Cute Hair And Makeup Ideas

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  • nwroberts
    Apr 19, 02:30 PM
    RAID 1. Can't go wrong. Any other just sucks regardless of the parity. I am in the process of trying to save a RAID 5 Array (5 SAS Drives) that were supposed to be self rebuilding. Long story short. RAID 1 is the only RAID...

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  • Iphone4Mac
    Jun 24, 05:16 AM

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  • hellfire88
    Jun 24, 05:26 PM
    Aww shucks, Imac is sold? Oh well. Good luck with your sale on the 500GB external HDD, looks nice.

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  • Brize
    Feb 12, 09:46 AM
    If you don't have the Track Number column selected, having the arrow point upwards on the Artist tab will have the same effect.

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  • tech4all
    Nov 20, 02:52 PM
    I like the concept of the pencil and all, but I don't know, the rest of the site wasn't too impressive. For me at least. I like Flash sites and all, but the navigation in a Flash site should be easy as if it were HTML based, just with a little more "eye candy" to it. But, again, it does seem original.

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  • JamesMB
    Feb 15, 08:29 PM
    Just wondering if anyone else on MR is having trouble with the Instant Email Notification. It was working fine until this afternoon. Every time someone responded to a post that I am subscribed to, I got an email.
    I checked User CP, and the settings have not changed. And, I'll add the obvious, yes my email account is working.

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  • Lacero
    Jan 2, 09:45 PM
    Thanks for the votes, everyone. I'm choked up inside, right now.
    *clears throat* w00t!

    In the great wealth, the great firmament of this forum's generosity, the particular choice may perhaps be found by future generations as a trifle eccentric, but the mere fact of it -- the prodigal, pure, human kindness of it -- must be seen as a beautiful star in that firmament which shines upon me at this moment. The one avatar I spend the least amount of time on, wins... go figure. Also special thanks to Sir Laurence Oliver! ;)Here's to the Crazy Ones (

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  • sonofmof
    Jan 18, 03:28 PM
    Hi Guys,

    I just tried to update my boince client, haven't done it for ages, but it seems I can't.

    The new client just says it can't open the daemon and hangs.

    I have tried numerous installs, uninstalls and have spec a lot of time running the ma secure and ma insecure scripts.

    Frankly I'm out of my depth.

    Can anyone advise me how to get boinc up and running again.

    Many thanks


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  • YanniDepp
    Jan 26, 07:37 AM
    It's either the logic board or the hard drive.

    I'm seeing logic boards selling for around �50 and 160GB hard drives selling for around �88.

    By the time you:

    a) Gamble which is causing the problem
    b) Get a replacement part
    c) Open the iPod - Apple make them VERY easy to break when you're opening them.
    d) Fit the replacement part
    e) Reassemble the iPod

    You're probably better off buying a new iPod. Especially if your time is valuable.

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  • Blakeasd
    Apr 2, 12:34 PM
    I created a file in quartz composer and I put it in a standalone application. I need the user to be able to see the desktop behind it. I tried setting the clear color opacity in IB to 0% however you just see the window behind it. I need the application window to be clear as well as the Quartz Composer so the things happing in the Quartz file appear to be happening over whatever is under the window.

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  • iFiend
    May 4, 01:56 PM
    Your notes sync with Gmail? Like the stock notes app or notes within contacts/calendars?

    Not being an ass, I'd really like to know so I can do it too!

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  • 3runjosh
    Nov 18, 07:52 AM
    wonder if anyone told sam that the ipad2 is not for a few more months yet haha poor sam

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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 16, 05:07 PM
    . I'm actually more prone to just downloading a save file from Gamefaqs and just driving about.

    yep same here. and messing about with the cheat codes.

    For next gen GTA - they really need deformable landscapes and more buildings to enter.

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  • Doctor Q
    Jan 1, 09:20 PM
    News stories and rumors sometimes produce contentious debates in forum threads. The same is frequently true of threads in the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. When users have strongly differing opinions, they have the privilege as forum members to express their opinions but not the right to insult or belittle each other. This has long been the site policy and the basis for forum moderation.

    Starting today we provide a set of Rules for Appropriate Debate to further clarify what's appropriate and what's inappropriate when posting in a debate. These rules reiterate the prohibitions in the general forum rules against personal insults, name-calling, and trolling, but also add specific requirements, e.g., that users be willing to provide a basis for claims of fact, that they avoid stereotypes and generalizations that constitute trolling and inhibit constructive debate, and that they not belabor a point by repeating it without adding new information. This will improve the quality of forum discussions in news threads, political threads, and other discussion threads.


