Cheat Codes For Black Ops 360

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  • TonyC28
    May 4, 11:42 AM
    Is backing up any different than syncing?

    Pardon my ignorance - I went from an ipod nano 4th generation household to a 2 iPod touches - 1 iPad 2 - 2 iPhone 4 - 1 macbook pro 2011 13.3 in 4 months...

    The iPod touch IS a gateway drug.

    No need to pardon your ignorance....
    I think it is different but maybe I'm wrong. To be safe do this:
    -Fire up iTunes and plug in her black phone.
    -Right-click on it and click on "backup".
    -Let it do it's thing and when it's done disconnect it.
    -Plug in the new white phone and when you're setting it up select the option to restore from a previous backup (its worded something like that).

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  • jiminaus
    May 5, 08:59 PM
    I have several images in a folder, I know how to access the folder, I just need to display these images in an IKImageBrowserView, so I guess a better question would be:
    How do I display a folder of images in an IKImageBrowserView?

    You're really going to want to study the ImageBrowser sample code. It doesn't do exactly what you want, in that you won't be able to just copy'n'paste that code into your's. But it does contain all the code you need.

    You will be able to just pass on the paths to IKImageBrowserView and it will load the images for you. You won't have to load the images yourself. But you can't just give an array of strings to IKImageBrowserView.

    Your controller will act as the immediate data source and store the NSArray as ivar and/or property. It will respond to the numberOfItemsInImageBrowser: and imageBrowser:itemAtIndex: messages.

    But it won't pass on NSString objects directly to IKImageBrowserView. Instead it will wrap the string in a custom class so IKImageBrowserView which implementes the required IKImageBrowserItem protocol. This custom class will tell IKImageBrowserView that it's being given paths to images and not images themselves. See the myImageObject class in the ImageBrowser sample code for how the wrapper class could be implemented.

    EDIT: You can't set the dataSource of an IKImageBrowserView to be an NSArray of anything (unless you implement a category as sydde thought of). The data source must at least respond to the required messages of the IKImageBrowserDataSource informal protocol.

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  • Slevin
    Jun 23, 02:51 PM
    ok thanks

    I dont have a pre-order. Is it worth it to come early and try to snag one? how early would i have to show up!?

    Don't know, I have a pre order and I plan on getting there by 6-6:30

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  • cpucrash0
    Mar 12, 08:33 PM
    what happens when we get beyond iPad 9 or 10 will apple continue using numbers or will they call it something else? I mean iPad 10 sounds dumb even iPad 9 sounds stupid.

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  • sb58
    Mar 18, 04:23 PM
    it depends. if you desperately need a computer, then go for it. if your current one is sufficient, get the ps3.

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  • MikhailT
    Mar 28, 11:27 PM
    Haha, well I think it's a valid concern!! I mean I would hope that Apple wouldn't do that to us, but honestly I wouldn't be too surprised.

    A HUGE part of Lion is the OS doing the multitasking so we don't have to think about it. That's why apple took away the little light below the apps. There is no "open" or "close".

    Although, I suppose another thing about Lion is that every state gets saved. So if a window or safari tab were to close, then hypothetically it would open back exactly how it was??

    I would assume that any open windows stay open (and no safari refreshing!) but can any of you Lioners out there confirm this?

    You're comparing an orange to an apple, actually more like a tiny grape to an apple.

    They are both based on the same OS X core but the code is much more optimized and slimmer on the iPad with much tighter hardware restrictions.

    If the iPad devices are as powerful as our computers, we would not be experiencing any issues in Safari. You're talking about just 256MB of RAM in the first-gen iPad and 512MB in second-gen iPad which are able to handle the sites in Safari much better than it does in the first-gen iPad. Add 2GB-4GB to the iPad, Mobile Safari would be able to handle 20 sites without any refreshing required.

