Kim Kardashian Before And After Plastic Surgery Photos

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  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 26, 10:50 AM
    Can this help?

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  • Fast Shadow
    Jan 15, 10:27 AM
    It's a trade show. In America, most educators aren't paid crap and therefore they'll be treated like crap at industry trade events, especially hojillion dollar industries like IT. They don't see you as a walking cash register, so they don't care about you. It's a sad reality - we treat our educators like dirt.

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  • MBHockey
    Apr 29, 02:42 PM
    I just updated to TomTom 1.7 and immediately noticed a (seemingly) random chime/bell sound that plays when I'm using it to navigate. It comes through even with the voice instructions off and i hear it every 5-10 minutes or so, but sometimes it will play 2-3 times in a row.

    I have used TomTom for a while and don't remember this at all. Does anyone know what the sound is for? or how to turn it off?

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  • TSiTwone
    Apr 22, 07:40 PM
    I am sorry if this is already posted, but I have a quick question. A friend of mines has the 2010 13" 2.4GHz model with all the standard specs no upgrade. Its in like new condition with the box and the accessories he bought his in Nov. from Microcenter when they was on sale for $999.99. He looking to sell it to get the i5. I trying to talk him out of it because he only uses it for basic stuff and its not worth the upgrade. But he wants to know a good price to sell it for he offered it to me for $700 and told me if anyone else wants it $900. But he hasn't gotten any serious buyers. What do you guys think a good sales price should be. He wants to pay as little out his pocket for the new 1. I was thinking of buying it myself but I dont think I would make much money off it. Because I just bought mines in Jan and i am perfectly fine with mines. So just need some advice for a good reasonable price point thanks.

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  • Fishrrman
    Apr 16, 09:27 AM
    "3. What happens if something goes wrong? I have the original install disks, but... I don't know"

    Um... you go back to whatever OS you were using before.

    Do not, repeat DO NOT, install Lion _over_ the OS you are already using.

    Instead, install it onto a clean, unused partition somewhere.

    The idea is to EXPERIMENT with it, and NOT to use it as "your main OS".
    Not yet, anyway.

    Got it?

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  • whfsdude
    Aug 29, 07:33 AM
    Now what does that say for a G5 @ MWSF?? I don't see it being released, maybe IBM will end up taking over. If Moto can't give us 1.25ghz right now they got issues.

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  • Consultant
    Apr 11, 03:34 PM
    Interesting, at least those trolls find a nice way to waste their time.

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  • skyfex
    Aug 13, 03:11 PM
    You gotta love it! =D

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  • SilvorX
    Oct 13, 09:25 PM
    me 3 :p lol, those would be nice to see

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  • bousozoku
    Nov 15, 12:14 AM
    Use increase, its the best!!!

    It's okay but I hope those of you using it have input the correct team number: 3446.

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  • mrbigcdx
    Nov 25, 07:44 PM
    Could you give me more information on the PC/Mac switchboxes? Are they KVM switches? If so, what connectors/cables do they have. Are they USB or ADB? What about VGA? Thanks!

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  • brap
    Feb 16, 05:13 AM
    Well, after a few days of trying to use various tools I was only able to recover a small amount of data... my ~250MB Thunderbird mail archive was not included, sadly.

    I tried Data Rescue X, FileSalvage and VirtualLab, and none of them could find it - although many smaller files showed up. It's funny, all I was trying to do was install a TeX type app so I could n-up some PDF files... and I work with ~/Library all the time, I'm hardly a newbie. Just impatient and careless :(

    The worst part is that I've had problems with my FW drive not being recognised, so my backups were fairly far-gone. After a month or so of wandering up and down the country without my safety net I find my last full backup was taken on December 27th, 2004.

    Have put it down to 'one of those things'. Sigh. Hope nina's story comes out better...

