Kobe Bryant Vi Shoes

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  • skubish
    Sep 25, 04:08 PM
    Read the warranty agreement. It says something to the effect of "Repair or replace at Apple's discretion". Just sell it on eBay.

    Nice title for this thread BTW. Very descriptive. :rolleyes:

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  • arn
    Apr 27, 11:59 PM
    a plug in was causing problems. I've disabled it for now while we try to fix it.


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  • Mala
    Feb 7, 01:45 PM
    IIRC, you cannot use the USB driver for a printer that you have networked. Download and install the GIMP-print CUPS driver for the LaserJet 1200 when accessing it over your network.

    What is a GIMP-print CUPS driver and where do I find it, please? I can only find something described as a driver for a HP LaserJet 1200.

    Kobe Bryant Vi Shoes. 24 at NIKEiD.com. Kobe
  • 24 at NIKEiD.com. Kobe

  • Princess-Zoe
    Dec 12, 08:22 PM
    I have a iPod Touch, I believe it is a 3G. I have the App "Talking Tom" which is a cat who repeats whatever you say in a funny voice. The kids use it on their parents iPhone. I want to get a microphone to work with this App. I don't want the one with earplugs. It needs to talk out loud so others can hear it, it is hysterical. So what will work with it?
    Thanks Guys, and Gals,
    Princess Zoe

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  • MoparShaha
    Jul 8, 04:27 PM
    ...Posting 2 word replies every minute or two from 12:46PM-2:04PM (approximately 75 posts) definitely qualifies as spam...Exactly.

    I remember running into his "posts" in almost every thread I clicked on that afternoon. It really ticked me off.

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  • TonyC28
    May 4, 12:51 PM
    Good call Wacky, I forgot that part. And to Ivabign, you came to the right place to ask a question. It's a shame there are so many d-bags on here who get offended that you don't spend your days studying the iPhone manual.

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  • hdsalinas
    Dec 2, 04:25 PM
    We are getting a PS3 as a family christmas present-... well is for me and my 4 year old kid. I might get just a few games... GT5, fifa world cup, toy story 3 or something for my boy. I plann on renting most of teh games I play so I dont see myself getting more than a few games.

    I currently dont play any games on my mac but I would love to have something to relax and play blue ray movies as well (I dont have a BR disk player)

    I am thinking on getting the basic 160Gb unit that sells for $300 but I am tempted to get the PS3 Move bundle for a $100 more.

    The PS3 w Move Bundle has a 320GB HD, now, why will I need such a large disc to play games? What do you store on the HDD?

    pardon my ignorance, but I am not a power user when it comes to games...

    Kobe Bryant Vi Shoes. Nike Zoom Kobe VI Basketball
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  • Tilpots
    Apr 25, 10:21 AM
    ^^Excellent. I don't have another computer, so Option #2 it is. Thanks!

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  • scirica
    Apr 29, 06:41 PM
    Not like David to not answer. Has it been days or are you just being impatient? Twitter is a good suggestion.

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  • Nike Unveils the Zoom Kobe VI

  • Danny Boy
    Apr 21, 08:13 AM
    I'm trying to copy my iTunes library to a thumb-drive so that I can play it in my car ( it has a USB plug). My problem is that the car can't play apple
    Lossless, which is how I've ripped all the music in iTunes. For one of my iPods, this is very easy, where you can choose to down-res your library during the sync. Is there a way to do this using the export function? Should I just copy the files and move them to the thumb-drive and then down-res them? If I did that, how would I keep iTunes from down-resign my original library. Advice please!

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  • Rower_CPU
    Dec 14, 05:59 PM
    Yeah, I did check it out. It does look really good.

    Nice music, too. "Nightmare Before Christmas", right?

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  • AndrewR23
    May 5, 09:32 PM
    I thought the same thing after having my phone replaced earlier this week. The screen feels amazing! Does anyone know how long it takes before it fades off?

    I noticed about 5 months for me. Im not a heavy user, but I think it faded off faster from sliding in and out of my pocket.

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  • Hemingray
    Sep 30, 04:15 PM
    Yes, you read that that right -- it takes over 13,000 more 2GHz AMD processors to equal the work-unit crunching power of "just" 32K PowerBooks!

    I'm a little surprised by that, that's pretty impressive. Now if we could only match them on their superficial MHz terms then we'd do more than blow the competition out of the water!