    Secondly, Apple didn't take open/close lights away, it is now an optional setting in the Systems Preferences. The reason Apple did this is because they want to remove the idea of "open"/"closed" states. The software are starting to catch up to the hardware in terms of speed that we can leave applications and return to it in the same state. Apple wants to be able to introduce the concept of *resuming* apps, not *closed*. When you restart Lion with open apps, Lion will restart with the same open apps in the same state. This is the future on Mac OS X. No more closing required, especially with a fast SSD.

    The hard drive/ssd in today's computers are much faster than the NANDs in the current iPad. Resuming an app is much faster than it would be on a modern computer. Look at how fast apps are resuming from the previous state in the iPad 2 and you can see how much the hardware difference is affecting the performance.

    Also, the multitasking isn't a huge part of the OS, it's actually tiny. If you remove Cocoa, all the apps/framework and the GUI, the OS is probably less than 512MB (based on the open source darwin's binary iso size).

    The other thing that you need to consider is the memory swap. Mac OS X have swap, iOS doesn't. Even if you run out of free memory on the Macs, you'll begin to switch to the harddrive/ssd to use as virtual memory.

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  • samh004
    Jan 15, 07:50 AM
    I think the record was about 9,500 or so back in September. It will surely break 10,000 this time though and I would hope it doesn't go down, however it's inevitable it'll be slow.

    It coped last time, so fingers crossed :)

    Going by the speed I'd guess it's a dedicated server, so it can handle itself.

    It was upgraded recently too, I think to two or three dedicated servers.

    Edit: Most users ever online was 9,519, 09-06-2007 at 03:40 AM.

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  • rugby
    Oct 18, 06:57 AM
    Just hang in there, Apple will eventually update their PB's. Maybe keep checking the refurb section of the apple store for cheaper models? I've heard good things about Apple's refurbs.

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  • bambambob
    Jul 11, 07:45 AM
    Been on line since 7:00AM. At 8 they let in 7 people. It's now 8:44 and nobody has yet emerged with an iPhone. This is taking WAY longer than it should!

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  • HiRez
    Apr 15, 04:14 PM
    It's interesting and somewhat impressive, but I kind of agree with G5Unit, it looks like something I'd get bored of after 30 minutes. It's a prerelease demo, so who knows, maybe there's a lot more to it that we can't see yet.

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  • Wicked1
    Apr 14, 01:17 PM
    Ok so I have a 2009 uMB which has the OS Installer Disk and Applications Disk, then I have a 2009 Mini which has both OS Installer and Applications, however I am trying to reformat my new HDD to use in my uMB but I can not find the disk, is the disk that came with the Mini the same application installer disk until I find the other disk, I need to get iLife 2009 on the uMB and that is what is on both Application installer disks.

    I am just not sure if Apple has different software by machine, or they are all the same.

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  • bigjnyc
    Apr 13, 03:11 PM
    Yeah I read the entire page yesterday at work. Couldn't stop reading it. Does the book have more material?

    'Cause when I got "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" I was disappointed. It had the same stuff from the website with a tiny bit of extra content.

    Same thing happened to me with the Tucker Max book. The website for this one claims 60% new material... Thats good enough for me lol.

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  • The.316
    Dec 8, 01:10 AM
    Sorry, I should have been more clear. The entrydoor is in the top right corner, and there is a SLIDING door in the bottom right corner, not a window. Stupid me forgot to mention that. Also, on the right wall as soon as you walk in, there is a double door closet, so nothing can go there. Like the idea Snow, but its back to the drawing board lol.

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  • KeithPratt
    Mar 27, 06:44 PM
    Firewire 800 is worth the premium over USB2 for video editing, but the additional bandwidth USB3 offers wouldn't see much use with most hobbiest video editors.

    Almost all 2.5" drives can be bus-powered, and the highest capacity I've seen is 1.5TB.

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  • cwright
    Apr 16, 04:44 PM
    Yeah, I do this all the time. Works great. I use an SM58 and a G2-series SKP 100 plug-on transmitter, but it's basically the same thing.

