How To Name Compounds

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  • tuyenvo
    Mar 11, 10:21 PM
    All sold out in Emeryville as of about 7:30pm.

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  • Don't panic
    Mar 28, 09:35 AM
    radiation is not like a virus, it's not infective and the signal gets diluted at each passage through a host.

    yes, there will be some radiation passed through animal that ate radioactive material or that flew/swam/walked/crawled through contaminated areas, but the damage would mostly be to said animals, not whatever later comes in contact with it.
    that said, eating produce or animal from that area is certainly a bad idea.

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  • joepic
    Jun 29, 11:56 AM
    I've been watching this item for days now! How funny I saw this post.

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  • radomu
    Dec 11, 10:45 AM
    w00t, can't wait for this to come out

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  • JosephBergdoll
    Jan 6, 03:56 PM
    Yep. Canon made a 50mm f/0.95 as well, for their rangefinders about 2 decades ago.

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  • munkees
    Apr 6, 10:24 PM
    ScotlandBard : shame the foreground could not of had more light.

    rookpsu : did not see the battle in this photo.

    OllyCH : wished it was a clearer shot.

    bigt2000 : shame you could not sort out the picture.

    JDDavis : Very very cute.

    CK Williams : battling the fire is no easy feat, good choice of a photo, but need to bring more light into the photo to capture the firefighters better.

    acearchie This shot really needed more light, to bring more detail into the shot.

    Waybo : very good photo, I think it would better if the colors could be enhanced.

    Chappers : When I first saw this photo, I did not even notice the spider, good capture.

    Patriks7 : good job on capturing a moment, these are hard photos to perfect.

    GT41 : This is just a great photo, seems so timeless and solemn.

    emorydunn : This one made me laugh, had the potential of being a winning shot, if it was a better shot photo, meaning depth of field better. Also better lighting.

    deep diver : love this photo.

    jodelli : I see battles in this photo:

    1> position of the race cars.
    2> the guy with the extinguisher, ready to battle a bad event.

    tmagman : would be a better photo if it had more developed picture. I do like this shot however.

    jabbott : A very touching photo, I like that is simple in BW, and which helps the viewer focus on the meaning of the photo rather than the emotion of color.

    Keleko : I love this photo, very good shot.

    the1sttransport : I did not see how this is a battle.

    Thank you all for your submissions some great photos.

    3rd place is Chappers, such a great photo, with natures battle.

    2nd place, JDDavis this was a hard one, I love this shot so much, such a cute shot.

    This week winner is GT41 Such a timeless shot, that draws in the emotions of life sacrificed in battle for the betterment of mankind.

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  • EJBasile
    Sep 6, 05:03 PM
    That is not good. Think about how many electronics doctors use these days.

    For example, if I was doing a laparoscopic surgery, and the power went out and I was in the middle of internally stitching something. What would I do? Not to mention the anesthesiologist's problems.

    Not good. Not good at all. I would hate to be doing an operation then. I don't really know the power features of our hospital. I know that it has multiple back-up generators.

    Fun Fact: I do that the ESPN Aux. Data Center in Bloomfield (think), CT has two jet engine powered generators.

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  • Dewroo
    Jul 28, 06:26 AM
    I have a Macintosh Classic II that i want to fix. right now it gives me a zebra sripe like pattnen when i turn it on. It starts fine, without any bootup chime, and generly doesn't do anything besides display a odd pattern.

    anything i can do to see what's wrong with it?

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  • NYRangers11
    Jan 30, 11:17 AM
    Hi All,

    My wife is a dance teacher and asked me to help her out with music for her dance shows. She basically needs to take songs, split them at certain times and then make one song go right into another. I tried to use garageband, but it is really complicated for me. What the best app and way for me to do what I need ?

    Taking 4 songs, best parts and then making one song out of them

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  • rtheb
    Apr 28, 10:13 AM
    Just check this thread here:

    I use the BulletTrain Express.

    The Best!

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  • medea
    Aug 18, 12:42 PM
    I like the first one more, to me it's not obvious the other one is a roller coaster and the white apple logo works really well with the sky.

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  • Dagless
    Mar 18, 09:58 AM
    Those games were awesome. :)

    Best of all Camelot are supposedly working on either an unnamed Wii or DS (forgot which) RPG. Music was perfect, game design was simple but had hidden depth with them Djinn things. My stomach went all tingly when you go to Knox and see the physical "end of the world".

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  • CycloneWarrior
    Apr 23, 07:08 PM
    OpenFeint and Dapper Gentlemen are teaming up to help with the Japan Relief effort. Support the cause by downloading Wordicus! FREE Today Only!

    Download Game Channel to get more free apps everyday!

    Game details*:

    Swipe letter tiles to spell words. Play on your own or against the world!

