoying because my iPod has been crazy slow due to this.

    I have a 32 GB iPod Touch 4G running 4.3.2, jailbroken with redsn0w. I have roughly 15 GB free. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Apr 25, 09:23 PM
    I only just got the Wii. :( Should I have listened to IGN when they kept claiming the Wii is dead?
    Regardless of new systems coming out (or what stupid IGN says), the Wii is still a very fun system. I mean, hell, I still play games on my N64 and Dreamcast quite often, and even my SNES as well. Just because a system isn't "New" anymore doesn't mean it is all of a sudden broken and worthless. There are a lot of fun games on the Wii. Enjoy them.

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  • lewis82
    Jul 31, 10:13 AM

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  • Grolsch30
    Jan 29, 04:31 AM
    What displays are you guys using?

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  • void
    Sep 28, 07:59 AM
    Eye get your Cajun ass over here! You're going to let these fools destroy the forums?

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  • dara355
    Apr 24, 04:57 AM
    If you look at the buyers guide (the link is at the top right of this page) it says that the macbook is overdue for an update. I'm waiting for the update too, so hopefully it will be soon!

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  • johnNYChingaz
    May 4, 01:37 PM
    i dont think theres a point to that when your emails are all in one inbox

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  • sweetice2007
    Oct 26, 02:36 AM
    Whos going tonight to pick up their copy of leopard? I'm going to be at the Trafford Centre store cos im working so ima pick it up from there, Apparantly theyre expecting over a thousand people to turn up. so it the store in Arndale Centre

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  • Transporteur
    Apr 25, 06:13 PM
    For $200 you have only one choice, the 5770, which is absolutely fine for your kind of work.

    A 4870 would be another option if you can find it used. It offers the same performance but requires more power and comes with only 2 outputs.

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  • thesmileman
    Apr 30, 09:41 AM
    Wow Do I have to tell you this ,

    We Just got kicked out of the Mall.

    The Head Mall Security Just said to us that because Apple Didn't arrange for a special Event to occur so the mall management will not allow is Line Forming during mall hours.

    He Said we can come back when the mall offcially opens which i believe is 10 am but we can't form a line outside of apple until the mall Security is notified by Apple.

    What ************ !!!!

    So Now we are back at home and will wait til the Mall Opens then head back. To check out the Scence

    I am soooooo very sorry. Everyone here has been great. Finally met the manager.

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  • ri0ku
    Nov 26, 03:32 AM
    Just came across this thread. I was going to go to the launch, though not to buy one. I was there on opening day of the store, waited 2 hours to get and I'm actually wearing my free T-shirt now. I love the store in Eldon Square, it was a long time coming for a store in Newcastle, and recently a 2nd one has opened in the Metro Centre but I hate that place so do my apple shopping at ES.

    Good pictures.

    I tried getting a Job at the Metro centre one (had to do the interview thing at Eldon Square though)

    Didnt get it :( (I am hoping it was down to no previous experience before hand... because if it was because I as a person wasnt what they were looking for that makes it even worse lol)

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  • rohit6060
    Sep 5, 02:43 AM
    Go for X-mini.
    I got the X-mini a year back and they r just perfect,can be used even with a laptop.Amazingly small gr8 sound.Just check out I guess they have come up with a newer model

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  • kingjohn1203
    May 5, 09:47 PM
    Ok, so here is the deal. I have recently found my old apple 2.1 iphone lying around from a couple years back. I'm currently on t-mobile and wanted to know how to unlock my iphone for the apps and ability to use on t-mobile. Any help would be appreciated.

    --iphone 2.1 - Modem firmware 04.05.04_G (yes, this is probably outdated - havent been used in a long time )

    --Itunes 10
    --Mac OS X version 10.6.6

    thank you

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  • neonart
    Dec 11, 01:56 PM
    Just let me know. I can accept paypal.

    My eBay ID is also neonart. You can check my status here:


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  • pizzach
    Mar 2, 07:47 AM
    God peoples, the font size was 99% of the size it was supposed to be. :rolleyes: But when you're right your right. The fonts do look much sharper now. I think I must have been staring at the theme too long to notice anymore. :p

    (The theme has been updated, but the info on the page doesn't reflect the changes yet.)

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  • GGJstudios
    May 3, 12:31 PM
    Thankss but ive tried it on and off and on and off so many times but it just does not budge
    Try typing your password into a TextEdit document, to make sure all the characters are correct, then copy and paste to the website.

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  • jborko
    May 6, 04:18 PM
    Finally good comparison, at least what I wanted to see as I am interested in one of the models. Cheers Samurai

    Cheffy Dave
    May 3, 03:53 PM
    I would take it to the store, all they will have to do is remove the screws in the back, and put them back in the proper order, squeaks will be gone;)

    Mar 20, 02:38 PM
    Would you do $350 shipped to the uk?

    Apr 16, 10:35 PM
    More pics

    Dec 19, 05:42 PM
    I don't think he was trying to sound like a jerk, its just that you didn't answer the question...

    People really do this these days, he was just trying to clarify... Nothing to take offense about.

    Jan 22, 10:07 PM
    Yes, but the dialog said Stop / Replace, not Merge.

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