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  • mojOH
    Apr 3, 07:32 PM
    Great to hear! I got mine on launch, but now the wife wants one so I'll be in the hunt. Are they getting a wide variety of models daily? I'll be searching for a white AT&T 16 or 32. Still handing out tickets in the morning?

    I don't know about during the week (I'm assuming yes) but this weekend they did tickets. I'm honestly surprised how many people were still getting in line sat mornings. I know at least one day last week they had "an assortment" of 3G iPads when I called at noontime. When I asked the rep early last week what the spread of models they were getting was, she said it was a relatively even spread. If you could settle for VZW, the target in Norwood had a 64gig and a 16gig white.

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  • paeza
    Apr 11, 12:06 AM
    You can get electrocuted?

    LOL love your answer

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  • ender land
    Apr 21, 08:47 PM
    I use Evernote.

    Not sure if it has all the features you are looking for but it definitely syncs and is a quite nice app imo.

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  • kas23
    Oct 20, 07:35 AM
    Number #53 of the Top Grossing as of this posting.

    This App is likely going to sell a lot in its first week of offering -- mainly to hardcore users or people with too much money. I can't blame the developer starting very high, for this very reason. He could have offered it at $100 and it still would sell a lot in the first few days. There are people out there who will just have to have this app, at any cost. But, then, it's likely going to fall off the charts after a week. It just doesn't make sense to sell an app for $50 when you can get the same content for free on Safari. The price will undoubtedly drop at this point.

    Even at $20, it would be steep, but I would pay for it.

    May 1, 01:30 PM
    SO, let's try a couple of things first:

    1) Insert disc 1, and power the laptop down.
    2)With the laptop turned off, hold down the C key on the keyboard, and while holding the key down, press the power button. Continue holding the C key down until you see the grey Apple logo in the middle of the screen. This is booting from the CD. You should get to a menu, and from the top menu bar, it should say 'Utilities' (depending on version of OS). Select Disk Utility. Select the HD, and erase.

    Unsure of all what happened previously, but wiping the drive and starting from new may help.

    After erase is complete, power down laptop. Make sure disc 1 is still in drive. This time, hold down the C key, power the laptop up. Follow the prompts to installing the OS. Hopefully, this will work. Let me know. If this doesn't take care of issue, it may point to another issue, possibly hard drive. Not uncommon, not a major install, just more of a time consuming install. Can get them relatively cheap from all over. I prefer MicroCenter because of their volume prices. I have an earlier model of iBook, the Clamshell G3 366. I also had an iBook G4 1.2 Ghz, both required a hard drive within months of me owning them. Replaced hard drives, and they are still running to this day.

    Sorry you haven't gotten many responses on here. Older items dont garner as much attention, but this is still a great place to get information.

    Thank you I understand I'm dealing with a fossil of a laptop :( But I will follow your directions and let you know the out come of it.
    Thank you again also for the info

    May 1, 08:56 AM
    What? You repackaged Nocturn, made it a lot less useful and published it as an application? What was wrong with just using Nocturn?

    Oct 29, 02:37 AM
    I know what this is... this is an example of a Company trying to out do Apple Computer Inc.

    The brilliant Marketing and Product design folks there forgot to check the MacRumors site where they could have easily caught wind of the XServe.

    The Moral of the Story... Nobody does it better, makes me feel sad for the rest...:(

    Steve Jobs Rules

    Apr 25, 11:11 AM
    So here's how I did it and it worked like a charm:

    1. Opened TM and did a backup

    2. Restored the iTunes Library file from my last TM backup

    3. Exported the lost Playlist as a .txt file

    4. Restored iTunes Library file again from today's backup

    5. Imported lost Playlist .txt file

    Easy. Thanks!

    Mar 16, 10:14 PM
    I wonder if Crackdown 2 will see us go against the agency? The ending to one left that door open.

    spoiler? :P

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