Animated Pics Of Dolls

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  • alust2013
    May 5, 02:57 PM
    I have a Scorpio Black that idles around 30C, and only ever gets up to about 33-35C when under a fairly heavy load. Certainly not hot enough to melt a cable.

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  • killuminati
    Sep 15, 02:45 PM
    That is hilarious!!!

    I would do that with some friends if it wasn't so expensive.

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  • AdrianK
    May 6, 12:04 PM
    I have to agree with the OP. Most of the front end features such as Launchpad and three+ finger multigestures are from iOS.
    Then don't use LP and revert your trackpad settings to how they were.

    Sure there are some tweaks under the hood, but for desktop/professional users of OS X, I need power refinement not cute little icons that wiggle.
    There are refinements in Lion, ones which were long over due. Also the wiggly icons are just part of LP, I don't see why you're complaining about a feature which is not imposed on you in any way.

    Leave that **** to the iOS kiddies and focus on OS X.
    I'm at a loss as what this sentence means.

    The only thing Apple is doing is dumbing down OS X to make it easier for the iDevice groupies to move into laptop systems or an iMac.
    What exactly was "dumbed down"? I haven't found anything I couldn't do in Lion, that I could in 10.6.

    Apple doesn't give two ****'s about us professionals who kept them from folding during their chapter 11 days in the 90's before Jobs came back. It's all about consumer market share, making their products in Taiwan now and $50+ billion in cash reserves.
    And that's related to their latest OS, how?

    Bah, it's just a bandwagon to jump on. Nothing is removed. Nothing is "dumbed down". It's just something to complain about.

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  • harry*333
    Jun 13, 10:15 PM
    Cool I like the tree thing:D

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  • samanthajane
    Apr 29, 03:51 PM
    After jailbreaking my 4.1 iphone 3g recently, there have been some issues with the battery.

    My suspicion is that the battery is fine. It's that the icon and percentage aren't updating.

    For example, I charge my phone and the icon and percentage do not change even though it should be fully charged by that point. So I restart my phone and the battery percentage and icon are now updated to reflect what it really is. And the battery drains as normal - nothing unusual there. It's only when I charge my phone that the battery status does not seem to go back up to reflect reality.

    Help please!

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  • lamonsas
    May 5, 02:16 PM
    I didn't think about that, do u really need to choose between the iPod and the student discount? If I have to choose then ill take the student discount.

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  • elpenguino
    Mar 15, 05:36 PM
    The only thing I would suggest is to add some sort of variation to the velocities of the tweets beyond your sliders. Maybe the tweets could be weighted based on how many times they've been retweeted; the more retweets, the louder the sound produced.

    Great work!

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  • random47
    Jan 11, 01:35 PM
    What accessories do you have for your Macbook, ipad, mac mini et cetera.

    Here are mine:

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  • DELTAsnake
    Apr 30, 07:57 PM
    My Aunt and Uncle live just up the road from the Chermside store so every time I'm in Brisbane I visit the Chermside store, but I would defiantly catch a bus into the CBD to see this new Apple Store. I think it's cool the way Apple is using old pre war buildings around the world as their flagship stores.

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  • void
    Sep 15, 10:32 PM
    I think these stereos will be very expensive and might even use some iPod-ish features(wheel anyone?). It's kind of weird how apple supports competitors. Sony vs Phillips (Phone & Stereo) Sprint vs Cingular (Earthlink & Phone)

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  • getbigg21
    Jun 22, 08:53 PM
    that's why i have it as a feeler b/c i don't know how much to ask for it. if i can find someone that is willing to buy the psp i will sell the pandora battery by itself.

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  • Tiauguinho
    Aug 30, 03:48 AM
    Originally posted by kungfu
    isn't "p58" the name for the powermac or something??? that's about all i got out of that article except for the fact that they mention 1394b.


    You're right! I went to search some older threads for the exact mention of this codename, because I remember when a guy camed here telling the specs of the New PowerMac that was coming, he mentioned that the QuickSilver was P57 and that this one was P58 ( His Nick Was APPLEP58!) He had a Pdf describing everything and he was going to tell more, he even said that the new case was the same color of the QuickSilver( When the Photo that was leaked showed the case White, and that was due to the flash of the camera QUOTE APPLEP58 : "By the way it's not white it's the same silver color G4s are now, teh image is distorted (stretched, but you knew that) the sides, top, and handles are indistinguishable from P57 (QuickSilver); just A COMPLETE change of the internal design, and front and back panel are different."
    ), until he was flamed by someone who just didn't believe that Apple would release that, and that the case that appeared on the Photo that was leaked was White... Oh well, one good source that was flamed by stupidity.

