3 Star Tattoo Meaning

3 Star Tattoo Meaning. star tattoo designs
  • star tattoo designs

  • grapes911
    Mar 21, 08:28 PM
    I'm not infront of my Mac, so I don't know for sure, but I was thinking that the NetInfo Manager in the Utilities may help this. Open it up and go to users then your user name. At the bottom, there may be a property named home or home directory. If so, you should just be able to copy your home to where ever you want it and then change this property to the new location.

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  • jeremy.king
    Dec 20, 12:02 PM
    Anyone else find it EXTREMELY hysterical that the receipt says "$440" however people are willing to pay FAR more than that? I mean wow seriously. Strikes me as a "You ********* moron" moment.

    Good luck selling this! Auction is about to end!

    Have you tried getting one in a store?

    3 Star Tattoo Meaning. Star Tattoo Meanings
  • Star Tattoo Meanings

  • EliteF50
    Apr 12, 06:27 PM
    With your clip on the timeline, double click it to load it in the browser. Open the "motion" tab in the browser. There's the controls for zooming in and out of the clip and keyframing that action. Turn on wireframes for your clip in the viewer (view -> image+wireframe).

    Thank you very much!

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  • 25phantom
    Apr 18, 09:20 AM
    hi ,
    I am a new mac user and wants to learn application development , installed Mac 10.6 , Xcode 3.2.6 , sdk 4.3. Started a new project under view based , but the .xib file does not launch the interface builder on double clicking ....kindly suggest

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  • grapes911
    Mar 21, 08:28 PM
    I'm not infront of my Mac, so I don't know for sure, but I was thinking that the NetInfo Manager in the Utilities may help this. Open it up and go to users then your user name. At the bottom, there may be a property named home or home directory. If so, you should just be able to copy your home to where ever you want it and then change this property to the new location.

    3 Star Tattoo Meaning. stars tattoo meanings
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  • D0ct0rteeth
    Nov 29, 10:29 AM
    4GB or 6GB..

    Im open to either.. anyone?

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  • Play Ultimate
    Nov 9, 01:09 AM

    I would be excited but I am still waiting to see what Apple does to counter the Xbox360 HD movie salvo that MS fired yesterday. The 'iTV' isn't looking too hot these days�

    I tend to agree...BUT iTV was only hinted at, with few details. Let's wait and see what the final product is.
    And, in cany case, don't forget that when the iPod first came out, the Mac failthful initially panned it.

    3 Star Tattoo Meaning. So, we all know that tattoos
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  • NewSc2
    Nov 21, 05:33 PM
    There are rumors of a second iPhone, and a reported former iPod nano chip maker for some sorta iPhone... sheesh, just release the supposed-maybe-coming-but-who-knows thing out. It'd be funny if no phone is ever released

    3 Star Tattoo Meaning. Star Tattoo Designs
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  • bbarnhart
    Sep 19, 07:26 PM
    Is there a web site that searches most web site forums? It would search more that just MacRumors forums. If a website has a forum, it would be included in this search engine. Is there a way to do this with Google?


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  • eawmp1
    Apr 25, 07:09 AM
    That is funny. But, just like those funniest home videos, you have to wonder if they are real or staged.

    3 Star Tattoo Meaning. Star Tattoos Meaning
  • Star Tattoos Meaning

  • snberk103
    Nov 8, 01:25 PM
    My MBA shows the time as 2:10 AM. What gives? Shouldn't it be 1:10 now?

    The time server is an time zone that hasn't switched yet, it may be still on the old time....

    3 Star Tattoo Meaning. The tattoos of stars are not
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  • charliehustle
    May 2, 04:37 PM
    Anyone heard of "liveprofile"?

    It's free on Android, IOS and Blackberries.. and works like whats app.

    I just know some people who don't want to pay for an app like that (1.99 a year for whats app), personally I don't care. I just hate how I have to switch between my SMS app, Whats app and liveprofile..

    I'm hoping everyone gets lifeprofile so I can delete whats app..

    and is there any way someone can make an app that puts all those apps into one? so if I get a whats app msg or a lifeprofile or a SMS that I can see them all in one place?

    3 Star Tattoo Meaning. This star tattoos hold a
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  • SkippyThorson
    Feb 15, 01:26 PM
    I'm just spurting this off the top of my head. Walmart.com has some preowned video games, and may just have preowned iPods from time to time. Don't quote me though.

    You could also start a "Want To Buy" thread here in the marketplace. I find our MacRumors users quite trustworthy.

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  • DeSnousa
    Sep 3, 03:11 AM
    damn, oh-well thanks e for telling me :)

    Ill just stick to inputting it every morning or untill i tire of the sig.

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  • wwjdbk
    Oct 26, 04:43 PM

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  • DanaLea73
    Apr 24, 08:42 PM
    how many different apple ID's can you authorize on a single copy of iTunes? My husband and I each have our own apple IDs but the old "what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours" thing applies, and if he buys a CD or an app I want to use, then dammit, I want a copy! LOL

    So how can I get his stuff on my computer and mine on his?

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  • Deefuzz
    Oct 27, 11:25 AM
    I went to the West County store straight after work, so since I came from work I unfortunately did not have my camera with me.