    Discussions of disputed topics too often devolve into personal flamewars that are of no benefit to other forum users and add little to our forums.

    These rules are designed to set minimum levels of civility and encourage fact-based debates, not to promote or inhibit any point of view. We don't expect to change human nature, nor prevent users from having strong disagreements. As always, you can express almost any opinion in the forums but you must do so in an appropriate manner. Only members who have made at least 100 posts in counted forums can post in the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum, but these rules apply to all forums.

    We hope the responsibilities of forum users are clear from the guidelines we provide, but it's difficult to apply a fixed set of rules to human language. That's why the moderators use common sense in applying the forum rules and keep the reasons for the rules in mind. So should you.

    Your part

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  • MacDawg
    Dec 18, 07:50 AM
    Just something I threw together this morning to show my support through participation. Haven't been able to hang out too much lately.

    Woof, Woof - Dawg

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  • hillguydc
    Mar 11, 01:04 PM
    At the store line down to Ann Taylor Loft, I'm in front of Origins.

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  • upsyndrome
    Oct 19, 12:27 AM
    Ill be there at 530 waiting!

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  • mdgm
    Feb 16, 06:14 PM
    You could upgrade the mini to 8GB RAM (you could use 3rd party memory to do this) then use a virtual machine via VMWare Fusion or Parallels to run your programs that use

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  • GGJstudios
    May 4, 11:52 AM
    Everything you're saying makes zero sense and does not accomplish what I'm looking to do.
    OK, I'll try to make it simpler, so you can understand.
    That's not true. An alias is just a shortcut, pointing to a location. If you use that method, there will only be one copy of the pic.
    If you have a folder and you create an alias, anything you drag to the alias will actually be placed in the folder, as illustrated by the arrows labeled "2" in the screen capture above. You will not have one copy of a pic in the folder and another copy in the alias. An alias cannot contain pics or any files. It simply points to an existing file or folder.

    You never have to go to the Photo Booth folder. As I said, you can drag the pics directly from the Photo Booth app to whatever folder you want, or to your Mail icon, to email it. You don't need to touch Finder at all, if you don't want to.
    As you can see by the arrow labeled "1" in the screen capture above, you can drag pictures directly from Photo Booth into any folder you choose. You can also drag a picture to the Mail icon on your Dock to attach that picture to an email. You can also click on a picture in Photo Booth and press the "delete" key to delete the picture, so nothing is saved in the Photo Booth folder.
    Also the fact they would make software that you cannot change the save location is the utmost stupidest thing I've ever heard of in my life and this is the only software or application in which you can't.
    Actually, it's not. Address Book and iCal don't give you the option to change the location of their associated files, and they're not the only ones. It's not uncommon for an app to not provide a method for changing default locations of associated files.

    Don't panic
    Feb 16, 12:07 PM
    move the wardrobe on the opposite side so it doesn't cut the light from the window and combine the ideas of the '3D canvas', with the large image technique indicated above and with your passion for diving by transforming your wardrobe in a huge aquarium.

    select a large, high definition color picture of reef/tropical fish, and convert it into a rasterbation pdf file (remember it should cover the sides as well).
    print it or have it printed at the shop and assemble it on the wardrobe. whne you are done cut it where the door open and tape it there.

    Mar 12, 08:32 PM
    You all got it wrong. It's the iPad 2.5 that will come out in September. I would wait :D

    Apr 29, 01:17 AM
    i used to be able to put in my mp3 over a video and i would put the music to about 10% volume and it would play nicely in the background. half my video is done like that and i am trying to add more mp3's to the rest but when i add em and try to edit the mp3's volume it gives me a little red line over the clip with a dot in the middle? what do i do?
    i tried deleting but i cant find it anywhere.

    Dec 13, 07:32 PM
    Sorry about forgetting the speed:

    It is 1.5GHz, and has 64 VRAM.

    Still has original box and all the CDs (Panther).


    Jun 26, 02:00 PM
    I'm a bit behind and just now watched the interview, but I do love watching someone so gifted and passionate about his job. I really liked how he stressed over and over that their (Apple's) main goal is make the 'Best product ever'. Really liked the part about Flash being a descending technology and they are more interested in ascending tech. I don't work in tech and do not know the validity of that, but I understand what he means and I for one tend to trust Apple in the future of tech gadgets.

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