Birthday Wishes To Brother

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  • GGJstudios
    May 5, 12:14 PM
    iTunes and Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes (

    Filenames to Song Names (
    Track Parser v1.3.1 (
    Search/Replace Tag Text (
    File Renamer (

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  • ankitsid
    May 4, 11:59 PM
    ill probably upgrade at the next case overhaul. i just hope my mid'10 is worth some decent money then, so i dont have to spend that much out of pocket.

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  • bscoggins4
    Dec 7, 10:29 PM
    Sent the payment.


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  • JBG87
    Apr 8, 03:11 PM
    and the macbook entry will still be "better" than the 999 air

    and if theres a black one i bet its a glossy black like the white

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 8, 06:51 PM

    Ah, but for fiction to become reality.

    This is but one example.

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  • mulo
    Apr 27, 09:54 AM
    if the MP gets updated this year, then yes certainly.

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  • xStep
    Mar 10, 12:37 AM
    Some thoughts...

    I've always thought that Boinx is a little brain dead when it comes to iStopmotion. The Home and Express editions are limited to 960x540 resolution. Why, when 1080p and 720p are so common in the consumer space now. Their Pro version handles 10,000x10,000! Also, you can't tell what your project is set to. One has to assume it matters since they have several settings upon creation and a limit on the size.

    When you create a project, make sure you set that up correctly. You didn't say what your source is. High resolution images from a still digital camera perhaps? Is the ratio 4:3 or 3:2? You hinted it is 4:3. For the Preset, I would try Medium or Large, or maybe even custom if the size of your images are odd. I also think you should set the frame rate to what you expect to output.

    Upon output, you can choose a very custom setup by using File-->"Export..."-->QuickTime Movie-->"Customize...". Under the "Setting..." tab, try the "Compression Type" of "Apple Intermediate Codec", Animation, "Uncompressed 8-bit 4:2:2", or perhaps H.264, or Video. If options aren't grayed out, match the frame rate to your project or try leaving it at "Current" and choose "Key Frames:" All. Those are options I'd try.

    I notice they also have a "Send to iMovie" option. Did you try that too?

    Remember, exporting to full HD makes no sense if you don't have the Pro version since it is limiting your project to less than that.

    Another tool to try is QuickTime Player 7 Pro. It has a feature to import a sequence of images. Apple still charges for that 'Pro' feature.

    Oh, and yet another thing to try. You said it looked good in iMovie already but is getting sluggish to playback in iMovie. You could try exporting to a high quality video and then importing that back in and using it in a new project. My thought is that iMovie might work better with a movie rather than a collection of images. I'm not sure how it stores those images, so this is a bit of a shot in the dark. Worth checking though. If it works out, do that for each scene.

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  • macgeek77
    Jan 14, 08:53 PM seems to be saying I can watch the Keynote on the site. However, will this be during the keynote, or after it is over? Is there any place I can see it live? Thanks!:apple::apple::apple:

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  • Yellow 13
    Apr 7, 12:02 PM
    why do everyone say the "collectors macbook"

    aluminum ones, the father of unibody MBP's.

    i don't understand

    thx for xplaining :D

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  • hajime
    Apr 29, 08:26 AM
    Hello. Just ordered the iPad 2. When I tried out the original iPad, I felt uncomfortable holding it for even a few minutes. I felt like the iPad was going to break my fingers. (I am a bit exaggerated!) Although the iPad 2 is lighter, I should look for a holder/case that allows me to hold the device comfortably. Any recommendation? Thanks.

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  • Lukeyy19
    Dec 7, 05:36 PM
    Image 2

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  • zirkle2007
    Feb 1, 01:14 AM
    I guess this is as good a place as any to hang out.

    So... what's up? *nods slowly, contemplating life*

    Not much...just sitting here on forum spy. Long day, even longer night...can't sleep.

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  • dejo
    Apr 12, 10:03 AM
    It only updates once a day. I'm looking for a quicker response.
    I don't know what to tell you then. Maybe update the app to better handle the unexpected content so that the app doesn't crash.

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  • scan300
    Jul 26, 11:44 AM
    From the help file on your Mac...

    'In the Finder, choose Connect To Server from the Go menu. Connect to the server, log in, and select the volume.

    Open System Preferences and click Login Items. Click Add and locate the server in the Recent Servers folder in your home Library folder.

    Each time you log in to Mac OS X, the login dialog appears for you to connect to the server.'

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  • HBOC
    Jan 6, 12:01 PM
    A Christmas album - Barbra Streisand

    BINGO. One of the most AMAZING albums. Also, Jose Feliciano. INCREDIBLE AS WELL. And like others have said, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams, The Carpenters..David Foster produced an album in like 1993. It has some really great stuff on it to. I like Michael Crawfords' rendetion of 'O' Holy Night.

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  • giolicious
    Jan 28, 02:35 AM
    is there any way to view macrumors on iPhone? I mean optimized view just for iphone.

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  • Susurs
    Apr 30, 08:31 AM
    I realized that If I download .xls file (for example) I and double click it - it open's in TextEdit. If I click Quick Look icon it does view the entire content of the file nicely...So my question is: How to make changes in a way that double click opens .xls file with Quick Look by default.

    Thank you! :)

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  • Mac Fan 4 Ever
    Dec 18, 08:18 PM
    Trying to put the Devil holding the pen in front of the bottle of ink, but the sizing won't work out....think any of you could try?? Thanks

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  • arn
    Jan 14, 04:55 AM
    Yep, the Apple TV appears to very much be a large iPod with Video Out and Wifi.


    Aug 15, 12:50 PM
    Hopefully the u300+ is to give them some time to build out the infrastructure. I'm guessing (hoping) u200 comes soon.

    Dec 7, 05:55 PM
    I agree with SnowDx. His idea seams very realistic and the best case scenario for the layout of room you have there. Mind letting us know what software you used to make that?

    Apr 28, 10:43 PM
    Maybe you pushed it all the way back to the last "hidden" page of your iPhone.

    Aug 14, 10:34 AM
    Well, Digg had this two days ago...
    Anyway, I wonder what impact this will have on their stock this quarter.

    May 6, 08:26 PM
    I'm so confused. What are you streaming to? I assume you're streaming off the MacBook to something else?

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