Blake Lively Formal

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  • Agilus
    Mar 22, 10:17 AM
    I wonder which are worst:

    A) Video games based on movies, or
    B) Movies based on video games.

    Tough choice.

    How about a video game based on a movie based on a video game? :)

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  • xxBURT0Nxx
    May 4, 10:20 PM
    "Intel will use this novel 22nm technology to manufacture its Ivy Bridge processors, which should be in volume production in the second half of this year and available in PCs and servers starting in early 2012."

    They start production this year. Won't be available until 2012.
    yeah this is what i read

    The first processor using this 22nm 3D technology will be called Ivy Bridge and it will be available in the second half of 2011.

    guess we will see.. maybe this year maybe not!

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  • Dagless
    Mar 18, 05:24 PM
    As I've said before, never chose a games machine over a computer or anything used as a creative device.

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  • DeusOmnis
    Sep 9, 06:55 AM
    i think we need to add flying monkies too (which is actually possible)

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  • JsR
    Sep 1, 12:11 PM
    or in these photos?

    Awesome pictures CJ! I wasn't in the country when it opened =( (I've followed you on Twitter by the way :))

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  • Dreadnought
    Mar 26, 12:32 PM
    It depends on which WU you have and the processor. A G4 takes a bit longer then a G5 or an Intel (faster cpu). If you want to check you are folding, look in the activityviewer, there are some processes working, one of them is FahCore_XX.exe . If that is using most of your processorpower, then it is folding! If it is not showing, then it isn't folding

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  • JollyJoeJoe
    May 7, 01:22 AM
    Oops wrong forum. Mod please move to Desktops> Mac Pro

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  • Fuzzy.Dunlop
    Mar 18, 05:04 PM
    it's so iconic.

    It's for this reason that I think it will still be around for a while yet

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  • Xephian
    Sep 22, 06:04 PM
    I would get something like a Mac Mini just for now to wait for the Intel Macs.

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  • Mr Slippy IV
    Jul 6, 08:37 PM
    Most people think there is to be a camera on the ipod touch which there will have to a hole in the back.

    *pulls out drill*

    Problem solved.

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  • edtv
    May 3, 11:02 AM
    I just installed Snow Leopard on my Mac, but I installed it on the wrong drive and it did not overwrite the old OSX. Can I uninstalled SL and reinstall in proper location easily? HELP!

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  • Princess-Zoe
    Dec 12, 08:22 PM
    I have a iPod Touch, I believe it is a 3G. I have the App "Talking Tom" which is a cat who repeats whatever you say in a funny voice. The kids use it on their parents iPhone. I want to get a microphone to work with this App. I don't want the one with earplugs. It needs to talk out loud so others can hear it, it is hysterical. So what will work with it?
    Thanks Guys, and Gals,
    Princess Zoe

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  • Macs R Us
    Sep 15, 07:23 PM
    Hello All,
    I got thinking after seeing the iMac G5 and how it was made that there is a good chance that they could make a PDA/Tablet, with OS X, with ease. I have a good feelinh Apple will make such a divice within a year or so. The Apple Newtons on eBay sell for Over $75-200, so Apple making a PDA type divice would be great, there was news that Apple had a newer pattent for a PDA Divice. We can all hope for a Newton again:)...

    Thanks All,
    Mark Jozaitis

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  • ppdix
    Jun 30, 11:41 AM
    Since 10.6.4 I've experienced many Video Related problems, corrupt video data, slow performance and constant PS CS5 and Aperture 3 freezes and beach balls...(I use an Nvidia GTX 285 and a GT120 hooked up to 2 Monitors)
    The whole computer is slow and unresponsive at times. I think I'm gonna be forced to reinstall Snow Leopard and go back to 10.6.3...

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  • imacintel
    Oct 17, 10:04 PM

    MacBook. Very hot.

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  • DaveDaveDave
    May 1, 04:06 PM
    great was just hoping there wouldn't be even more delay in me getting my hands on my first mac :D :D

    Congrats - you're gonna love it!

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  • BlueRevolution
    Nov 9, 12:46 AM
    What I'd REALLY like is Movies and TV Shows to be worldwide

    Don't hold your breath. The MPAA is even worse than the RIAA, and the iTMS still isn't worldwide.

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  • kgarner
    Aug 24, 11:34 AM
    You do know that iTunes is available for Windows, right? And, iTunes works with many MP3 Player (I use it with my old Rio 600). The only thing you need an iPod for is to play songs purchased from the iTunes Music Store (other than on your computer of course). You can still rip all of your CD's to MP3 format and use your old MP3 player.

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  • ria
    Mar 7, 07:27 AM

    I am currently running 10.2 and am considering purchasing 10.3 2nd hand. When installing 10.3 are you required to type in a registration number or anything? Just need to make sure that that I can upgrade using a 2nd hand version. Has anyone done this?

    Thanks in advance :)

    Dec 12, 05:20 AM
    Someone from Bioware said that they are pulling in a HUGE amount of data from your ME2 save if you import. Granted, much of this might be trivial stuff that has no REAL importance on the game. But either way, you will be able to import your person just fine, and I'm sure major plot decisions from ME2 will have consequences in ME3.

    I really hope it has some choices from 1 as your going around to rally races I hope it rembers stuff like if you save the Rachni and program the geth to help you out to that would be a nice touch as well.

    Mar 7, 09:55 PM
    ok cheers. that seems very easy even for a command line n00bie like me ;)

    let me know if you have any problems. i'm not much beyond a "n00bie" myself, but i'll help if i can

    May 30, 05:15 PM
    I'm not really concerned about the loudness, loud things don't bother me that much, and I probably won't have it turned on that much.

    Ha, I don't think you appreciate how loud these things get.

    When I am configuring a server I set it up in a corner of my office. While the thing is running, I can't even listen to any internet radio out of my iMac that sits 4 inches from my face. The poster that was saying they could hear it through floors wasn't kidding.

    It really is a "If this thing is within 10 feet of me in the same room, OSHA probably requires me to wear earplugs" sort of deal.

    Apr 22, 08:30 PM
    [/URL][URL=""]How to Reset your UserName Password (http://[URL)

    May 6, 07:51 PM
    thanks mate

    dont worry about gaming skills, we are just wanting to know how the game runs, not how good you are at it :)


    Looking for WoW and Crysis 2 if you have them!

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