Birthday Wishes For Friends

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  • Sydde
    Feb 19, 09:51 AM
    From his posting history, I get the impression that the OP will respond with some degree of restrained celebration when Steve Jobs buys the farm.

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  • hp1xbg
    Apr 29, 11:09 AM
    Didn't know where to post this, but thought someone might have the answer here.

    I have three word documents that I would like to combine into one. Two of them were previously converted PDF files.

    I open up the original word file, and then click "Insert, file". When i click on the file I (a word doc), it imports it and stuff is everywhere, formatting is hosed, etc. If I open up the second file on its own, it shows correctly.

    I am using word for mac 2011. What am I doing wrong?


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  • SpitFire000
    Jul 7, 02:09 AM
    So, ill be up there, anyone goin up for the night or just gettin up early?

    lets get something organized maybe?

    PS. if anyone has a 1st gen iPhone i could activate with to get the plan and the subsidy on my current ATT account it would be much appriciated, i live 2 mins from the mall.

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  • mrkramer
    Nov 18, 03:20 PM
    I thought that this was interesting. I doubt anyone here would be able to afford it, but some of you may find it interesting to see. an Apple 1 is going up for auction with it's original packaging. ( and it's apparently expected to go for about $200,000

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  • JackAxe
    Mar 18, 06:20 PM
    But the PS3 is a computer ;)

    I had to...sorry,it just fit so well. There just wasn't a spot like this in the war thread

    It clocks in at about a 1.8Ghz G5 from linux benchmarks, so pretty cool. :)

    If only it could legally run OS X, than it would be an awesome investment, but Linux... :o


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  • AforAndromeda
    Aug 19, 10:24 AM
    Hi guys,

    Just a quick question. :confused:

    I have tried listening to a variety of music on my iPhone, both iTunes, Play.COM and 320kps (from home CDs), and I would value others impressions of iPhone sound quality.

    I normally listen on Ultimate Ears 5Pro with the iPhone equalisation set to off. For me, it lacks low bass, so I turned on bass booster and although it delivered, the sound was very fuzzy.

    Anyone like to suggest whether it's the headphones or iPhone?


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  • Mr Slippy IV
    Jul 6, 08:26 PM
    Hopefully they make Torrents and Rebels for the iPod Touch 4G.

    I'm going to guess Apple doesn't want to change the shape of the iPod touch. It's very thin already, and has been established as a capable device.

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  • rub
    Sep 5, 02:50 AM

    He has great lessons online, and he had loads of youtube videos for beginners to advanced. When my mates want to learn i give them a few lessons and refer them to his website for when im not around.

    cheers. i'll check that place out.

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  • TorontoLRT
    Mar 16, 05:44 AM
    ^Fail troll is fail. Joshua was one of the few unbiased journalists on Engadget.

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  • madmax019
    Jan 15, 01:27 PM
    great! thanks

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  • radiantm3
    Nov 3, 05:37 PM
    Anyone using it? I started reading up on and learning Ruby and it's quite a bit of fun. Just interested in hearing any thoughts about Ruby and maybe some advice for a newbie. I've dabbled in asp and php, but I am not a programmer. I do know the very basics of programming so I can grasp concepts as I go along. Do you think Ruby on Rails is the way to go when thinking about the future? Or should I just try to stick with learning php? I know RoR is very new, but I love the simplicity of Ruby code and I think it would be more fun to work with than php or perl or any other web programming language.

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  • mac2thefuture
    May 5, 11:36 AM
    Audio Hijack:

    Thanks for the suggestion. :)
    Prefer a free or low cost app if available.

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  • fherjohn
    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    Let me know how it goes. I really like this case.

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  • axeldtf
    Apr 15, 02:24 PM
    I finalized the project and still looks bad.

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  • CrzyCanuck72
    Apr 24, 07:26 AM
    holy crap you have no idea how long I've been trying to figure out how to do this for. Amazing!

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  • itickings
    Mar 14, 05:01 PM
    Yeah, pretty much.

    If you get a cheap enclosure for it you can "recycle" by using it as an external drive. Not quite as fun as it would've been to upgrade the G4...

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  • Blakeasd
    May 5, 05:36 PM
    Ok, I have tried some of the changes everyone has suggested(I think I followed your instructions correctly)Here is my new code: (I haven't tried looping it yet)


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  • soujin
    Apr 14, 09:06 PM
    Hey, all, thanks in advance.

    My campus has had problems recently with the internet being slow, dropping the connexion, etc. Usually I can go into system preferences and network, then use the "assist me" feature to fix things without any trouble.

    But right now my friend isn't able to get her MacBook to connect at all She's tried restarting numerous times without any luck. Either it says there's no IP, or that it's authenticated via PEAP. Any tips for her? :/

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  • eva01
    Sep 6, 12:55 PM
    everything is back on in the hospital, surrounding area i guess is still out with electricity (may be back i don't know) , some of it at least.

    And i guess a doctor was in the middle of a total knee replacement surgery.

    that is bad.

    Nov 20, 02:18 PM
    It's one of the coolest site I've ever seen. Nevertheless the navigation part is not so practical. I wonder how it would be with the pen-based mouse. Anyway, it's Leo Burnet's.

    Aug 12, 02:49 AM
    Does anyone know if iPhone safari automatically delete your browsing history without you doing it?

    Also, is it possible to retrieve/view deleted browsing history on safari's iPhone?

    Thanks a million!!

    Apr 14, 04:13 PM

    I totally support this.

    People seem to have forgotten the meaning of "intellectual property".

    Computers have made thievery too easy.

    So easy that some people no longer recognize it as thievery.

    Dec 1, 01:58 PM (

    Israeli firm fringland (, one of the earliest ( VoIP services ( for the iPhone and iPod touch, has announced ( the launch of video calling for the iPhone and iPod touch. The feature is included in the latest version of the company's fring iPhone application [App Store (, Free].

    Unfortunately, because the iPhone's camera is on the rear of the device, only one-way incoming video calls are possible, although the application will support two-way video calling if the iPhone and iPod touch gain front-facing cameras in the future. The company already supports two-way video calling on several Nokia phones ( with such cameras.Right now iPhone and iPod touch users can receive and make fring and Skype video calls entirely over Internet connection (for free!) and see the person on the other end. When a front camera is placed on these, we'll have two-way video calls available here too just as we do on all the supported Nokia devices.

    A promotional video ( highlighting the new video functionality has also been released.

    Article Link: Fring Adds Video Calling to iPhone (

    Jul 25, 04:58 PM
    ...the "quick switch" feature of iOS compatible applications also speeds up the launch of many applications significantly.

    Elaborate on what you mean by "quick switch" please.

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