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  • syedzaidi.nyc
    Jan 13, 10:43 PM
    Hey All,
    Thank You for reading and I hope that I can get some help on this forum. Just to let you know, I have been reading extensivly on my problems and really need some help with the following issues. I will first state the problems as precisely as I can, and then tell you what I have done (if anything), later.

    I have a Mac Mini server running 10.6.5 server (.5 updated a few weeks ago). This server is running AFP, DNS, Open Directory, Print and SMB. It is also running VMWare, and a CRM called ACT!. This vmware is on bridged mode, because it does share it's ACT! database with the other PC's on the network. This is necessary in our work environment, as the clients are PC's. We also have a Airport Extreme router running NAT and Port Forwarding for external management and it is on bridged mode (b/c of Verizon). All the PC's are running Windows XP Professional. All is wireless.

    1. My largest problem is that the PC's are flaky when it comes to binding to my OD Master server. Just to let you know, DNS resolutions are working. On top of this, the OD Master seems to be replicating to the vmware ip addresses. I think this may be a source of the problem and I have gone into WGM and removed ALL instances of the ip addresses. I have restarted and still found it to be replicating to those numbers. Can any of you help me remove this problem, as I think this is a root to the issue.

    2. My screen sharing no longer works. It is enabled in system preferences but it won't work in/out house. No clue why.

    3. I cannot wire my server to the router, but I can wire the clients to the router. Would this help or not?

    I have been calling Apple like no tomorrow, but little help has come my way. I have destroyed and rebuilt this OD server several times. There are no replicas (due to the size of the infrastructure). I would like to setup a simple OD server where users from PC's can authenticate and mount their respective folders to edit. If any of you are familiar with VMWare, is there a way to circumvent/destroy those interfaces vmnet1 and vmnet8 without losing access to the internet? My client is dependent on VMWare to work as ACT! stores her entire business career. I am a fast responder and desperately in need of answers!
    Thank You,
    Syed Zaidi

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  • gkarris
    Apr 26, 02:19 PM
    3D! 3D! 3D!


    But the TV's are expensive... :eek:

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    Feb 23, 02:09 PM
    I've recently installed an SSL. All browsers on Mac and windows works fine. Also, Opera works great on the iPhone. When I visit the site on Safari on the iPhone or iPad, I get the SSL error "cannot verify server identity." I'm not finding any solutions to the issue. I've also verified everything on http://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html

    I have other sites with SSLs that work fine on the same server. The SSL issuer is also the same. I just don't get it.

    Has anyone ever had this issue or knows how to resolve it?

    Thanks everyone.

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  • Applejuiced
    May 1, 04:37 PM
    Good luck dude.
    After the update you will know for sure.

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  • Kobe Bryant Nike Zoom Kobe II

  • OllyW
    Feb 19, 08:30 AM
    As the Daily Mail would say, "If only Diana was here..." we'd all be saved!

    At least they've moved on from ‘Hurrah For The Blackshirts’ (http://www.voiceoftheturtle.org/dictionary/dict_h1.php#hurrah).

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  • Nike Zoom Kobe Bryant Men#39;s

  • simsaladimbamba
    Dec 18, 10:11 AM
    You need 500 posts.
    The FAQ has a lot of information about almost all aspects of this message board: http://guides.macrumors.com/Help:MacRumors_FAQ#How_do_I_set_my_avatar.3F

    Btw, Site and Forum Feedback (http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=66) is the proper place to ask such questions and discuss the "harsh" rule of having 500 "****ing" posts to have an avatar.

    May 4, 02:52 PM
    I'm not a fan of constantly dialing 112 if I reboot. In the UK 112 is actually 911.

    I'm sure the reroute is the same in the U.S., just don't be an idiot and let it dial, really simple. Redialing 112 isn't all that bad actually.

    Jan 9, 10:08 AM

    Mar 31, 08:47 PM
    OK. So, I did multi camming, then rendered, thus removing the extra ends of the videos.

    So, pretty much... editing the cuts between angles, since this is a moving camera(some parts suck) then it'd speed the click or vice versa.

    Jul 10, 11:21 AM
    Ok, so the solution is not to avoid using the link, but rather to make sure you send the faulty cable back.


    I'll try and remember this if i ever need to replace one. Thanks.

    Apr 9, 07:37 AM
    Check out the iPhone 4 design that I made with Fatpaint.com (http://fatpaint.com)

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