    Back to the topic! Well if he mentioned that this "New PowerMac" was the P58, and we all saw that weeks later it really was, to me it just brings something in my logic... Since this new PDF that we have, show Firewire 2 on the P58, I have to ask you guys something... What a hell went Wrong??? Why didn't Firewire 2 maked it's debut on this Machine as it is on this new PDF?

    Here is the link to the Thread:

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  • Rower_CPU
    Feb 29, 07:47 PM
    Not really. Only thing that happened was applemacdude posting in private discussion.

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  • themiracle
    Jan 15, 01:39 PM
    The online store says the pre-orders on the Macbook Air will be shipped in two to three weeks, but I don't see anything mentioning when they'll actually be in the physical stores. I'd really like to see one.

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  • mejgautam
    Mar 11, 02:10 PM
    Hey guys how is th eline looking like?
    Do u think I will get one I fI het there by 5.00?
    I am so sad, that i am not able to leave office before 5?
    ANd did apple store stop to be in line as they may not have enough quantities?:confused:

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  • Consultant
    Mar 18, 07:45 AM
    Anyone know how much a Tshirt is? And if there's any way to get one other than going to San Francisco?

    Each T-shirt is under $20
    There are also hats, zipped long sleeve shirts with Apple logo, keychains, cups.

    Cupertino is about 1 hour drive from San Francisco, and maybe 30 minutes drive from San Jose if there is no traffic.

    Note VERY limited store hours, at least for those there on business. I got lucky on a business trip one day and was able to go in the afternoon otherwise count a long lunch + car.

    And in 1999 Microsoft tried to open their own store, I wonder why?

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  • perugina05
    Mar 26, 03:48 AM
    Hi guys I'm also having the same problem, but I'm trying to download the jailbreak from my iphone 3g ios4.3, i have a mac btw
    I'd realllllly appreciate any help with this cos I'm going out of my mind trying to jailbreak it!

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  • ankitsid
    May 4, 11:59 PM
    ill probably upgrade at the next case overhaul. i just hope my mid'10 is worth some decent money then, so i dont have to spend that much out of pocket.

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  • russed
    Mar 2, 05:38 AM
    i like this very much, good work. i am getting it now!

    it looks far more mac like that firefox does at present and probably one of the reasons why i dont use it, i prefer camion instead! maybe you have given me a reason to switch to the other one now!

    May 5, 02:19 PM
    BTW, you do not need to backup the scratch disk, as it's temporary data.

    Thank you for cleaning that up. It's what I suspected, but wasn't sure. Either way, I'll have the space on Disk 2 since I'll be using a spare 1TB HDD that I already have.

    Budget...I want to stay at $3000 or less including the computer.
    The Mac Pro refurb is $2300 inc. tax. RAM is going to cost $300 so that's $2600, leaving $400 for the hard drives.

    I already have several 1TB disks, of which I will use one and I have one 2TB external I can use. That means I need to buy:

    Two SSD drives
    One 2TB internal HDD
    One 3TB internal HDD
    One 3TB external HDD

    I'm thinking that will all cost more than $400 but I can go over a couple hundred if needed.

    Doctor Q
    Mar 7, 03:54 PM
    MacRumors holds occasional contests, just for fun. The winners earn a Contest Winner badge:

    Here are the official contests to date:

    May 2002 - Macrumors Avatar Contest (

    Winners:cleo (Grand Avatarist)
    Zenith (Best Still Avatar)
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    Dignan ('tar and Feather Award)

    August 2002 - MacRumors "Switch" Video Contest (

    Winner:Teabgs (Best Switch Ad)

    August 2004 - MacRumors 1,000,000 Post Avatar Contest (

    Winners:afterglow (Best Static Avatar)
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    December 2005 - MacRumors 2,000,000 Post Avatar Contest (

    Winners:Lacero (Best Static Avatar)
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    Winners:iBlue (Best Fan, Photo)
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    March 2008 - Five Million Post Avatar Contest

    Winners:Mitthrawnuruodo (Best Static Avatar)
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    Dec 20, 04:59 PM
    the guy who won the auction emailed me shortly after the auction had ended. i gave him my phone number and he called me. very nice guy. at first, he was going to pay for the 2-day shipping for $75 but then he had an idea that he could get a co-worker who works here in dallas to bring the cash in hand to pick it up. NICE!

    he called me back to confirm and a guy by the name of Juan is going to meet me at my work tomorrow to exchange the cash for the 360.

    gotta love it!

    Apr 27, 05:12 PM
    OK - my husband just joined this century and got the iPhone. The problem I now have found is in our contacts, i tunes has combined my contacts and his contacts to make a ginormous list. Is there a way that I can have my contacts and he can have his contacts....

    How do I do that?

    Thanks in advance

    Apr 6, 01:03 PM
    Between the two, definitely iMac.

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