Tattoo Designs Skulls

Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 19, 11:24 PM
    Oh dear!

    Out goes porn, now gambling making a start on the iPhone!

    What a mess!

    My first thoughts on seeing this post. Rarely do I say this - but WTF is going on with Apple on their app approval process?

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  • R94N
    Mar 15, 01:13 PM
    Yeah, he was a little too hipster for me. Hat, thick black rim glasses, beard and scarf. In the words of Mitch Hedberg, '[He's] got a lot of cranium accessories...'

    I knew someone was going to say that. To me I can't understand the whole hipster thing; must just be me.

    Well Leo and Josh are obviously fans of Apple so it would make sense.

    Not really. I would say Leo is a lot more balanced and neutral, when it comes to reviews and reporting the news. He is a big fan of Android, for example.

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  • GGJstudios
    May 3, 04:24 PM
    The Help function of most apps is.... well.... helpful!

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  • Doctor Q
    Sep 17, 08:25 PM
    R is for recordable, not readable.

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  • livingfortoday
    Jun 22, 05:33 PM
    Got it - it's a 30GB drive pulled from an iBook about a year back when the iBook died. Seems to work fine - I'm reformatting it right now. Lemme know if you're interested, and what you wanna pay.


    UPdate: It's a Toshiba MK3025GAS drive - 30GB, ATA-100, 4200rpm.

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  • atacinus
    Dec 11, 05:17 PM
    Anybody want to make me an offer on a 1gb shuffle...I don.t really need it, don.t know why I bought it...I think just because it was new and shiny...but I need some cash for Christmas so am selling it, it is like-new with the cap and everything included. Reply here or PM me.


    Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • macg4
    Dec 12, 02:30 PM
    u got the price u wanted :)

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  • ~loserman~
    Sep 15, 02:13 PM

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  • designguy79
    Mar 13, 07:09 PM
    A vector file is a vector, is a vector. They are resolution independent UNLESS they have an embedded bitmap.

    I have had this happen multiple times -- I ask for a vector file, and so they save the .JPG (or whatever) into an .EPS or .AI and think its good to go.

    Whats even better is when they just rename .JPG to .EPS... :-)

    Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • RappleRapple
    Oct 19, 09:46 PM
    I thought for sure that the price was a typo.

    What a joke! :p

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  • Sydde
    Feb 16, 09:57 PM
    Their source is a "supermarket tabloid"

    The Daily Mail is a supermarket tabloid, yes.

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  • BoyBach
    Aug 16, 05:13 PM
    I agree with you there, according to among other hits I got when searching there is one among a very short list of others from different countries.

    That links information is sadly out of date as Harry Patch (the last surviving man to fight in the trenches) recently passed away. (

    There are only three confirmed WWI veterans still living:

    Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • italiano40
    Jun 16, 01:41 PM
    I will pay difference if needed

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  • arn
    Jan 14, 04:50 AM
    There's a new iPhone forum, which is dedicated:

    Apple TV discussion is going to be grouped with iPod, iTunes discussion

    Old posts have been moved, please post new threads on these topics in the appropriate place.


    Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • eRondeau
    Feb 15, 10:35 PM
    Is there a simple shortcut or macro in Apple Mail to simplify the HTML tag for linking to a different web page? In other words, instead of clicking on:

    ...I could hide it under "Click HERE" and the HERE would underline and light-up when you hovered over it? If there's not, that would be a good thing to add to Mail in the future.

    (Sorry, but I'm just learning HTML...)

    Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • nastebu
    Jan 14, 09:48 PM
    I like it very much. I can imagine sets of polls that you can vote for fun, and then your results are summarized in your profile. Think of the way Arn always starts a thread after Apple media events evaluating which rumors were true and which were not. Instead of just doing that after the events, there could be a set of questions and everyone would have a chance to make their bets.

    One thumbs up from me.

    Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • munkees
    Mar 30, 04:37 PM

    1. You may enter only one photo.

    2. Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.

    3. The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)

    4. At the end of the week, The Judge (last weeks winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

    5. The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest.
    (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

    Topic : Battle

    Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • -pete-
    Apr 20, 05:56 PM
    I got my development job from learning PHP, once you start being able to hook into databases and write "real" functions (something that imo javascript isn't much good for) then you can do some really cool stuff :)

    Tattoo Designs Skulls. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • PrePressAcrobat
    May 1, 10:56 AM
    When would you need it completed.
    I will be on my Publisher machine tomorrow afternoon PST


    Apr 20, 05:36 PM
    I just bought this case for my iPad and now I am thinking of buying for my iPod touch as well! I seriously love the look and feel of it. Incipio did a great job with the design and material! Good luck...

    Sep 27, 09:16 AM
    I spoke to one of my dealers today and they offered me two demo 20" ACDs for c250$ less than the 23".

    I do hobby video and photos with no chance of going pro. The two things that bug me about the two displays are 1. the "gap", especially when watching DVDs (can I?) and 2. I loose c150pixels in height vs the 23", important for portrait mode, or is 150 something I should get over??!!

    Thanks - you've steered me right so far, guys! :)

    Apr 28, 01:59 PM
    I'm erasing a disk with Disk Utility using the "write zeros" option. It's supposed to label any bad sectors unusable, but when it's done, will it also tell me if there were any bad sectors?

    Jan 22, 05:27 PM
    I had a folder called "Psych Notes" and I made an identical folder called "Psych Notes." The new folder had some additional files, and did not have some of the files that the original "Psych Notes" folder had.

    Now, since the new folder was better organized with good file names, I decided that the new "Psych Notes" folder should become THE one and only "Psych Notes" folder on my hard drive. I dragged the folder to the correct directory in order to replace the old folder.

    I got the dialogue "Are you sure you want to replace ... [Stop] [Replace]" and I said yes, please replace. Now I realize I have a very important file -- two and a half weeks worth of lecture notes(!!!) in the original psych folder. Is it gone forever? It's not in my trash, and I already did too many things in order to use Finder's "Undo" ... yeah, I know.

    Please oh please tell me there's some way to get this file back? :(

    Sep 9, 02:54 PM
    Sell the shuffle, offset some of the cost of buying the nano. Why keep the shuffle, when the nano is a 4gb version of the shuffle with a screen to boot. :)

    Go on, do it... you know you wanna.

    <chants "Oogie! Boogie!" repeatedly in a mysterious tone>

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