Sofa Set Designs For Office

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  • Doctor Q
    Jan 2, 09:11 PM
    The winners of the 2,000,000 Post Avatar Contest are as follows:

    Best Static Avatar


    Best Animated Avatar


    Best Apple-themed Avatar


    Congratulations to these members and to all who participated!

    For your enjoyment, a gallery of the contest entries (those within the 75x75 pixel limit) is presented below.

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  • powerless
    Apr 22, 06:38 AM
    Make sure SP2 is installed, this fixes this problem.

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  • saigonsam
    Apr 3, 08:14 PM
    Hello, I just bought an IPad and bought the Apple Component A/V cables. I hooked everything up and it works fine for the movies I have on the Ipad. However, I want to watch streaming TV (MLB.TV) on my television and I don't get a picture. I do get the sound. I've tried different settings for video and none of them change anything. Any suggestions?


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  • bige12
    Mar 11, 02:35 PM
    Any info about the Apple Store in Reston, VA in Reston Towne Center?

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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 7, 11:46 AM
    ...the stickers are there to make you feel like you are getting a beast of a computer...

    More like a logo-plastered NASCAR racer of a computer. "And now a few words from our sponsors..." :D

    As hipster-beacon-ish as the illuminated apple on the back of my MBP may be, I still think it's classier than a bunch of random crap adhered to the thing. Thank you, Apple. ;)

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  • sidsyd
    Apr 28, 12:44 PM
    At the top of my iTunes window (vers. 10.2.2 12) I have a long yellowish rectangle in the middle. The rectangle used to have the name of the item that was playing, and a play bar with the time played on the left and the time remaining on the right. In the play bar, there was a diamond shaped slider to control the current position being played.

    Instead, now I see an array of 16 by 40 small grayish rectangles, divided into two groups. The 40 stacks of rectangles appear to move up and down as the music or audio plays. I don�t know the correct word for this is, but I think of it as equalizer output.

    The play bar is useful to me, the equalizer graphic is not. How do I get the play bar back?

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  • bluebomberman
    Mar 22, 05:29 PM
    Yep, I got more Madden/Wii issues.

    No more corrupted memory issues since my first incident (, but now I'm having issues where I get an error message saying my nunchuk has been disconnected OR the nunchuk no longer responds and the game keeps on playing (which means my superstar running back starts spinning in circles or stands still and waits to be plastered by the defense).

    Unplugging and plugging the nunchuk seems to stave off issues for 12-24 hours, but it's been a real annoyance for the past three days. Has anybody else have this happen to them?

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  • bbazzahh
    Apr 12, 06:10 AM
    Call Applecare first. My friend had a similar issue to the crack on the back and got it fixed for free.

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  • Makosuke
    Jan 26, 09:32 PM
    Answer to original question: I don't know what possesses people to use WMV3 (which is actually Windows Media 9 video) in AVI files, but you're currently out of luck. WindowsMediaPlayer on the mac knows how to play WMV3, but it can't read AVI containers, so it's useless, and I know of no way to build the video and audio streams from an AVI file into an ASF file, at least on a Mac.

    There are also no open source players that can decode WMV3, although a couple days ago the first foundations for doing just that were laid in the ffmpeg project, so eventually there will be options.

    IMO, AVI is a stupid idea - having a container format that can use just about any codec is bound to cause confusion.
    Like bankshot implied, that's an embarassingly ignorant comment, being that although AVI probalby isn't as good of a container format as MOV (less features), they're identical in that they both allow a huge range of video and audio formats, which is your complaint.

    If you'd like me to demonstrate by making a MOV with a codec you can't play, it'll take me about a minute and a half.

    The only difference is that most people who make MOV files stick to standard QuickTime codecs, whereas AVI, being much more popular for home-ripped files on the internet (where people seem to have an inexplicable urge to use bizzare codecs when there are far better and more popular alternatives available), has a huge range of oddball stuff people decide to use with them. You could easily do the same with QuickTime if you felt like it, though, and I'll bet if it was more popular people would.

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  • wnameth
    Dec 16, 06:55 AM
    i just want the keybaord, i have the following to offer, true crime streets of LA (gamecube) and possibly some others, i have the following dvd's for trade, Terminator 3, Die another Day and the recruit. that is just for the keybaord, are you interested?

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  • jim4spam
    Apr 22, 01:07 PM
    I just came home from a store with this LG monitor for 249USD and I'm very happy with it plugged into my laptop. It's picture quality is frankly very similar to our 2007 iMac 24" (very nearly identical to me, although my wife - the designer - prefers the iMac).