    ★★★ The first multi-player, multi-language game EVER! ★★★ English, Espa�ol Fran�aise, Deutsch

    Swipe your finger across a grid of tiles to spell a word. Earn points to level up. Play single player mode or the one-of-a-kind Wordicus multi-player engine that matches you against your friends or random players from across the globe, even if they don�t speak your language!

    Game Features:


    Multi-player is turn-by-turn (asynchronous gameplay) - you can have 20 games against 20 different opponents at once.


    Wordicus automatically adapts to your phone�s default language (English, German, French or Spanish) and allows you to play against anyone in the world, even if they don�t speak your language!


    The more you score, the higher your level climbs. Leveling up unlocks special tiles that multiply your score in single-player and multi-player modes.


    Single-player Blitz is a race against the clock.

    Single-player Zen has unlimited play time. How long can you concentrate?

    Multi-player matches you against your friends or random opponents from across the globe.


    Tired of all the cheaters out there on other word games? Try this fresh and juicy new spin on the genre and destroy that dumb friend of yours who can no longer rely on a cheating app.


    At first you will only play 3 and 4 letter words, but as you progress you�ll get those huge scores on each word!


    Worldwide leader boards and unlockable achievements prove your spelling prowess!


    Ugly Meter
    Meatball Madness

    *details from

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  • MyMac8MyPC
    Feb 15, 12:47 PM
    Love my UNIEA ( case :apple:

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  • HXGuy
    May 5, 10:20 AM
    Transporteur: after all the research and different configurations I've done over the last 24 hours, I've come full circle back to the one you recommended, which was... :D

    1 OS SSD, 1 scratch SSD, 1 bootable backup (1TB), 1 3TB storage drive, 1 3TB backup drive.

    The only modification I have here is to use a 2TB storage drive as I want proper versioning out of Time Machine with that using a 3TB drive.

    The other thing I'm thinking is to add a 6th drive to clone the storage drive, so if that does fail, then I can work right off the cloned drive with no down time. What do you think about that?

    Oh yea, also a 7th drive (I know, this is getting out of control) for weekly clone back ups of the boot, scratch, and storage drives that will be kept off site.

    Edit: How does this drive look for the scratch drive?

    And this one for the boot drive? It's only 70MB/s write but write isn't that important on the boot disk, right?

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  • waloshin
    Apr 22, 03:54 PM
    Who here watches "River Monsters", and what is a show similar to River Monsters?

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  • cleanup
    Jan 6, 06:34 PM
    I actually think the composition is the weakest part of the photo. It bugs me more than the lack of sharpness and the graininess. You call it "Girl under the bridge", but it's all girl and no bridge. Needs more sense of scale, IMHO.

    What ISO did you shoot this at? With an aperture of 1.4 and the reflected light I think you could've afforded to do ISO400 even, with steady enough hands. Looks like you shot it at 1600+ though.

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  • funkywhat2
    Sep 6, 08:02 PM
    Originally posted by applemacdude
    I expect that Apple will release a new PDA in the near future.... Maybe It will be called the.....?

    it's never gonna happen so don't even think about it.

    and if you want a good apple pda, then i recommend a newton mp 2100.:)

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  • Jaffa Cake
    Sep 9, 06:59 AM
    Well, given how tiny the Nano is you shouldn't have any problem hiding it from him... ;)

    Apr 26, 10:50 AM
    Can this help?

    Nov 6, 01:47 AM
    Many of the later 030, 040 and PPC Macs use surface mount Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors. These leak and corrode tracks ( on pretty much EVERY piece of electronics they're used in.

    From a hardware reliability standpoint, there are two candidates that come to mind as being more reliable due to absence of these caps.

    1. Mac SE ( (not the SE30 which does have these caps). Though these may have trouble with the flyback transformer shorting but otherwise are quite reliable (comparatively).

    2. Quadra700 ( By far the best choice. You can use a VGA monitor (with a simple adapter) and these use Tantalum capacitors instead of SMD Electrolytic. The only trouble with these may be a dead battery and occasional PSU trouble. By far the best choice (IMHO) - Just not sure about the 040 compatibility.

    Oh, and if the interface is RS422/Apple serial port, an emulated machine circa 1998 and later, may be more trouble than it's worth.

    BTW, what is the model of the deck/desk and name of the software package?

    May 6, 10:35 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_7 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E303 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iPhone backup extractor. Will find the backup on your hard drive and unpack it for you in a folder.

    May 20, 06:18 PM
    I've been curious about F@H recently. I've got a Mac Pro idle for most of the day that I'd love to contribute... do I need to do anything aside from getting the program from the website and turning it on in system prefs... my viewer only shows a demo, is there something more I should be doing, this makes me think so.

    Will Cheyney
    Nov 20, 07:00 AM
    I saw that a few months ago... very impressive bit of scripting.

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