    After a long wait in the Starbucks line for some requisite "wake-up" juice I made my way towards the Apple store to meet up with my buddy at around 5:15. I am terrible at guesses but I would say we might have been around the 50's-70's in line.

    I didn't plan on buying Leopard, I just love these events. I mainly wanted to show up and mix it up with others waiting, and play around with Leopard. After nabbing a free t-shirt in the door I had 4 different employees approach me and ask me how many copies I wanted. I told them that I wanted to play mainly.

    After playing around for 15-20 minutes I decided just to buy it right there.

    Haven't had the chance to install yet, but I love these Apple events! I went to the Tiger release at the West County store, and the opening event at the Galleria. I wish we had another opening around here sometime soon...I love this stuff.

    3 Star Tattoo Meaning. stars tattoo meaning
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  • ValSalva
    Jun 7, 09:10 AM
    Anybody know if this will be available as a podcast download on iTunes?

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates from 2007 is available so I'll bet this will too. The only question is when.

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  • iGary
    Sep 9, 07:26 AM
    bida, bida, bida-da-dum....boo!

    I've got as far as the checkout at Apple's online store before remembering that I can't remember the last time I would've had a use for it. If I take the plunge it'll mean I've got to find time to do some exercise then I think would the money be better spent on a rowing machine? But I'm not going to use that unless I've got an iPod to listen to. :mad:

    So you can hear the voices too, at least that makes me feel better.

    Yes, LOUD voices...

    I don't freaking need the thing. I have got to have it.

    Maybe I should see how long I can go before I go mental.

    Feb 10, 08:35 PM
    it is out there, i have used it before.

    Mar 26, 05:30 PM
    I wouldn't recommend a pan type head for landscape photography either. Maybe it was because I only used cheap quality pan heads (the ones they put on junk tripods) but a good quality ballhead is far superior to that. Once the tension is set properly, you can simply grab the camera, adjust it on the ballhead to whatever arbitrary orientation you want, and when you let go it stays in place. No muss, no fuss, no messing with locking down 3 separate axis levers, etc. Just put the camera where you want it and it stays, period.

    A pan head is most useful in video applications because you can easily pan one axis independently and smoothly, with a ballhead the panning motion won't be quite as smooth.


    The important thing is not which way the OP decides to go... but that whichever way they decide it's for a reason, not just because a picture on website looks good, or the clerk on the store wanted to clear out the last of the inventory. It's why I like this forum. Lots of people approach the same problems from different angles, and if one reads the thread you get to see all sides and then make up your own mind.

    In my case I started using the 3 way head with my 4x5. The ball-head type just doesn't work well with LF. Ever since then I've always preferred the 3-ways.

    Sometimes I think that photographers can be some of the most conservative people (at least as far as their profession goes) I know. I'm one of them, often! :)

    Mar 28, 11:27 PM
    Haha, well I think it's a valid concern!! I mean I would hope that Apple wouldn't do that to us, but honestly I wouldn't be too surprised.

    A HUGE part of Lion is the OS doing the multitasking so we don't have to think about it. That's why apple took away the little light below the apps. There is no "open" or "close".

    Although, I suppose another thing about Lion is that every state gets saved. So if a window or safari tab were to close, then hypothetically it would open back exactly how it was??

    I would assume that any open windows stay open (and no safari refreshing!) but can any of you Lioners out there confirm this?

    You're comparing an orange to an apple, actually more like a tiny grape to an apple.

    They are both based on the same OS X core but the code is much more optimized and slimmer on the iPad with much tighter hardware restrictions.

    If the iPad devices are as powerful as our computers, we would not be experiencing any issues in Safari. You're talking about just 256MB of RAM in the first-gen iPad and 512MB in second-gen iPad which are able to handle the sites in Safari much better than it does in the first-gen iPad. Add 2GB-4GB to the iPad, Mobile Safari would be able to handle 20 sites without any refreshing required.

    Secondly, Apple didn't take open/close lights away, it is now an optional setting in the Systems Preferences. The reason Apple did this is because they want to remove the idea of "open"/"closed" states. The software are starting to catch up to the hardware in terms of speed that we can leave applications and return to it in the same state. Apple wants to be able to introduce the concept of *resuming* apps, not *closed*. When you restart Lion with open apps, Lion will restart with the same open apps in the same state. This is the future on Mac OS X. No more closing required, especially with a fast SSD.

    The hard drive/ssd in today's computers are much faster than the NANDs in the current iPad. Resuming an app is much faster than it would be on a modern computer. Look at how fast apps are resuming from the previous state in the iPad 2 and you can see how much the hardware difference is affecting the performance.

    Also, the multitasking isn't a huge part of the OS, it's actually tiny. If you remove Cocoa, all the apps/framework and the GUI, the OS is probably less than 512MB (based on the open source darwin's binary iso size).

    The other thing that you need to consider is the memory swap. Mac OS X have swap, iOS doesn't. Even if you run out of free memory on the Macs, you'll begin to switch to the harddrive/ssd to use as virtual memory.

    Feb 24, 10:31 PM
    The clickwheel basically is what makes an iPod an iPod.
    Now they aren't iPods, they are coolapplestuff.

    Apr 29, 01:18 AM
    I need a fix to this asapp pleasee someone help me !

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