    We couldn't go with the 27" apple monitor as it's incompatible with the older MacBooks (like mine) with the mini-DVI.

    But anyway - I'm very happy with it!

    review of his smaller brother:

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  • DoFoT9
    Mar 6, 05:57 PM
    bringing back an old thread :D

    any idea how to do these sorts of things for the system prefs pane of F@H? i would like to change the amount of CPU usage/cores if possible. i like BOINC so much because you can change everything, this F@H pref pane is so... basic..

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  • ph0rce
    Sep 15, 06:54 PM
    hehe funky van! *Signs pimp my ride theme...*

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  • mulo
    Apr 18, 04:15 PM
    quit double posting.

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  • AliensAreFuzzy
    Mar 23, 07:31 PM
    ok so i have a 160 gig fw drive that i boot from

    i have one partition set to 50 gigs the other partition is the remaining space which is about 102 gigs

    i want my home folder on the larger partition, how do i set this up? i wasnt able to find info anywhere about this, thanx in advance
    This is kinda off topic, but how do you set up an external drive to be the boot drive?

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  • cube
    Oct 31, 03:15 PM
    Why did you block me? I was just listing some sites with useful info that people should check out before asking questions.

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  • SilentLoner
    Apr 21, 07:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    perfect browser for almost all of my browsing, and on the rare occasion safari.

    I hate safari for what it's worth. though I wish Apple would allow other browsers to use the autofill feature.

    Perfect browser?

    Why you hate safari so much?

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  • sangood
    Jun 4, 07:37 AM
    Hi, does anyone know when iTMS will be available in the UK? Ive heard several rumours ranging from this month, June, to July to 'maybe' this year...



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  • OneMike
    Apr 26, 09:10 AM
    He's probably rich.

    could be

    Jul 14, 08:02 PM
    I can't remember sorry, maybe it is a just a bug, after all iChat AV is beta...

    Mar 28, 06:27 PM
    One really huge difference between Apple suing someone over a patent, versus Microsoft, Nokia, Kodak or others doing so, is that at least the latter seem willing to license their patents.

    Has Apple ever licensed their technology to others? (Excepting the clones way back when.)

    From the top of my head, firewire, 1394 was primarily developed by Apple, but it's owned and licensed by a couple of companies. But yes, you're right, Apple doesn't share much, they tend to buy out the company with the technology and keep it to themselves.

    Apr 30, 04:07 AM
    Perhaps I'm not being totally fair here, but he strikes me as an example of a species of internet parasite who achieves some measure of success and fame on the back of someone else's work. A more famous (or infamous) example is potty-mouthed moron Julie Powell, whose 15 minutes of fame--achieved on the back of Julia Child's classic cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking--culminated in a major Hollywood movie about her life starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams!

    In this case, Merlin has built a successful blogging, writing and speaking career based largely on David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology for personal organization and productivity. He jumped in early, starting his 43Folders blog in just two years after Allen published GTD. His focus has been on applying GTD methodology to technology work, and on developing tools to aid in the implementation of GTD. Unlike Julie Powell, whose efforts reportedly earned the disdain of Julia Child, I've seen no signs of animosity between David Allen and Mr. Mann. Perhaps Allen is happy to have the extra evangelization of his approach.

    Nov 23, 12:09 PM
    anyone at all interested in this xbox 360

    Apr 4, 10:10 AM
    How is your server connected to the internet? Do you have port forwarding/NAT/Port redirection enabled on your router to route traffic received on your external address to SLS?

    eg <public Ip address> port 25 NAT to <> Port 25

    your A host address on GoDaddy may send the SMTP mail to your router, but the router needs to know where to deliver it on your LAN, ie what private IP address the server sits on.

    okay so i do have a public ip address which the a host from godaddy then points to my AE router. The router is set to share the public ip address and i have the default host at which is the SLS machine. I have the router set up to open ports 25,110,143,587,993,995 in order to use the mail service HOWEVER I used a port checker and it sill shows that ports 25 and 587 are CLOSED and that ports 110,143,993,995 are OPEN.

    I called my ISP and they deny that they are blocking any ports. I have a business T1 from windstream. The smtp mail did work at one point but has stopped now for the obvious reason that port 25 is closed and I cannot seem to open it. I don't know what else I should try since the settings appear to allow port 25 traffic but multiple port checkers show it as closed.

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