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  • iJohnHenry
    Oct 13, 06:46 PM
    Those miners would be more use up in Liverpool � the chaps at Anfield desperately need advice on how to get themselves out of a hole before Christmas...

    I was wondering, "Why the punishment??". :p

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  • liamkp
    Jul 10, 11:21 AM
    Ok, so the solution is not to avoid using the link, but rather to make sure you send the faulty cable back.


    I'll try and remember this if i ever need to replace one. Thanks.

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  • gtoddh
    Apr 26, 01:31 PM
    Does anyone have any ideas how long it will be before the new 2011 MacBook Pros will be available in the Refurbished Mac section of the Apple online store? I would like to wait for a refurb but if it's going to be another 6 months I'd rather go ahead and buy a new one.


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  • Snowy_River
    Feb 26, 07:47 PM
    iFile is iPad compatible. However, it won't do what you're looking for. In order to have that, you'll need a JB browser app that integrates the kind of FS access that iFile gives you.

    P.S. iFile doesn't create a FS, it simply gives you access to the FS that exists behind the scenes in iOS.

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  • 630CD
    Mar 17, 11:58 PM
    I've recently came into ownership of an iMac and I tried cleaning it with a magic sponge, which unknowingly to me badly scratched it. I originally wanted a tangerine iMac, but ended up with an lime one, so I was wondering if the translucent parts of the cases and all other green parts can be changed to orange. Is it possible?

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  • ChrisBrightwell
    Nov 23, 07:31 PM
    i just happened to get 2 of them. i had one preordered and i have a friend that got me one at launch. i saw what they have been going for and i figured might as well and sell or trade one of them. just happened to be in the right place at the right time so i'm going to take advantage of it.That doesn't make your markup right in any way. It just helps you sleep at night.

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  • Joshuarocks
    Mar 29, 11:53 AM
    Hello.. I have Xcode 3.1.3, xcode for use with Leopard.. I want to take intel only apps and make them universal binary.. get them to run on PPC to help support the developers out there dedicated to keeping the PPC platform alive.. How do I, for instance.. convert a mac app from the app store, such as Hands off! for universal binary?

    Is it like a switch I need to switch on? Also, if I can disassemble the code for that program, can I then make it into a universal application?

    Jun 24, 09:35 AM
    I was in at 5:40, out by 7:20. They were pretty speedy. I had a friend who went to Eastview in Rochester, he was about the same place in line (~30 people ahead in the reserve) and he didn't get out until 9am.

    Jul 7, 12:54 PM
    I am quite dismayed however, at the flak I've gotten from people who just can't understand: 1) why I would change my mind about a song and, 2) why I would want to delete a song. Is this symptomatic of a society of control freaks that think if THEY can't conceive of a reason for doing something then that something must not be allowed? I'm reminded of Al Gore's recent remark about "digital brownshirts".

    While I congratulate DailyTunes for striking a note of freedom, there are countless other data bases out there which contain your digital footprint and you have no way, short of an act of Congress, to get that data deleted. The internet is still a very new aspect of our society and I think it is important that we proceed carefully and err toward the needs of people. Perhaps this episode serves as a cautionary tale for those who choose "the system" over freedom.

    Apr 13, 05:52 PM
    SAS drives work fine, provided you've got the Apple RAID card.

    If you opt for a third party RAID card (which is what's recommended) you have to use third party drive sleds ( since the standard bays do not work with third party RAID controllers.

    Will using these bay adapters to the backplane limit 6G SATA3 drives to SATA2 3G speeds? Is it possible not to get these bays and use default ones that come with the mac pro and just not use their connectors and instead run mni SAS-4x SATA multiplier and connect to the drives in the bays ? Or is going via the backplane internal channels the only option ?

    Sep 22, 12:31 AM
    Hmmm no not that either.

    I believe it only came out this year.

    Aug 16, 12:16 PM
    No one? I guess it sucks. :p

    meh. Nobody has commented on my second entry yet. 's all good.

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